Tooth and nail

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As they go down a alley the see how war can be, Freddy puts his head out of the tank to navigate through the fog, as he looks to the right he sees a man hugging his dead wife's body, he looks to the light post to see dead German soldiers who deserted and hang them on the streets, as they move they heard a familiar voice.

Golden Freddy: stop!.... please....I'm not a... deserter!.

As the tanks stops, Freddy looks that SS soldiers are punching golden Freddy, Schröder exits to see what's happening.

Schröder: Golden Freddy? That damm idiot!.

Freddy: shut up, I tell him to do his duty.

Schröder: His duty? No he is a traitor.

Freddy: he is one of us. Hey! You assholes!.

The soldiers turn around.

SS soldier: what did you say?

Freddy: you heard me! What are you doing to him!.

SS officer: what he deserves!.

Freddy: that's bullshit!.

SS soldier: we found that he had the location of the main camp on his jacket.

Freddy: because I send him there.

SS soldier 2: do you know him?!.

Freddy: he is my brother and loader!.

SS soldier: so what?!.

Freddy: I demand you to leave him alone!.

SS officer: are you making a threatening to us?.

Freddy: yes!.

SS officer: what if I kill him now?.

Freddy: you are not in position of making a threat, I have a tank, dumbass!.

SS officer: alright, I will give you your brother back, but if you make a rough move I will order my man to shoot him, deal?

Freddy: Deal! Schröder is they shoot at me, I want you to kill them.

Schröder: but..sir.

Freddy: that's a fucking order!.

As Freddy exits the tank he puts his hand in the air, and reaches for golden Freddy.

Golden Freddy: you came back.

Freddy: of course I'll come back, I'm you brother.

As they enters the tanks, Freddy sees that golden Freddy has been shot on the leg.

Freddy: who shot you?.

Golden Freddy: a soldier who stopped me, but don't worry it didn't hit some thing important.

Freddy: good, take the first aid kit, and put something on that wound.

As Freddy goes with Schröder they see that the defense in the cathedral was been defeated.

Schröder: where are they? Where is the big defense? Sir! What's happening?.

Freddy: I'll find out. And you pull your self together, Schröder!.

As he enter the tank he turns on the radio trying to communicate with the rest of the German forces, toy Freddy and golden are seen how the whole cathedral is destroyed.

Toy Freddy: God almighty! (He laughs) it's all falling apart.

Golden Freddy: what do we do now, Freddy?

As they exit the cathedral they see the rest of destroyed tanks, as Freddy and golden Freddy exits the tank to find a radio.

Schröder: where is the big defense? They were supposed to be here?.

Freddy: we're alone, stay here where you are, me and golden Freddy will find a working radio.

Golden Freddy: what happened when I was gone?.

Freddy: not to much, only that I destroyed the tank busters and find important documents that the Germans were trying to destroy. Did you reach the camp?.

Golden Freddy: no, a soldier spotted me.

Freddy: the good part is that you are okay.

There'd be a time for thinking, for reassessment, on the other side of all this when my men were safe, at least that was what I told myself, I struggle to recognize my own lies.

German soldier on radio: Attention! All mobile forces located on the cathedral! Defend the bridgehead at all cost!.

Golden Freddy: what does he mean?.

Freddy: there going to blow up the bridge!.

As they were going back to the tank a large armored and infantry division surrounded them lead by some one familiar.

Dylan on megaphone: All German forces! The cathedral is surrounded! Lower your weapons! You can not win this fight!.

Freddy: golden! Can you run?.

Golden Freddy: yes but a little.

Freddy:Here! ( he gives him the documents and the German camps locations) go to where their commander, go from the side and try yourself to get spotted.

Golden Freddy: okay!.

Freddy: Go!.

As golden Freddy runs to where Dylan is Schröder was other plans for the Americans.

Schröder: For Germany! We are where to defend Germany!.

Schröder fired a round to the tank next to Dylan.

Dolly: wow! Nice plan stupid!.

Dylan: shut up!.

Dylan takes cover behind a rock.

Freddy: Damm it! Are you out of your mind?!.

Toy Freddy: Freddy, hurry get back in the tank!.

Freddy: quiet! both of you, keep us either moving or in cover!.

Toy Freddy: where is golden Freddy?!.

Freddy: he is dead, a bullet hit him on the head.

Meanwhile with golden Freddy.

Golden Freddy: oh fuck, oh god, oh fuck, not again.

As he moves cover to cover he ends up next to dolly.

Dolly: Ahh! (She tries to scream but golden covers her mouth).

