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Shiro laid down a red 4 on the table next to him as keith and lance sat on each side hiding their cards. Lance smiled evilly as he laid down a +4 wild card for Keith.

"You dirty bastard," Keith snapped his head at lance as the Cuban smile brightly with an innocent whistle.

"Pick up four bitch, and I choose the color yellow," Lance smirked as shiro laid down a yellow +2 for him.

"If you insist on yellow," shiro smiled brightly as Lances jaw dropped and Keith burst out laughing.

"Dammit," Lance whined picking up two cards.

"Lance? You in here?" Megan knocked on the door before coming in.

"Hey red, how was training?" Lance waved softly and scooted for her to sit with them.

"Artemis made wally cry again," Megan shrugged like it was normal as she looked at Lances cards then shiros.

"Oh your done for mcclain," Megan pursed her lips as shiro put his finger against his lips telling her to be quiet, smirking.

"How are you feeling shiro?" She asked sweetly as lance wrapped his arm around her mimicking her as Megan covered his mouth annoyed and smiled kindly as shiro again.

"Mostly tired, otherwise fine," shiro smiled at the two just as Megan squealed pulling her hand away.

"Don't lick me!" She tried getting out of Lances arms as he stuck his tongue out.

"Don't cover my mouth then," lance smiled and licked her face making Megan gasped in horror.

"Your gross lance," Keith said flatly as he set down a card for the game.

"I'll lick you too," lance threatened.

"Stop licking people," shiro told him not looking up from his cards and set down a skip card smirking.

"Ha," Megan crossed her arms as lance pouted.

Keith got up smirking as he walked out of the room letting the three chat as Megan and lance teased each other. He grabbed a communicator from his pocket and pulled up a screen.

"Kolivan are you there?" Keith looked at the purple device as he walked through the hall.

"Keith, word is you've found Paladins," a gruff voice replied as Loki and face came up.

"Yea, I found lance and shiro, Pidge... the green Paladin is confirmed deceased... Allura and hunk are unknown," Keith reported looking down, inhaling slowly as he had to stay strong like a soldier, he couldn't let the marmora see him weak.

"I apologize for your lost, what is your next tactic?" Kolivan asked calmly as keith thought for a moment.

"I'm staying on earth with my team, if the galra find out where we are since we took the lions then we're going to need as many Paladins as we can get," Keith told him sternly, he wasn't going to change his mind.

"Agreed, Keep up with weekly reports or if there's any sign of the galra near earth," Kolivan nodded, catching Keith by surprise but kept his expression calm.

"Yes sir," Keith nodded and hung up.

"Who was that?" Lance exited the door as keith wasn't to far.

"Kolivan, I told him I'm staying," Keith smiled back at him.

Lance felt joy spread through his chest as he smiled at keith, he stared at him a moment to long as he memorized every little thing about him, what he almost lost. His best friend, his rival, his team mate, he could've lost keith, he could've lost all of them, he couldn't stand taking it for granted anymore.

That thought would linger in his head for who knows how long. What could happen tomorrow? Would they still be here the day after...

"You okay?" Keith asked in a quiet tone.

"Yea, I'm doing good," lance smiled sadly.

"You still look sad," keith pursed his lips leaning against the wall.

"I am.." lance looked down. "But having you guys makes me happy,"

Keith touched his wrist gently and nodded as he looked at Lances eyes.

"We're in this together, no Paladin left behind," Keith grasped his shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"So you going to stay here for the night?" Lance joined him against the wall as they stood side by side.

"Yea, they said shiro should be good to walk again tomorrow," Keith nodded.

"What about his arm? The prosthetic is gone," the blue eye boy sighed.

"Shiro will be okay, we can always make him a new one, we still have alien technology," Keith let out a breath looking up.

"How are we going to take down the galra? We only have three function lions and no castle to repair them with," Lance looked at him seriously.

"We have the rebellion and marmora on our side, the justice league is practically useless against the galra anyways but at least they're allies," Keith nodded as he understood Lances concerns.

"If the galra come, what are they going to do? They don't have battle ships or any weapons," he snorted and lance laughed softly.

"True, they protect earth but that's all they can do... mostly," Lance smirked back.

"I think I'm going to go home, do you need anything?" Lance asked softly looking at keith.

"I'll be okay, some one should stay with shiro here, and you need some rest," Keith smiled back at him.

"Thanks, Tell Megan what you guys want for breakfast, I grab something on my way here," Lance offered and Keith felt his jaw clench as he watched Lances facials.

"I don't like you like this," Keith blurted out with no regret. Lance gave him a confused look.

"Elaborate a little?" Lance blinked.

"I don't like you like this, this isn't the Lance I remember," Keith sighed crossing his arms.

"S-sorry... I don't like it either," lance pursed his lips looking down.

"See this isn't what I like, I don't want you apologizing, I don't want you so timid like it's all your fault," Keith grabbed his chin and made lance look at him.

"I liked the lance that was loud and obnoxious, the lance that was quirky and creative who cared a little to much about his skin for a guy, the lance that always got under my skin but had my back, I liked that lance," he looked in Lances eyes a he was brutal with his honestly, it was one of the things that never got Keith friends, he told them what he liked and didn't like, he didn't sugar coat things.

"I know your getting better, i wish I was there to help you from the start lance, but stop apologizing, things aren't your fault," he nodded determined as lance stayed silent.

"Everyone keeps fucking saying that," lance scoffed looking away.

"Then believe them lance, take that anger towards yourself and use it at the empire," Keith pushed him a little with a smirk.

"I'm sorry..." lance looked down again. He couldn't just stop the thought of his failure, his friends deaths, he was so tired of it all.

Keith pushed him again to get his attention.

"First step of getting better-" Keith grabbed his shirt and pulled lance close.

"Stop apologizing," he smiled confidently.

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