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Matt stood in front of six graves as his light brown eyes stared at a specific one as there was white and pink flowers in front and a green ribbon around them while there was a green helmet in front of the grave.

"I'm sorry Matt," Lance walked and stopped behind him as he was scared almost of matts rage of it being his fault.

"She was still fourteen," Matt closed his eyes.

"Please tell me what happened Lance," he looked at the Cuban boy and lances eyes widen in fear of the truth. But Matt deserved it.

"The galra surprised attacked us and we where suppose to get to our lions but p-Pidge was scared and was about to have a panic attack so I let her stay in red with me, she didn't feel safe in the castle... But then one by one we where all picked off by this weapon the galra had and it-it destroyed the lions, went right through them, so we aborted the mission and just had to get through a worm hole, I was hit by a fighter and it shook red pretty bad, she went flying and hit her head bad... I-I'm sorry Matt it's all my fault," Lance bowed his head down as Matt saw his hands shaking terribly.

"I should've done something I'm sorry I should-" Matt pulled Lance close as he held the young paladin tightly as Lance was stiff.

"It's not your fault kid, I don't blame you... It's the galra's fault, they killed katie not you Lance, I'm sorry for what your going through," Matt gulped as Lance could tell he was crying silently so he gripped the man tightly.

"All I want is this war done and over with, it's justice they all deserve," Lance wiped his face quickly as he looked up at Matt.

"My people are working on a way to get the red lion through the atmosphere without alarming the galra, it'll be our best advantage," Matt explained as his face hardened into determination.

"Until then?" Lance pursed his lips.

"Until then keep your eyes open for anything, stop sending out signals incase someone we don't want finding out about you does,"

"You got it,"


"So how'd it go?" Megan asked gently as she and Lance walked down the beach together.

"Matt said we should stay here, to not risk the galra finding red," Lance gulped as his hands where in his kaki short pockets while wearing a black tee shirt and had a couple brackets on his wrist that weren't to tight but just loose enough.

"Alright, we have to think this through okay? Let's just listen to Matt for now," Megan smiled gently at him and Lance looked at her for a second and smiled gently back.

"Wanna head home?" She asked nudging him playfully. Neither of them are use to having it be home but the beach house was their sanctuary.

"Nah I'm going to walk a little longer, I'll meet you back for dinner," Lance smiled kindly and she nodded.

"Up and early to train tomorrow right?" Megan winked at him.

"I think I have something better for us to do tomorrow," Lance chuckled and Megan raised an eye brow but shrugged nodding.

"Alright but no movie day again, that doesn't count lazy ass," she giggled and Lance whined but laughed nodding.

"Don't worry it's my turn to teach you something and it's not how to spend twelve hours straight getting through a season," Lance smirked and Megan laughed a little as she walked back home and Lance smiled looking at the ocean he lived on. Best part so far of coming home is seeing the ocean again.

Lance sat on the sand with his feet touching the edge where water barely reached the dry sand. He watched the coast as he inhaled the salty air with the cool breeze. It was relaxing, made him feel a little more at home but the memories of him and his siblings going to the beach haunted him.

He heard footsteps behind him and smiled softly keeping his back to who he thought was Megan.

"I'm okay red I promise, did you lock yourself out of the house again?" He smiled looking back but paled as his heart stopped seeing batman and some young justice league members.

"Get back!" He grabbed his bayard and it turned into a red sniper rifle.

"Hey kid we're not going to hurt you," Robin said gently as Lance noticed none of them where in their uniforms but batman who stood behind them all.

"I don't want to be apart of your crap!" Lance stood up quickly as the gun was locked on anyone who moved suddenly.

"That's not a choice when there's space craft coming onto the earth," batman stepped forward and Lance glanced back seeing his home.

He broke into a quick sprint but a strong hand grabbed his arm and they rolled on the ground as Lance was pinned and his bayard was at his finger tips in the sand. Lance started hyperventilating as he whimpered reaching for his weapon but glanced back into icy blue eyes at who he knew was Conner.

The stronger boy grabbed lances wrist and pinned it by his head as his other arm was pinned to the sand outstretched.

"S-stop-stop it please," Lance trembled.

"Conner!" Megan screamed in horror as Lance was shaking under him closing his eyes as he started to mumble shaking his head.

Conner let go but Megan shoved him back.

"Get away from him," Megan's eyes flower green as she had a snarl on her face and Al ran over to Lance as Matt was following.

"Hey hey kid your okay, your okay," al knelt down to his and saw forming bruises on his wrist and bicep where Conner kept him down.

"I-I..." Lance sat up and Matt took out a bow staff and placed it in the sand.

"I said you can never come near him! I told you-and-and you all lied to me... What kind of friends are you?" Megan had tears in her eyes and the younger heroes looked at her sadly.

"He attacked," batman said calmly.

"It's self defense!" Al snarled walking in front of Megan as he got in batmans face. "What kind of man are you to attack a child! A child that's suffering grief and fear!"

"How can you call yourself a hero when you don't protect those who need it," he spat but batman grabbed his collar.

"Do not threaten me civilian," he hissed. Al made himself grow two feet taller and towered over batman making others gasp.

"Don't threaten my family earthling," al shoved him to the sand and Wally gulped grabbing robins arm.

"A-al stop please..." Lance stood up as he didn't have an emotion in his blue eyes.

"I'm fine... It's fine," he looked down and walked away as Megan looked at him worriedly.

Wally looked at his friends worriedly at the boy who was just a little older than him but pursed his lips seeing the bayard.

"Lance right?" He sped in front of him and Lance jumped but looked at the red head with a small nod.

"You forgot this," he smiled brightly and Lance saw his bayard in wallys hands. He looked back at the speedster as he could see himself in the young boy; smiling and fighting like your on top of the world, saving people from the bad guys, not knowing how far this will go until it turns dangerous.

"Thanks..." Lance whispered taking it but Wally didn't move.

"We didn't mean to scare you, I don't know the whole situation really cause bats keeps us in the dark, a lot, but I gotta feeling it's about your bad ass lion," Wally smiled rocking himself on his heals and Lance glanced behind him as Megan was watching nervously and al calmed down while Matt kept a glare on the others.

"I'm not here to be a weapon, I'm not even eighteen, I just want to be a kid a little longer okay? I'm just tired," Lance pushed past him and walked up the stairs to his porch and went inside.

"Is he okay?" Conner asked Megan gently touching her shoulder but she ripped herself away from him.

"Don't talk to me, I'm not coming to training tomorrow," Megan said as she went home as well but Wally gently touched her arm as she passed him.

"I'm sorry Meg's," he whispered and Megan's face softened.

"Do you and Robin want to come in? I made some soup," she turned to Wally as Robin walked over.

"If it's okay with Lance, and Conner can come," Wally smiled gently and she looked at the house.

"I'll be right back,"

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