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"Shiro?!" Keith ran through the zeta beam first as lance and Megan where farther behind back on the other side.

"Slow down kid," green arrow grabbed his arm but Keith didn't hesitate to swing his fist to his nose making the man stumble back.

"Again?!" Ollie cried out holding his bloody nose.

"He needs some space," super man stopped Keith.

"I need to see him! Get out of my way spandex," Keith threatened darkly.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that," Superman grabbed his arm. Keith snarled and went to punch Superman but his hand caught the smaller fist.

"Let go!" Keith snarled truing to escape but Superman held him back but threw Keith back enough to make him fall but not hurt him, he quickly pinned Keith to the ground with his hands behind his back as Batman walked in.

"What's going on?" Batman asked unamused.

"He's a fighter and definitely stronger than a normal human," Superman grunted but gasped when Keith bit his hand twisting but couldn't get up still.

"Let go of me you mother fucking pixie ass bitch!" Keith screamed as lance and Megan finally walked in.

"I told you I could hear him from the other side," Lance quirked an eye brow.

"Let him up," he sighed as Superman looked at lance unsure.

"Let him. Go," lance said again more sternly. Superman finally did as Keith growled pushing himself up.

"They won't let us see Shiro," Keith hissed back at lance.

"He's recovering, confused and panicked right now," Batman explained.

"So let us see him, Shiro practically raised me! He'll recognize us!" Keith snapped.

"Keith's right," canary walked over.

"He's not going to feel safe until he sees friends and family, and for it all to be explained of what happened they should do it," she nodded looking at Batman more coldly.

"Fine, go ahead," Batman closed his eyes annoyed. Lance looked at Megan and she nodded smiling letting it be the two boys to greet their leader.

Lance pulled Keith along as he walked to the medical room, his heart raced a little as he saw Shiro sitting up trying to get out of the restraints as he was questioning the flash and Wonder Woman angrily.

"Shiro.." Keith whispered as they entered the room.

"Keith, Lance," Shiro let out a sigh of relief.

"See they know me so release me dammit," Shiro snapped at the two.

"Your not suppose to be here," Wonder Woman looked at them.

"Fuck off," Keith growled back as he walked to Shiro and undid the one wrist restraint and Shiro undid the one around his waist holding him down.

Immediately the brothers by heart embraced each other as Keith wrapped his arms around his shoulders as Shiro pulled him close.

"I was so worried," Keith whispered. "Don't leave me again,"

"How many times are you two going to keep saving me?" Shiro laughed releasing his little brother and smiled at lance who stood at the foot of the bed with a relieved look.

"As many times as it takes," Keith smiled back at lance who nodded.

"Lance are you okay? You look different," Shiro asked concerned as lance didn't act like the same bubbly flirty teenager he saw what he thought was only months.

"You don't know?" Lance looked at him sadly as Keith pursed his lips.

"Know what? What happened?" Shiro asked as Keith touched his shoulder.

"Everyone's dead Shiro... we where attacked by the galra and they made a weapon that destroys the lions," lance inhaled deeply looking at the ground.

"But we're all okay, I mean Keith is here and your alive, what happened to the others?" Shiro asked panicked with wide eyes.

"Allura piloted the blue lion, blue and yellow where destroyed, Keith and I found the lions repaired at the ship we found you," lance continued to explain as Shiro looked paler as Keith looked away with a grieving look.

"What about pidge?" Shiro asked. He didn't miss the tear that ran down lances face.

"I gotta go,"

"Lance wait-" Keith was cut off when lance was already out the door.

"Keith tell me..." Shiro whispered not looking at him.

"Lance saw it all, pidge was with him in red as we all tried to escape, they where hit but pidge died as she wasn't wearing a helmet, she cracked her head.." Keith's voice was shaking.

"Shiro it's been 81 years since we left earth," he sighed as Shiro covered his mouth in horror.

"Go find lance..." he breathed.

"I'll be fine but I need a minute and he needs a friend," Shiro gulped shaking his head. Keith nodded and left as well giving Shiro a moment to let the information sink in.

He covered his face with his one hand and let out a quiet sob.

Not another team...


Lance sat in the hallways as tears streamed down his face as he tried to pull himself together.

But pidge haunted him. That battle haunted him. Everyone's screams and pleas. Pidges desperate cries of fear. Seeing her like that... her body lifeless, the blood. He could've-should've done something.

Lance choked on a silent scream kicking his feet a little, feeling like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Holding and shaking his head. He hated he had to live, he had people to live for now, he had Keith to live for, but that meant he had to live with the memories, his mind was his own hell.

"Hey.. I got you," a voice told him gently as lance felt a hand on the back of his neck and as fingers tangled with his hair.

Lance couldn't even look at Keith as the pale boy looked at him sadly. Keith wasn't good as being sentimental or showing his concern, he didn't want to pity lance, he wanted to help him get through it.

"Come here dummy," Keith sighed as he pulled lance over as lance immediately latched onto him as he hid his face into Keith's shoulder as Keith closed his eyes holding lance as tight as he could with his arms over his shoulders.

"Y-you didn't see it-it, Keith you didn't h-hear them, y-you didn't s-see her!" Lance sobbed into his shoulder as Keith felt his chest tighten. His eyes burned from his own tears not threatening to spill just yet.

"I know, I know lance," he whispered holding lances head with his hands in his hair.

"I'm so sorry..." a tear finally escaped, in so long, Keith cried again, ever since Shiro was claimed dead the first time he was angers and full of blinding rage he didn't even notice he was crying until he was pulled off some poor older kid by commanders and Shiro exe fiancé. He didn't sob, the tears just fell down his face like a river as he was weak in the legs crying by two grown men who held him back.

"I'm so sorry lance," Keith whispered as he felt himself whimper realizing, they where never going to be the same.

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