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"Just-just fucking kick it down, your small enough!"

Megan closed her eyes as she kicked the vent out but Lance quickly caught it before it hit the wall and she flew out silently as Lance jumped down.

"That's why I put you first, so your small enough," Lance said flatly.

"Well I don't wanna get caught!" She hissed back.


"Sorry Matt..." They both grumbled and Lance tapped the side of his goggles as the oxygen mask was gone and where just goggles again.

"Do you know the directions to Shiro?" Lance asked as Megan checked around the corner and gasped seeing the backs of two Galra soldiers.

"They're like seven feet," she looked at Lance with wide eyes.

"No, they can be nine," Lance said with a shrug.

"We gotta go left," Lance grabbed her wrist and they silently ran down the metal halls as Lance put up a screen on his wrists as he followed.

Megan grabbed his hand tightly and pushed themselves against the wall as she turned them invisible when a few guards walked past them. Once it was clear she let go with a deep breath.

"Red you know how I get tingly when you take control like that," Lance smirked and she glared.

"Eyes on the road, not the screen," she said quietly.

"Only two more turns and we should be there, red is right above," Lance explained and took out his bayard as he turned it into a blaster and held it up. Megan walked behind him as he turned it to the rifle and turned a corner sharply.

"Third door on the right," Matt told him.

"Make sure no ones coming," Lance told Megan as they walked down the hall and Lance shot the key pad as Megan stood outside invisible and Lance went in.

He couldn't see a thing as he walked in but a few more steps in Lance saw the lights go on and his heart stopped when he could see. There where lines of shiros in tubes down the wall as at the end of the room in the middle was another Shiro with white hair and asleep.

"S-Shiro?" Lances hands shook as he was starting to have a hard time breathing seeing clones lined up. Then he remembered it's been five years...

Lance walked up to the white haired Shiro as he stared for a moment in horror.

"I'll get you out," he whispered as he pulled up his hood and knelt to the panel as he took it out where the wires where. He knew there was one that would let Shiro go without a sound but he didn't know which. Pidge always said the red wire shuts everything down but would it hurt him?

Suddenly a long sword was at the side of his neck.

Lance stopped and put his hands up as he slowly stood up and kept his back to the owner of the blade at his neck.

"Back away,"

Lance did as he was told. He knew it wasn't a galra soldier otherwise he would've been shot.

Lance grunted as he kicked whoever it was in the side and saw it was one of those blade guys Shiro and Keith found a while back. The not so bad galra? Marmora?

"He's coming with me," Lance snarled not caring. The Marmora soldier had a mask so he couldn't tell what their emotion was and it was hard for them to see who he was as he still had his hood up and his goggles shaded his eyes.

They spin kicked Lance in the shoulder but he rolled and grabbed his bayard and got on his knee to aim it at the Marmora but they grabbed his head and slammed his cheek on their knee.

Lance made a painful sound as he fell back and his hood fell off while holding his cheek.

"Where on the same side asshole!" Lance yelled at him but the Marmora soldier stopped in its tracks.

"Lance?" Their voice was muffled.

"You know me? Probably from when your guys leader came to help," Lance got to his feet but the soldier took off his mask and hood quickly.

Only to revealed a human male with pale skin and dark purple eyes with black hair in his face.

"Keith?!" Lance gasped as tears pricked his eyes and he didn't care if they fell. He tackled the old friend tightly as Keith held on back around lances neck.

"Your alive," Keith whispered in his hair.

"Wha-where have you been? How did you get away? I thought you where dead," Lance let go of him and notice Keith seemed different in a way.

"Um someone found me six months ago, I contacted Kolivan when I couldn't find anyone else, the galra have the black lion here," Keith held onto his shoulders tightly and Lance was over whelmed by it all.

"I have a place we can take Shiro back, and the lions," Lance blushed darkly as he tore himself away from Keith as he smiled.

"Good cause the blade of Marmora is thinning out, we need a safe place, where is it?" Keith asked waiting for an answer.

"Earth?" Lance smiled nervously.

"Wasn't earth destroyed?" He blinked.

"No they're rebuilt, I have so much to fill you in on man, I'm so glad your alive," Lance hugged him tightly one more time.

"I missed your stupid mullet," he laughed a small sob and Keith smiled gently hugging him back.

"And I missed you stupid," Keith closed his eyes. "Now we gotta get Shiro out,"

Lance nodded using his gloved to wipe his face and Keith sliced all the wires of the tube that held Shiro.

"Shoot the glass, then catch him," Keith said and Lance did so with his blaster and the two boys caught Shiro quickly as Lance cried out seeing his arm was missing all the way.

"Oh Shiro..." He whispered and held him up against Keith as he held around his lower back and a hand on his chest.

"Red is above, where's black?" Lance asked as they walked out.

"Lance what happened- who's that?" Megan blinked seeing Keith. "He's cute,"

"Red this is Keith," Lance said simply. "Keith this is Megan,"

"Oh this is Keith," Megan smiled darkly and lances eyes widen.

"Yea he just said that, can we get a move on?" Keith said with a grunt and Megan levitated Shiro onto his back so the boys could let go.

"Alright red you get Shiro to the lion, Keith we're getting black," Lance said seriously and the two didn't argue but did so.

Keith and Lance ran down the halls as Keith followed his own map and they ran to a garage as there was black in the middle with a partial barrier around him but there was more...

The galra where repairing blue, green and yellow from all those years ago.

Lance couldn't feel his legs as his eyes where wide in fear seeing the repaired hole in all the lions except black who was fine. They where all fine now.

"You get in blue and grab green, I'll grab yellow, let hell break loose and let's get out of here," Keith grabbed his shoulder and Lance blinked out of his nightmare and nodded running to his original lion.

He suddenly gasped feeling a cold presence in his mind and he could hear ice cracking in his head while he gripped the sides of his head in pain. The worst freeze brain he's ever felt.

Then blue powered on.

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