Turning point

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As they hide in the building every one is scared if the mosquito saw them entering the building.

Freddy: check for damages.

Schröder: yes, sir!.

He walks were toy Freddy is.

Freddy: status report?.

Toy Freddy: the cover is not going to last, someone will have to scout a way out.

Schröder was hearing the conversation.

Schröder: send golden Freddy.

Both stay silent.

Toy Freddy: ( whispering) what the hell are talking about? This man is not state to be-( he gets cut by Schröder).

Schröder: ( whispering) trust in our strength commander, that what you said right? No weaknesses, no sentimentality.

Toy Freddy: oh for god sake! ( in a low voice).

Schröder: you are too important to risk. And I operate the gun.

Toy Freddy: ( unbuckle is his seatbelts) then I'll do it.

Schröder: no, you have to drive, but golden Freddy- he's damage, expendable.

Freddy: ( on his mind) oh god, his right but he is my little brother... but wait... I got it I could send golden to a British platoon were my friend Bonnie is and I could give the plans to surrounded the Germans.

Toy Freddy: are you really going to send him?.

Freddy: golden!.

Golden Freddy: yes?.

Freddy walk up to him.

Freddy: get out of the tank, scout is a way out of here.

Golden Freddy is in shock, he just realized that his own brother is telling him to get out of the tank.

Toy Freddy: Jesus Christ! Freddy. No! The man is in fit state!.

Golden Freddy: ( trying not to cry) I can't. Please. Freddy. I really can't.

Freddy: get out of the tank, golden Freddy. ( hugs golden and whisper him on the ear)

I will give you the location of the German main camp and you will go to the British 4th division and ask to see commander Dylan, he is one of ours, you will be safe there( finish hugging him) I'm asking you to do your duty( gives him a mp40).

Golden Freddy: yes, sir!.

Toy Freddy starts to bang the staring wheel of the tank angrily.

Toy Freddy: Shit! Shit! Shit!.

As golden Freddy starts to get out the tank Freddy look at toy Freddy and Schröder.

Freddy: that goes to the 2 of you!.

As golden Freddy is out of the tank Freddy and toy Freddy stars to rolling him with the telescope of the tank. As he moves cover to cover a heavy fog starts to set in.

Golden Freddy: ( in his mind) oh god, oh fuck, oh god this is going to get me killed but it is what it is, god there's so many fog I think I'm going to get loss...(as he walks he didn't realize he wonder of and the tank lose eye sight of him) where am I? (He starts to panic) they will think I deserted oh fuck,( as he keeps walking he find a SS unit that spot him)

Toy Freddy: where is golden? Where did he go?

Schröder: he deserted!.

Toy Freddy: you don't know that!.

Freddy: ( knowing he is on his way where Bonnie is) Quiet!.

As the tank stay silent the ground starts to move.

Schröder: movement at 9 o'clock!

Toy Freddy: and at 12th!

As they look at the view ports they see an armored division passing nearby them.

Freddy: toy Freddy, get us out of here!.

Toy Freddy: we can't leave golden Freddy here!.

Freddy: get us out! Go!.

As they tank lives it hiding place, toy Freddy knowing that golden Freddy may get killed by the Americans by its uniform, then they receive a message on the radio.

Meanwhile with golden Freddy.

SS soldier: hey, who are you?!!.

Golden Freddy: PTV golden Freddy, sir.

SS soldier: what is that on your jacket?.

Golden Freddy: mission order from my tank crew.

SS soldier: let me see!.

He snatch the papers from golden Freddy.

SS soldier: this is the main camp! Are you spy or a traitor?!. ( he starts to yell in German)

Golden Freddy: also responded in German.

They keep arguing úntil the soldier aims his gun at him.

SS soldier: put your gun down!!.

Golden Freddy: are you seriously doing this?!!!.

SS soldier: now!!!.

Golden Freddy: (staring to get nervous) okay... Just.. don't shoot.

The SS shoots golden Freddy in the leg.

Golden Freddy: ( screaming in pain) WHY? In world...... you shot me?... ( grabs his leg in pain)

The SS soldier starts to drag him away to his squadron to process him of treason and for deserting.

Meanwhile on the tank.

Command on radio: command to Anton-one, you are to proceed to the forward base, destroy all sensitive documentation regarding troops movements and regroup with the main force at the cathedral!.

Toy Freddy: understood, command.

Command: command out.

Freddy: you know what to do toy Freddy.

As they advanced the find a small American squadron and they decided to ambush them they eliminate them with the machine guns. As they move forward the tank stop for 10 seconds, toy Freddy was thinking that a bullet hit the engine.

Toy Freddy: come on Stefan! Hold together!.

As the move down the street the are meet by a halftrack but they start to here mosquitos engines.

Schröder: incoming fire!.

As they start to move faster bombs starts to explode around them.

Freddy: is everyone okay?.

Schröder: reporting status as top fighting condition sir!.

