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"So they're like joining up?" Matt whispered next to Lance as they sat at a large table with other justice league members as they all talked among each other.

"More like not getting involved with the galra," Lance whispered back. "Think they'll keep their word?"

"Don't worry I brought a friend," Matt smirked patting the seat next to him which was empty. Lance heard the doors open and saw a small figure walk over.

"Oh so you did survive in this reality,"

"Oh no not Slav," Lance whined looking at Matt who smiled innocently.

"At least he'll either piss them off enough or make really good points," Matt smirked as Slav sat next to Lance as he sent the older man a glare.

"Before we begin, I'd like for everyone to take precaution for what you'll hear as not all of you have known about what we'll discuss including what many of us thought was impossible... Then again many of us are the impossible," super man smiled gently and Matt and Lance looked at each other unamused already.

"Seven weeks ago batman, aquaman and I found something at the bottom of the ocean, turns out to be the blue paladin before us of the red lion that is apart of a super weapon called Voltron," he explained and motioned to Lance.

"Lance would you like to take over?" Super man asked and Lance nodded and pushed himself up from the table and Matt handed him a device and Lance slid it to the middle of the large table.

"Thanks... U-um..." Lance pursed his lips but canary sent him a comforting smile and nod. He took a deep breath and turned on the device with a remote. It began to glow a bright orange.

"As you know the basics there is a lot more going on outside our planet and even our galaxy, there's a war coming and there was a time where it came to earth before," Lance looked around and some adults sat up straighter as they where taken by surprise or already knew.

"That's because Voltron wasn't there, but there's hope now, I was given recent news by the rebellion that my leader is alive, takashi Shirogane, the best of the best in garrisons, a true hero," the device turned a hologram of six pictures with three on top and bottom, his team, his family.

"Though there isn't much more than that, the information says a lot, katie holt is confirmed deceased but the rest we have no true way of knowing if they're alive or not, but... The lions where destoryed so another good amount of my team can be claimed dead as well..." Lance looked at the pictures as the hologram turned into a large red lion.

"Then how do you know?" Flash crossed his arms.

"I watched it happen, the galra made a new weapon that can destroy the Voltron lions, such as the blue lion, green lion and yellow lion, who knows if the weapon was a one time thing to destroy the galra's greatest threat or if they continue to use it," Lance showed them a hologram of the galra main cruiser ships.

"These ships are big as mountains, and they have an armada of these, and we've detected which one holds my leader," Lance smiled hopeful.

"And your finally informing us for your own needs?" Batman spoke up and everyone looked at him.

"I'm informing you because earth is both of our homes and we want to protect it, I'm getting Shiro back but I don't have the medical equipment to help him heal if he's either not himself or injured," Lance sat down and Matt nodded.

"And if we don't accept?" Batman narrowed his eyes.

"Then earth is on its own, no lions will protect you, no rebellion against the galra, the galra wants the lions and won't believe you if you say I'm not here, I have no reason to help earth except to have the respectful graves of my loved ones stay intact, but there's other ways to respect deceased heroes," Lance crossed his arms.

"We'd only bring Shiro back to heal and if you aren't willing to allie yourself a then the rebellion will help instead," Matt spoke up.

"Slav what are the changes the galra will attack again? This reality." Lance whispered to him.

"If you leave earths atmosphere, there is a positive 89.67 chance the galra will return, that's if the rebellions cloaking tactic works," Slav jumped onto the table as he had a hologram calculator on his wrist.

"And if it doesn't work," Lance smirked looking right at batman.

"The galra will be here before the red lion returns with the black paladin," Slav calculated.

"There you have it, we're leaving tomorrow to rescue Shiro, it's up to you which percentage you rather have in this reality," Lance smiled standing up as he grabbed the device and the other members of the rebellion stood as well and started to leave.

"What about your friends?" Canary looked at him concerned.

"It's not the first time or last time I'll loose someone I love," Lance looked at her and whistled walking out as his allies where already gone.

The heroes looked at each other, some where worried, some where deciding if he was bluffing.

"Geez you really are bad at making friends," green arrow groaned as canary touched his hand gently as some looked at batman.

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