Golden Freddy: shut up! I'm on your side! I'm American, I need to talk with your commander.

Dylan: get off her!.( he pushes golden Freddy to the ground).

Golden Freddy:  Im on in your side!. I'm American.

Dylan: and why the fuck should I trust you?!.

Golden Freddy: cause I'm the only one that can save your men from been killed by a tiger.

Bonnie, Foxy, and Da Vinci runs where Dylan is.

Bonnie: Goldie?.

Golden Freddy: Bonnie, foxy?.

Dylan: you know him?.

Foxy: of course he know him he's the brother from a friend of ours.

Golden Freddy: listen you need to retreat! You can't defeat a tiger!.

Da Vinci: he is right! We are losing a lot of tanks.

Dylan: only if you tell us where the German camps are!.

Golden Freddy: here! ( he gives him the documents) the Germans are going to blow up the bridge you need to pull your forces.

But when Dylan was going to give the order, one team captain ordered t34 calliopes and Sherman's to defeat the tiger.

Dylan: shit! More tanks are coming, I will try to give the order, all of you get on the Jeeps.

Meanwhile in the tank.

Toy Freddy: Freddy! We are outnumbered. There in no winning!.

Schröder: shut up, traitor! We cannot surrender! We must fight!.

As they destroy the Sherman's, more tanks start to come in.

Toy Freddy: we have in coming enemy tanks!.

As they move in a rocket hit the tank but it didn't penetrate the rest of the armor.

Schröder: no! No-no-no.

Toy Freddy: Stefan is getting a beating!.

As toy Freddy starts to fixing the damages a salvo of rockets hit the side of the tank.

Toy Freddy: not good! Not good!.

Freddy: our armor is starting to give!.

As they start to repeal the attack one Sherman manages to flank them, but luckily spotted the tank.

Toy Freddy: Freddy! Is they keep that up we are going to have problem!.

As they destroy 2 more tanks the Americans started to retreat, but they marked an artillery strike.

Schröder: Artillery!.

Freddy: they have us marked! Get to cover now! Get to the bridge! We cannot buy any more time!.

As they retreat Dylan's forces start to follow them.

Dylan: that should scare them!.

Golden Freddy: we have to try not to get spotted by them.

Foxy: so what's the plan?.

Golden Freddy: we have to follow them but not close.

Bonnie: alright, lets move!.

As the tank escapes the artillery Freddy puts his head out to navigate the smoke.

Freddy: Left! Left! Damm it!.

Artillery shell exploded behind the tank making Freddy go deaf for a minute, as they star to go up the bridge but they see in the distance a big explosion from a V-1 rocket from the Leónidas Squadron( suicide squad that the Germans created).

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As they tank goes down a small hill the tank tracks are damage, as Freddy goes out he sees the bridge destroy and knowing the Germans left them to die, but he hears a sound he quickly turns around and sees toy Freddy exits the tank with a broken leg.

Freddy: Toy Freddy?.

Toy Freddy: They lies to us... they blew up the bridge and left us to die!.

Freddy: we don't know that, toy Freddy. Come... we need to-

Toy Freddy: What? Show strength?.. oh Jesus Christ, the things we believe, Freddy! God help us, look around you, the things we have's over.

Freddy: (trying not to cry) no, toy Freddy....(sniff) come... don't do it.

When all this was happening golden Freddy and rest arrived, putting them self hidden.

Dylan: who is your commander?.

Golden Freddy: the one on the tank... they really did it... they blow up the bridge.

Foxy: they did it trying to slow the advance.

Dolly: how many days will take to fix the bridge?.

Dylan: probably a week or two.

Bonnie: so what do we do know?.

Dylan: we wait until all of them get out of the tank.

Meanwhile on the tank.

Freddy: toy Freddy! Just don't go!.

Toy Freddy: it's over, Freddy.

As he starts to walk away crying, Schröder shoots him on the back. Freddy in shook turns around to see hi with a mp40.

Schröder: He was a deserter.

Freddy: (crying) toy Freddy! Toy Freddy!.

Schröder: I know he was your brother. But he was a deserter, We are stronger together! Right?.

Freddy: not like that! ( he starts to yell in German at Schröder)

Both of them start to argue in German but golden Freddy and the rest are thinking of a plan to help toy Freddy.

Da Vinci: I will go.

Golden Freddy: me too.

Bonnie: sing my ass up.

Foxy: I will go too.

Dylan: Da Vinci are you sure?.

Da Vinci: I'm a medic and you are not stopping me.

As she is about to live Dylan grabs her hand.

