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Lance walked down the streets with his hood up while it down poured rain outside, he jumped at the sound of thunder and kept his head down not wanting to see how the world has changed quit yet. He's waited for so long to feel rain again but his body felt numb.

"Hey kid, you alright?" A man asked stopping Lance at a stop light. He barely glanced at him as he had a good over his face as he had ginger hair and dark purple hair with turquoise pupils eyes with stubble.

"I-I-I'm fine," Lance backed away.

"Your soaked to the bone, where's your parents?" The man asked as touching his shoulder gently.

"D-don't touch me!" Lance jumped away with wide blue eyes.

"Hey hey I'm not going to hurt you, take it easy," he told him softly.

"Where's your parents? Where do you live?" He asked again.

"I-I don't have either," Lance sniffled. He looked up and looked at him seeing make up on the mans face washing away as yellow markings showed up and flower slightly in the dark night and through the rain.

"Coran?" Lance blinked in surprise as he covered his mouth.

"W-wha... Who are you?" The man grabbed lances collar quickly.

"Your altean!" Lance cried out seeing the paint washing away was revealing yellow markings. He grunted out in pain of the broken bones.

"I-I'm Lance! My names Lance! I was the blue paladin and pilot of the red lion!" Lance said quickly as the man got more angry but his eyes widen and let go of Lance.

"Alright... Come with me, your freezing," the man motioned behind him and Lance followed behind him.


"So your Corans son?" Lance asked softly.

"I thought my father was dead, along with the other alteans," he leaned back in the couch.

"I never caught your name," Lance looked at him.

"On earth, it's Al, Al Joseph, but back on altea, it was Alzi," he smiled.

"Which do you prefer?" Lance asked as he bounced his leg.

"Al, alteas gone," he shrugged.

"I suppose my father is too?" Al looked at Lance.

"...yea..." His voice cracked.

"He died a hero... I planned on giving him a tombstone as well as Allura and the other Paladins," a tear fell down lances face.

"Thank you, I appreciate that Lance," Al smiled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to cause trouble," Lance stood up and tried to walk away but Al place a hand on his arm gently.

"And where are you going to go? I'm not letting you sleep on the streets," Al said gently. Lance stayed silent.

"Here, take my bed tonight, I'll sleep on the couch, your exhausted," he said to the boy.

Lance continued his silence as his body was trembling.

"Hey it's okay bud, I know it's scary, but your hurt, I'll get you some water and tomorrow an actual meal," he place both hands on lances shoulders.

"C-can I get..." Lance wiped his tears and sniffled. "Can I get empanadas?" He whispered.

Al chuckled a little as he brought Lance into a hug. Lance stiffened as he was embraced, no ones actually given him physical comfort since... Everything... He didn't realize how much he needed something as simple as a hug.

Lance sniffled as he leaned against the older man who was related to the man that was the closest thing to a father he's had.

Al looked down at Lance with a sentimental look as Lance closed his eyes silently crying against his shoulder.

"It's okay m'boy," he whispered and Lance clung onto his jacket crying harder. Coran always called him that.

"Let's get you in a real bed, you look like you haven't slept in days," al bent down slightly to see lances face.

"I've been sleeping in blue, three hours at least," he mumbled.

"Come on kiddo, let's get you to bed, I'll dry your jacket," Al told him and Lance nodded as he slowly walked with the altean to a small room of the apartment. Lance laid in the bed and Al left him be with the door cracked open. Lance covered in the comfy blanket and laid on the pillow.

He stared at the wall across the room with a blanket expression as he begged for sleep, he turned the other way and saw the water Al promised and sipped a little of the water until it was all gone. Lance laid on his back with a grunt as he took a few deep breaths trying to ignore the pain everywhere.

He took another breath and closed his eyes. Finally falling asleep.

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