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Lance gasped awake the next morning as he heard birds chirping from the outside but felt a weight curled up against him from the front. He looked down seeing Keith pressed against him for warmth as there was no blanket to cover them. Both of Keiths hands were curled close to his chest as his forehead pressed against Lances chest.

Lance blushed brightly as he saw one of his arms wrapped around Keiths back to hold him close with both their legs tangled together. Of course they fell asleep from the movie again...

"Keith look out!" Pidges voice rang in his head. Keiths battle cries echoing from the last time they were separated.

Lances arms held Keith tighter as he buried his nose on top of Keiths hair as he didn't want to let go, what if it would be the last time.

"Lance?" Keith mumbled now awake.

"You okay?" He looked up at lance with sleepy purple eyes. He could feel something was wrong with lance by the way he tightened his arms.

"Yea, sorry, I didn't realize I really like to snuggle in my sleep," Lance let go immediately and sat up on the couch.

"It's fine," Keith laid on the couch with a soft expression.

"Do you want to see shiro today?" Lance asked standing up as keith finally pushed himself off.

"Yea, probably get an idea of what's the next move, see how functional the lions are, can we talk to those league people too?" Keith asked as he ruffled his black hair with a yawn.

"You sure? Last time you weren't thrilled with them," lance smiled back.

"I'll handle my temper..." Keith pouted.

"Morning everyone!" Megan walked in the mountain with lance and Keith behind her as Shiro was on his feet and talking to canary.

"Nice of you to finally join us," shiro smiled at the boys who looked hopeful seeing their leader standing.

"How are you feeling? Didn't think you'd be up and moving so soon," Keith walked over to his brother with lance.

"I just needed some rest, I'm doing great otherwise," shiro smiled at his boys.

"Black canary and I were just talking about you joining the others for training today," he chuckled and Keiths face dropped.

"Do we have too...?" He asked with a grumble.

"Yay I finally get to beat you up professionally!" Megan squealed as she jumped on Lances back with her arms around his neck.

"But you already bully me on the daily!" Lance bent forward so she was lifted off the ground on his back.

Megan pushed them forward and lance rolled to pin her down but she was faster and grabbed his hands as she sat on his hips as they wrestled.

"I win!" She laughed but screamed when lance flipped them over and pinned her wrists to the ground.

"Lance wins," Robin laughed from the side.

"Enough playing you guys, we have to actually work today," canary put her hands on her hips as lance got up and helped Megan to her feet with a giggle.

Keith softened his face standing with his brother as he watched lance and Megan laughing and talking together as they all crowded with the hero. He knew lance said they were close, plus the crush Conner has on lance that was way to obvious even now, the way Conner kept glancing at the two.

"Partner up you guys, hand to hand sparing today," canary told them as shiro stood with her with his sleeve tied off from where his arm was missing.

Keith opened his mouth as he turned to lance but Conner was already in front of him to speak to the Cuban boy. His chest sank but there was irritation in Keiths face when he was interrupted.

"Wanna partner up?" Conner smiled at lance gently.

"Sorry Conner I already called dibs," Megan held Lances hand smiling brightly as he laughed at the Martian.

"Conner why don't you and Keith pair up?" Canary told him kindly as everyone had their partner already.

The two looked at each other, not to thrilled.

Artemis and Kaldur walked to the floor to begin the training sequence as everyone watched.

"You think you can take on super mans side kick?" Lance teased Keith as they stood side by side.

"Alien vs alien, I think galra might be able to beat whatever he is," Keith crossed his arms smirking.

"I thought galra were evil war beasts?" Conner heard them as he looked at the two as everyone felt the tension rise.

"Not all galra," Keith mumbled.

"But most right?" He asked as lance glanced at keith.

"Sure, whatever," Keith rolled his eyes and they all heard a loud buzz seeing artemis on the ground.

"Conner, Keith, your up," canary called over as kaldur helped the blond teen up and walked off the platform with her.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Wally peaked over robins shoulder seeing how the two hybrids were.

"Let's go," Keith was already walking and the other teens were stiff. Conner nodded walking after him.

The buzzer went off and Conner charged after the shorter boy with his fist back and ready to take him down but Keith ducked and swiped his leg up to kick the muscular boys back and sent him stumbling.

"You got it keith!" Lance punched the air.

Conner growled and used his speed to get in Keiths face and punched him in the chest to send him flying. Keith placed his hands on the ground to back hand spring to his feet as he kept his fists up while panting and immediately ducked conners next hit.

Only to grab the clones shirt and slam his head into his nose as hard as he could ignoring the pain in his own head.

Conner backed up holding his lower face but there was no blood. He glared at keith with a dark look in his eyes as keith smirked a little.

"Better give up now, side kick," Keith put his fists up.

"Never, galra," Conner charged after him once more. Keith charged back and slid under between conners legs and got to his feet quickly, he knew Conner was stronger than him but Keith was faster and more flexible in his battles. He wrapped both legs around conners neck and twisted his whole body to throw the larger boy to the ground with a heavy thud. Giving him the win when Conner hit first.

"Dude that was sick!" Wally yelled as keith panted getting up and offered a hand to Conner.

"Good fight," Keith held his hand out but Conner glared up at him.

"Whatever," he slapped Keiths hand away and got up on his own.

Keith was a little surprised as he watched Conner walk back as wally and Robin went next.

"You did good," lance smiled at Conner when he passed him. Conner dropped his scowl a little and nodded.

"The blades really haven't been slacking with you," shiro smiled proudly at his brother.

"Oh my god don't get me started with those guys, as soon as I was healed they sent three seven foot soldiers after me for training," Keith groaned as lance smiled back over at him with a laugh.

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