Dylan: I'm not stopping you, make sure they don't spot you, and have this as a good luck wish( he kiss her) good luck.

Dolly: that was fucking adorable but he have someone dying.

Da Vinci: right... lets go.( in her mind) "he kissed me.. he actually kissed me".

As they go cover to cover, Bonnie looks at golden Freddy's weapon.

Golden Freddy: what?.

Bonnie: What the fuck is that?.

Golden Freddy: is a stg 44.

Bonnie: and is that supposed to be?.

Golden Freddy: it's a assault.... you know what just forget.

As they get behind the wall, Dylan is thinking how to distract Schröder.

Dylan: how do we distract him?.

Dolly: a distraction, observe!.

Schröder: the weak don't survive, those were your words! Say it! It was like that!.


As Schröder hears her, he begins to shot at the American soldiers that were following Dylan.

Dylan: nice distraction! I'm sure that piss him off!.

As Bonnie sees Schröder shooting were Dylan, he gives the order.

Bonnie: now is our chance! Go! We will cover you.

Da Vinci: Alright let's move!.

As they run to help Toy Freddy, Freddy sees Da Vinci and pulls his pistol out.

Da Vinci: Hey! Hey! Don't shoot! I'm a medic, I'm here to save him!.

Golden Freddy: Freddy, it's okay, she's one of ours!.

Freddy: Good, take him away from here! Hurry! He lost a lot of blood.

Da Vinci: will do, golden! Help me drag him!.

Golden Freddy: okay.

As they drag Toy Freddy to cover, Da Vinci start to treat Toy Freddy wound.

Schröder:  you need to get back in the tank!.

As one American soldier trows a granate, it explote near Freddy, as he turns around he sees how Schröder fights off the American forces but being outnumbered. Freddy disides enough is enough, he takes off his Nazi emblem from his arm, as he takes it off Schröder sees him surrendering.

Schröder: NEIN!!!.(No in German)

As he's about to shot him, some has him on his sights.

Dylan: I got you now son of a-( he fires a shot)

The bullet hits Schröder on the head killing him instantly.

Dylan: are you okay?!.

Freddy: yes! Thanks!.

A week later Freddy is taking with his friends until some one familiar comes by.

Toy Freddy: how it's going ladies?.

Freddy: toy Freddy!.

Toy Freddy: how it going big brother!.

Golden Freddy: how is the wound?.

Toy Freddy: well, they said that I'm going to be fine, and not to pissed off a patriot.

Freddy: at least he gave you a gift to remember him.

Toy Freddy: fuck you!.

As they have a conversation Dylan sits with them.

Dylan: morning!.

Freddy: hey, what you got there?.

Dylan: plans for the final push so we can end this bloody war.

Freddy: so what the plan?.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dylan: well not much, with the bridge almost repaired we only have to push the German forces Berlin or close, the Soviet's are in Berlin, but they are waiting for more troops to arrive, so they can enter the city.

Golden Freddy: What about our tank?.

Dolly: well I try to fix the tracks but I don't know how to.

Toy Freddy: don't worry I will help you.

Dylan: the only thing missing is a crew.

Freddy: count on us.

Dylan: are you sure?.

Freddy: we have fought the British, Americans and the Soviet's, we can take care of the Germans.

Dylan: fair enough.

Freddy: when do we live?.

Dylan: tomorrow morning, can the tank be ready by then?.

Toy Freddy: yes, it will good as new!.

Dylan: alright then guess I will see you in battle, I'll see you around!.

Freddy: sich kümmern! ( take care in German).

Golden Freddy: lets go fix Stefan!.

As a day goes by, the tank is ready is ready for action Dylan is surprise that the tank is fix.

Dylan: wow!.

Freddy: wow, indeed, do you want a ride?.

Dylan: sure, why not.

As Dylan climbs up to the tank, he start to check is everything is ready, then rest climbs the tank to.

Dolly: does this remember you to the buses in London, Dylan.

Dylan: yeah, almost, are we ready to go chauffeur?.

Freddy: yes, and don't call me chauffeur, Panzer Vor!!!!.

As the tanks moves goes true the bridge they knew they will face heavy resistance, the German would mach a tiger 1.

The End.

Thanks for reading this is may first story but the Last tiger is from the game of battlefield V campaign so it's not mine, and I have to switch some thing because if I follow the real story golden Freddy and toy Freddy will die and the Dylan perspective doesn't exist. So here the real ending.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I may do a story from 101 Dalmatians street from battlefield 1. But it will take time to finish, again thanks for reading.

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