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Keith heard a child laughing to the side and he rolled his eyes but caught a glimpse of familiar wavy brown hair and a old laugh he hasn't heard in a while.

"Lance?" Keith turned around immediately seeing his friend playing with a little girl that was wearing his jacket as she was laughing at him.

"Lance Charles Mcclain! Where the fuck have you been?!" Keith roared as he ran over immediately as lance froze with wide eyes as he didn't look at keith.

"You left without telling us! I was worried sick you asshole I didn't know if you were hurt or- or what the fuck you did! Don't leave like that! I almost threw up!" Keith grabbed his arm and shook him a little as lance didn't move.

"Ro... rosy?" Was the only thing that left his lips.

Keith glared as he looked at the old woman with her daughter and grand child who still wore Lances jacket. The mother took off the jacket on Nadia and handed it back to lance very concerned for her family, not understanding what was completely happening.

"Thank you for getting my daughter back to me sir, I really do appreciate it," Veronica smiled kindly as lance as he seemed to be in shock.

"I-I-I..." lance was lost for words.

"I'm sorry about my friend," Conner stepped forward and put a hand on his shoulder. Lance flinched away and backed off.

"We'll let you go if you'd like," he nodded sternly as lance held his jacket to his chest, his personality switching completely as he put his head down

"Thank you lance!" Nadia ran over and hugged his legs smiling as lance looked at her sadly.

"Hey, promise me you won't talk to strangers anymore, okay?" Lance knelt down to her and smiled gently at the child. "Your lucky cause we both needed a hand but stay close to your mom always, got it?"

"Okay," Nadia beamed up at him and hugged lance around the shoulders, he embraced her gently and sighed softly. The old woman watched them with a soft look in her face.

She was old, she forgot most of her families faces... her Abuela, some of her uncles and aunts... but the way this boy was it seemed so familiar, those eyes. She knew them. And the way he didn't let go of her granddaughter until she let go first. A common rule in their family to never be the first to let go when hugging a child. Her uncle lance would always spin her around and waited for her to let go.

"Veronica please give him your number," she told her daughter softly.

"Mama that-" "I want to reward him for finding my babes, but I don't have anything on me, please?" She smiled brightly with her crows feet wrinkling around her eyes.


Veronica grabbed inside her purse with an old receipt and her pen to write her phone number for the boy. Nadia let go and the two high fived as lance chuckled at her but was surprised when she handed him the paper.

"Call us, my mother wants to reward you, I thank you again," Veronica picked up Nadia and set her on her hip as lance held it gently.

"I-ok-okay.." lance pursed his lips as the three walked away and left him with the two boys.

"I'm sorry I left," lance hugged the jacket up to his chest turning to them. "She just wanted to find her mom,"

Conner sighed shaking his head about to open his mouth as keith walked up and hugged him tightly with his hands shaking a little.

"Don't do that again then, you scared me," Keith whispered as lance nodded softly.

Yes, lance was clingy with Keith, he didn't like being away from him and usually tried to stick by him, not knowing if it would be the last time. Didn't want to loose or take advantage of the little family he has left.

But Keith felt fear when lance wasn't in his sight or near him so suddenly, it wasn't for control, but it was similar to how he was when he was younger and with shiro after his father died. He wanted to say it was separation anxiety, it was the easiest way of explaining it. Even after training himself for so long to not rely on others, closing himself off so he wouldn't feel this way again.

"You okay?" Lance asked softly knowing Keith was the one that always kept one foot closer. He nodded softly.

"Last time I turned my back on you we both went into a coma, don't do that shit," Keith punched his arm as lance grunted a little but didn't move.

"Keith-" lance looked at him with something sad in his eyes.

"Yea," he looked back at him calmly.

"Keith I..." his jaw trembled.

"C-can we leave? I can't be here anymore," lance whispered as his hands started to shake.

"Yea, I'll get Megan," Keith nodded as lance inhaled deeply sitting on the bench as keith looked at Conner.

"I'll stay with him," Conner said emotionless as keith hesitated but finally left to get the others.

"I'm sorry for bringing up your friends before," Conner sat next to lance on the bench as lance kept the jacket close to his chest.

"I think that was my niece," lance covered his mouth.

"The little girl?"

"Her grandmother, that was my niece," lance closed his eyes trying to keep everything down but his emotions bubbled up.

"I missed her whole life, and my nephews, she has a family and I missed it all," lance breathed heavily as he stared at the ground.

"That was my family and she didn't even know who I was," he covered his face.

Conner put a hand on his shoulder as he didn't know how to respond to something like this. But he wanted to let Lance know he was there for him...

"At least she had a happy life right?" Conner pursed his lips.

Lance looked up at where the family left but knew he wouldn't be able to see them. He was right...

"Yea, I guess..."

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