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"Lance we'd like to discuss some matters with you," Diana, Clark and batman sat with Lance in a living room at the watch tower. To finally eat.

"I'm not being your secret weapon, I don't care if the worlds in a war or whatever, red and I are not weapons," Lance said with a scratchy voice as his eyes where red from lack of sleep.

"I understand," Clark nodded.

"But we have found out that your mother, stow away about 30 grand for her children only, she was second to last one to die, then it was your brother Luis, who could only use 5 thousand for his medication when he suffered from liver cancer," batman explained.

"The rest of the money is yours," Diana told him softly.

"What about rosy and Leo?"

Lance stared at them tiredly as the question hung in the air. No one said anything.

"What about Rosetta Maria and Leonardo Samuel McClain?" He glared at them.

"They never took the money and neither did Rachel, she was offered the money but she never touched it," batman told him.

"Is rosy alive? She was only five..." His eyes widen with hope.

"We don't know, but the money is yours," canary smiled at him gently.

"I've agreed to pay for the rest to support you to get back on your feet," batman nodded.

"Then I'm gone, I want my own place and a safe bunker to hide red from anyone and anything, and six graves," Lance listed tiredly as he rubbed his face.


"But you will be under our supervision until your properly taking care of yourself and the passcode to the lions bunker," batman told him.

"Screw you," Lance spat.

"She's my lion and my mothers money, I'll tell you the address when I get a place but red stays a secret, you get no right to my lion," Lance crossed his arms.

"Alright just calm down Lance," Diana eased him.

"You can go once your injuries are healed and your going to therapy," she told him.

"I'm not going to therapy, you can't make me," Lance scoffed.

"Wow I sound like k.... Keith..." Lance bit his lip as he held his hands tightly together in his lap.

"I could screw all of this and go back into space, I could go back to the balmera maybe or even the blade of Marmora, they'll help right? They knew Keith, he was galra, Ulaz helped Shiro and Thace was good, right? I could go looking for others or find alteans or whatever, maybe someone's alive and blue just doesn't know-" "-Lance your mumbling, are you okay?" Clark asked with worried eyes as well as Diana while batman looked stone cold as usual.

"I'm fine," he whispered rubbing his eyes.

"As we where saying, you have a broken nose, broken ribs, a minor concussion, broken wrist, and a damaged lung, your lucky to be alive but right now you just need to rest and heal," Diana explained softly.

"That crash years ago hit you pretty hard Lance," she said and he had a blank expression as he ran his thumb over his own cased up hand. He could feel the pain as he breathed. The bandage over his nose and two stitched on his lower lip and one on his upper lip where the gash was with the cut on his eye brow.

"Would you like to meet people again? Kids your age," Diana asked.


"They are your younger league, meta humans, except two, a speedster, a Martian, a clone that's only half human, an antlantian, an archer, and a... Robin..." She smiled a little.

"It may be good for social anxiety," batman nodded.

"I rather not," Lance bowed his head down.

"Thanks for everything and for nothing, but I'm going to do whatever," Lance stood up and quietly left.

"What if we could bring one of the kids to try talking to him? We're just adults," Diana turned to the men.

"Dicks only lost his parents, not friends or has any PTSD like Lance," Bruce explained.

"Wally?" Clark offered.

"... Maybe..."

"How about Megan? She's kind, caring, Lance might open up to her," Diana smiled.

"Again, PTSD, or trust issues, loosing someone he cares for, she's to bubbly," Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Fuck it, whatever, let's just bring him to the mountain, he can heal there," he walked out as the two other adults raised an eye brow.

"Hey Bruce, don't be mad, 'kay Bruce?" Flash zoomed in.

"I doubt it..."

"He's gone, the kids gone with the lion," flash said quickly with wide eyes seeing batman growl and gave him the bat glare. Then he sped out with a squeak.

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