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Alarms blared through the castle as it shook from a hit of an explosion.

"Allura!" Keith ran in the control room first as she and Coran where on the floor.

"Zarkon found us! We've been hit with no particle barrier," Allura scrambled to her feet quickly as her hair was still down from the surprise attack but in her armor.

"Do we have enough power to escape?" Pidge asked.

"We could escape on the lions," hunk offered as he held his bayard tightly in his armor like the others.

"What about the castle?" Lance asked with worried eyes.

"There won't be a castle if we don't get out," Keith said quickly as they where hit again.

"Coran go with hunk, everyone to your lions now! We don't have time!" Allura said quickly as Pidge had her hands gripping lances arm in fear. A habit she use to have with Matt when she was scared.

"Pidge come on," Lance told her with a shandy voice. Keith quickly stopped to see what the two Paladins where doing but realized the situation.

"Lance-" "I got this Keith, go to black and help the others, I'll be in red in a moment," Lance smiled at him softly but fear was in his blue eyes. Keith nodded as he was secretly as afraid but ran to black anyways.

"Lance I can't do this on my own," she whispered.

"Can green follow?" He asked and she nodded with tears in her eyes as she hyperventilated.

"Come on Katie, we'll be okay, we have to go," Lance told her and they ran off as his heart raced inside his chest, he couldn't have a panic attack now, not when Pidge was on the verge of one herself.


"Pidge where are you?!" Keith called worriedly as the three lions flew out but soon green was following red.

"She's with me team leader, was about to have a panic attack, I couldn't leave her behind," Lance answered as Pidge was behind his chair.

"Alright, Allura you think you can create a worm hole with blue? We did it before, Lance could you do it with red?" Keith asked.

"That wasn't me, that was blue," Lance gulped.

"Well get a lion to do it again!" Keith cried out as zarkon was gaining on them.

Allura closed her eyes gripping the levers tightly as she focused on blues energy but nothing happened.

"Lance can you get red to do anything?" She cried out.

Lance frantically typed across his board as the others fired back on the galra ship and Pidge took off her helmet to help Lance.

"Come on girl, help me out," Lance whimpered. Suddenly he felt like he was hit but it was hunk crashing against red as yellow was hit.

"Hunk!" Lance yelled with wide eyes.

"I'm okay, but I won't be able to take another hit," hunk panted.

"Lance hurry!" Keith yelled with clear fear in his voice.

Suddenly red was hit by a blast and purple energy surrounded the lion as sparks flew everywhere and purple electricity ran through the controls and up his arms to his body making Lance scream as he couldn't let go of the controls.


Lance ripped his hands from the controls as he shook violently feeling the electricity corse through him and he flinched a few times before controlling his breathing and regaining his surroundings.

"I'm okay... I'm... I'm fine," Lance whispered as he could feel his body still shaking a little, he didn't know if it was from fear or the attack but he knew it wasn't from a machine.

"Can you get out of here?" Pidge gripped his shoulder and squeaked she felt a spark hit her from Lance.

"I-I," Lance was in a panic state, couldn't concentrate on anything. Lance could hear Pidge telling him to press these buttons or the others yelling at him to hurry but he was frozen. He couldn't do it. His hands shook and he couldn't breathe again.

"Lance, listen to me," keiths voice cut in over everyone's. Something he could actually concentrate on.

"Red is your lion, you know what to do," he said calmly and Lance bit his lip as he pressed a few buttons and flipped a few switches then a worm hole popped up in front of them. Lance put full power into getting through that worm hole but pidges scream echoed his lion.

"Green!!" She screamed looking at her lion being destroyed by zarkons canon.

"I-it destroyed the lion, the galra can destroy lions!" Allura said with panic.

"Pray to the stars..." Coran breathed.

They where all in shock until a voice started mumbling through the helmets, mumbling a prayer.

Keith was gripping his controls with shaky hands as he prayed to live, prayed for forgiveness, prayed for his friends as tears fell down his pale face. If zarkon can destroy one lion, he can destroy all.

"Keith..." Hunk whispered.

"I thought you don't believe in God? You gave me a hard time about it..." Lance gulped as he flew through the worm hole as everyone else did. He could feel the necklace under his armor of the silver cross he always wore under his shirt.

"I didn't..." Keiths voice trembled. "But m-maybe he'll listen?"

"It's going to be okay, guys just stay with me, it's going to be okay," Lance sighed as Allura looked at all of them with wide eyes.

Lance felt something cold spike his head and closed his eyes tightly. It was blue speaking to him...

"The blue lion isn't responding to me," Allura voice broke into sobs as she couldn't move. Lance paled.

Suddenly a purple wormhole appeared in front of them and the galra armada entered as they all gasped in fear and Pidge started to cry harder and allura sobbed with her head down.

Lance backed his lion away as he cussed in Spanish with trembling hands still.

"Go... GO! We need to-" Allura was cut off when a blast hit her and the purple beam cut through her hole lion and sparks flew when blue was destroyed.


Lance was frozen in shock as tears slowly trailed down his face but for some reason... He felt off.

This couldn't feel real.

"Keith! Look out!" Pidge yelled but she had no helmet on when small fighter ships started to shoot at the black lion from behind and they could heard Keith roaring in rage as he blasted back at them.

But it was a distraction for the next beam to hit hunk.

"H-hunk? Coran..." Lance covered his mouth with tears racing down his face viciously. Pidge fell to her knees next to him sobbing.

Lance opened his mouth to scream for Keith, to warn him, but he couldn't make a sound as ships blasted the black lion while it fought back and Lance could hear Keiths screaming in rage through the head set. Soon it cut off.

"Lance, Lance we need to go," Pidge shook his arm.

"K-Keith.. The others," Lance looked at his panel.

"Lance we need to move!" Pidge raised her voice. They where hit at the side and Pidge flew to the side cracking her head against the wall and fell to the ground limply.

"Pidge!?" Lance called back. No answer.

"Oh dios oh dios oh jesus voy a morir," Lance whimpered as a ship hit him again.

Lance did like he did before to open a wormhole and passed through without hesitation but a few ships passed with him.

"Get away!!" Lance turned red around as the wormhole closed and blaster three ships without hesitation.

He panted as tears streamed down his face and blue seemed to shut down on him. Lance gripped his controls as he looked back at Pidge as blood pooled around her head.

"P-Pidge?" He didn't notice he was dropping in an atmosphere and towards a planet.

"Katie?" He covered his mouth kneeling next to his friend.

He pulled her close to his chest as she wasn't breathing and her heart wasn't beating.

"Katie, Katie I'm so sorry, please wake up, despierta pequeña hermana..." He sobbed into her shoulder as alarms went off in his lion.

"I'm so sorry Pidge," he whispered brushing her hair away.

Lance sat in his pilot seat and saw he was hurdling towards blue water, to earth...

"Wait..." He sniffled and wiped the snot from his nose.

"Red, blue please get up, red come on we're going to crash!" Lance panicked as he was getting closer and closer to the ocean.

"RED!" He crashed into the water. Alarms blasted in the lion as water surrounded him with fearful eyes full of tears.


Then it went black...

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