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Aqualad and miss Martian where swimming through the ocean as kaldur showed her more of earth.

It's really cool down here kaldur! Megan gasped looking around. Kaldur nodded with a smile.

She looked around and looked down to see it gets darker deeper in the ocean.

So what's down there? She asked through the mind link.

It is the deeper part of the ocean, many of dangerous fish and creatures live down there, he explained.

Seems freaky, she stuttered. She couldn't help but feel like there was more to it, something more... Someone more...

Wait... I think somethings down there, she stopped swimming.

What do you mean? Kaldur asked.

I don't know, I only caught a glance, let's go, she started swimming down but kaldur grabbed her arm and shook his head.

I will inform my king and the league but the creatures down there are more than we can handle if we run into one, it's their habitat and we won't be able to see down there anyways, kaldur told her.

Oh okay then, let's go then, she started swimming up and kaldur looked back down where Megan was looking but followed her up to the surface.


"I can't believe we're doing this," batman glared as he had a breathing mask on as aquaman and superman swam down.

"I trust my protege, if he and miss Martian felt someone or something down here that wasn't right then we should check it out," aqua man smiled back at him.

They swam into the dark and deep part of the Pacific Ocean and batman turned on a light so they can see a little more.

"So what could be down here? It's basically the bottom of the ocean," Superman asked.

"No clue but I feel something too, a disturbance," aquaman frowned. They went deeper into the ocean. Superman saw something up ahead and apparently so did the others.

"This is the bottom of the ocean..." Aquaman said.

"What is it?" Man of steel asked.

"Alien space craft," batman touched the metal but couldn't pick out the shape of it, just knew it was red under the blue lighting from the water. He put some tool on it and it beeped a little.

"It's completely filled with water and somethings inside, let's get this thing out," batman looked at superman who nodded and flew over and lifted the thing out of the muck but it was stuck deep in there.

"What ever it is, it's been here for a long while," he grunted and finally got it out of the muck. He lifted it and the leaguers swam back to the surface.


"It's... A panther?" Wonder Woman looked at the space craft since superman brought it back to the watch tower. It was a giant red lion almost touching the ceiling of the garage of the watch tower.

"I believe it's a lion, Diana," Martian man hunter walked up to it and put a hand on it.


"I'm so sorry Pidge..."

"Someone is inside!" J'ohn gasped as he back up.

"That's impossible, a person could never survive," superman looked at it with wide eyes.

"Can you open it?" Green lantern walked up to it.

"I can try, be prepared for either the creature inside or lots of water to come out," John warned. His eyes glowed as he opened the mouth of the lion and a big gush of water flowed out of the mouth as everyone took steps back.

Superman and Wonder Woman flew up and landed in the mouth.

"How's it looking up there?" Flash asked below.

"Dark, we're heading in," Wonder Woman called back and they walked further in clicking on flashlights. They made it to the cockpit and saw it seemed like alien and earthling technology combined.

"I've never seen anything like it," superman looked around. Wonder Woman waked to the front and gasped letting out a murderous scream dropping the light.

"Diana!" Superman ran to her and he saw a body limp on the ground and another in a pilots seat. A boy and a small girl on the ground.

"Oh my god," she covered her mouth. She ran to the boy as superman checked the girl.

"She's dead," he sighed checking her pulse. Diana checked the boys pulse but as her fingers touched his neck he inhaled a breath and stated hyperventilating bolting up.

"NO!" He screamed. The boy choked on a fearful scream and water as wonder woman jumped back as the boy coughed harshly, turning on his side and held his torso with one and stared at Diana with wide ocean blue eyes.

"No! No no no no! Keith! Allura help me! Red!" He scrambled back away from the adults but he caught a glimpse at the shorter girl on the ground.

"P-Pidge..." He choked on a sob covering his mouth.

Clark tried reaching out to the boy but he grabbed some sort of object as blood was leaking down his face from his head, from a cut on his nose and a gash on the corner of his lips and eyebrow.

"Get away from me!" He screamed as the object turned into a weapon.

"We do not wish to harm you child," Diana said calmly. He took a few deep breaths and slowly passed out as his eyes fluttered closed laying on the floor with the weapon turning back into the object before in a flash of red.

"Get him to to medical wing. Now." Diana looked at Clark and he grabbed the boy and flew out ignoring the lions low growl even if it was still shut down.

"Are you alive lion?" Diana lightly touched the control panel of the lion. It growled.

"We will not harm the boy, we are taking him somewhere to make sure he is not injured, once he is well you can see him soon," she said gently. She knelt next to to the girl on the ground and brushed the hair out of her face.

"And I am sorry child... May you rest in peace warrior..." She picked her up to give her a proper place to rest.


Batman walked out of the medical wing only to be surrounded by arrow, flash, and many other leaguers.

"Who's the two kids? Where'd they come from? Are they alive?" Flash asked quickly only to be silenced by the bat glare.

"The boy is, the girl was found dead, but the boy is severely injured, a concussion, broken rib, and broken nose, multiple scraps and bruises, otherwise he's human..." Batman said putting a hand on his chin.

"Why do you say he's human?" Arrow asked.

"Cause that's alien technology, a human boy was piloting that war craft," he glared. "I don't trust him already,"

"Is he awake?" Diana asked.

"No," he walked past them.

"Batman where are you going?" Diana asked.

"The lion,"

"Bruce that's not a good idea, the lion seems to have a bonding with the boy, it's protective," Diana grabbed his shoulder making him face her.

"Just wait till he's awake, then you can interrogate him," she said sternly. Batman said nothing but nodded.

"Well congrats to you cause he just woke up... Supermans holding him down," green arrow held his nose as blood was dripping down his upper lip.

"What happen to you?" Batman asked him.

"He punched me in the nose," he glared.

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