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"Is he going to be okay?" Lance asked as canary, red tornado and batman walked out of the medical wing as Keith was leaning against the wall near by with the young heroes scattered in the living room.

"We think he'll pull through, we don't really know though," canary said gently and Lance frowned fearfully.

"Can't you do something? A healing pod? Anything than just hope?" Keith walked over pulling his hood down and the adults looked at him.

"Our technology isn't as advance as your alien equipment," batman said flatly.

"We only stay on earth for sanctuary, don't worry Keith he'll be okay," Lance put a hand on his shoulder and he nodded.

"Come on, I have a place we can go to," he smiled gently at him and Keith looked at the others suspiciously.

"What about the lions?" Keith asked.

"They're not going anywhere, I promise," Lance eased him and he pursed his lips nodding as they walked to the zeta beams to leave. Conner watched with a slight frown and saw Megan smiling as she watched them leave.

"You think they'll be okay?" He asked and she looked at Conner.

"Lance was Keiths right hand man from when Shiro disappeared, I'll let them have a moment alone together," Megan giggled and Conner didn't feel any better by the way Lance looked at Keith.


"Wow... You really know how to clean yourself up," Keith walked into his house slightly amazed as he glanced out the large window seeing the ocean.

"How'd you get the money?" He asked as Lance went to his room and came back with some clothes for Keith.

"My mom had an investment for her kids, none of my siblings used it except my brother Luis but he died before he could use all of it," Lance shrugged and Keith took the clothes seeing it was a black shirt and kaki shorts.

"Kaki?" He smirked.

"I got pineapple shorts if you want," Lance teased smirking and Keith laughed softly shaking his head and went to the bathroom to change. Lance shrugged off his jacket and took off his goggles as he threw them on the bed and stripped out of his clothes as he pealed off the spandex under and went to put on a tank top and a hoodie with cargo shorts as he didn't even bother putting on socks.

"Hey Keith you want anything to eat?" Lance asked as he went to the kitchen and grabbed a soda.

"I'd kill for a pizza," Keith smiled walking in and Lance blushed seeing him in his own clothes as the shirt was a little tight around his chest as he must've been training with the blade. Guess six months will do that to ya.

"It's like you read my mind," Lance laughed awkwardly and grabbed his phone to do to for delivery.

"So fill me in on what's going on, how did you escape... Is there anyone else?" Keith asked the last part just at a whisper.

"No... I don't know if there's anyone else, who knows about Allura and hunk and coran," Lance sighed rubbing his arms looking down.

"Pidge?" Keiths eyes widen. "Wasn't she with you?"

"I got hit and she-she wasn't wearing her helmet..." Lance closed his eyes and flashbacks hit him hard.

Keith nodded and saw on the side was pidges bayard and picture.

"I used some of the money to give you guys graves too... I thought you all where dead," Lance sat on the couch with a small bounce and Keith sat with him.

"Thank you then,"

"What?" Lance looked at him surprised.

"Thanks for giving us a proper good bye, a way other people can know we were here, where is it?" Keith asked as he leaned against the arm of the couch and spread out his legs with a small relieving sigh. It's been so long since he's just gotten to sit down and even relax.

"With other heroes," Lance leaned against the arm as well as their legs hit each other but Lance put his on top with a smirk. Keith put his legs over but Lance wouldn't have it.

"So any poor girls you've been hitting on? Who's the green one?" Keith smirked but swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Girls haven't been my top priority actually... And Megan, she's family to me, she's been with me and has helped me through everything, the nightmares, getting use to the new world, she introduced me to her friends actually a couple days ago and they're cool, not all human," Lance explained and Keith crossed his arms listening.

"Wally has super speed, Megan is a Martian actually, Kaldur is from Atlantis, Robin and Artemis are humans, zatanna has magic, Conner is a clone of super man," he shrugged.

"A clone?" Keith frowned.

"Yea but it's not his fault, trust me he's a good guy," Lance smiled comfortingly and they heard the pizza guy arrive a few minutes later.

Lance turned on a movie as they ate the large half pineapple and half pepperoni pizza and Lance threw Keith a coke as he came back from the kitchen with his own.

Lance smiled stealing a slice of pepperoni and sat on the couch as Keith had pineapple with his legs cris crossed on the couch as Lance was sprawled across while starting a starwars movie.

And for once in a very long time, they acted like teenagers.

"Hey Lance," Keith mumbled as he rubbed his tired purple eyes.

"You okay man?" Lance looked at him. Keith wrapped his arms around his chest in a tight embrace. Lance was surprised but hugged him back not two seconds later.

"Yea, I just wanted to say thanks for never giving up," Keith whispered against his shoulder.

"Guess it was the right time at the right place," Lance smiled cradling him for a few moments, he didn't care, he wasn't alone anymore.

"Hey Keith,"


"The tables have turned,"

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