Toy Freddy: why can't you only say "yes"?.

As they go down a open street they mosquitoes spotted them.

Toy Freddy: tank busters!.

Schröder:Cover. Now!.

Freddy: watch it!!.

As one bomb hits the tank but it didn't penetrate the armor of the tank but it damage the tank tracks and engine.

Toy Freddy: shit! Come on Stefan! Now is not the time!.

Freddy: can you fix it?

Toy Freddy: maybe, but I'll need time.

Schröder: what about those airplanes?.

Freddy: toy Freddy, get Stefan moving again, I will try reach the anti-aircraft guns.

He said as he exit the tank.

Toy Freddy: you are crazy, Freddy.

Outside the tank, the world was more immediate, the smell of blood and death. Without my iron skin I was no different to the bodies in the ruins, not an unthinking all-powerful machine, just an flawed and vulnerable man.

As Freddy runs down the street he starts to remember how he always spend time with his brothers and friends but as went down a street a couple of American soldiers spotted him, but he is very precise with a gun so he just injured them, as he advances he encounters a Sherman tank but luckily didn't notice him as he enters a house he find a sniper rifle that he takes, as he look at the window he sees a american garrison with the anti-aircraft guns but it's also filled with soldiers,

Freddy: shit! Now how can I reach the guns, well I have no choice to kill them.

As he aims at one soldier, he shot in the head the other soldier star to shout that there is a sniper and the tanks there start to aim at the houses.

Freddy: one!. (He starts to shot at the rest of the soldiers)

Freddy manages to kill most of the soldiers before running out of sniper bullets,

Freddy: well, let finish this.

As he runs true the streets he destroys one of the Sherman tanks with a bazooka from a dead soldier, he send the American soldiers in a retreat, giving time to get in the AA gun.

Freddy: alright, come at me!.

The mosquitoes spotted him and start to shot at him with their machine guns ( some how missing their shots).

Freddy: AHHHHH! ( he yelled as the mosquitos are going on a dive to drop their bombs on him).

Freddy manages to destroy the mosquitos, as he lives the AA gun a Sherman tank starts to shot at him, but as he runs to cover his crew manage to destroy the tank.

Toy Freddy: get in!.

Freddy: Good to see you again!.

Toy Freddy: good to see you too! Freddy.

As they leave the are one of the soldiers that retreat in the attack that Freddy did send a message to a British camp, 30 minutes before the attack the soldiers in the tend are having a discussion about there next attack.

???: I'm not sending the infantry ahead you wanker!!.

Soldier: these are my troops and I decide what I do with them!.

???: oh Jesus fucking Christ! It's suicide you don't see!.

Soldier 2: commander Dylan, what is your plan?.

Dylan: my plan is to push first with the armored division the the infantry will follow.

Soldier: that's fucking nonsense! What a British soldier can do with an American platoon.

Dylan: and why you said that?.

Soldier: I have read you papers and it says here that you order a retreat in North Africa in 1942.

Dylan: I was saving my troops for being surrounded!.

Soldier: but still lose the position. ( he starts walking up to him) and let's not said that you have crush on your sister that is a medic.

Dylan was surprise that he know that but he stared to get angry but he contained him self.

Dylan: you are right (he grabs the soldier ball sack) you know I learn what Germans do to British soldiers ( he starts to grab them harder).

Soldier: Jesus... what ... are you... doing!!.

Dylan: the Germans cut their ball off and then they leave them to bleed out in pain, so I'm asking are you really going to send the infantry first or are going to follow my plan.

Soldier: yes... please... let me... go.

Dylan: you said a word that I'm in love with my sister, I'm going to cut your balls off.

Soldier: ok... just let me....go!.

As he let him go he made the decision.

Dylan: I want Sherman and calliopes to advance first, then the first and 5th division will follow its that clear!.

All: yes, sir!.

Dylan: good, we are living at 1900 hours, now get you asses out of here!.

As the soldiers leave Dylan sits down on a chair thinking, how the soldier know that he had a crush on Da Vinci.

Dylan: god, what if they tell her, or what if she starts to hate me. ( he sees to his wrist at a bracelet that Da Vinci gave him in France).

Dylan then look at his hands that has scars of a bayonet that a German soldier was trying to stab Da Vinci in North Africa.

Dylan: all this happened in that day.


Dylan was a squad leader in North Africa his position was being attack by a German SS unit, they were being overrun by soldiers, but Dylan was in a machine gun with Da Vinci.

Dylan: Da Vinci! Grab the ammunition right there ( he yells as he is shooting).

Da Vinci: okay!.

As she brings the ammo Dylan runs out of ammunition.

Dylan: I'm out! Da Vinci the ammo now!.

Da Vinci: I'm on it.

As she put the new ammo belt on the machine gun they hear a horrible sound in the sky that Da Vinci ends up hugging Dylan from that sound.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Da Vinci: what is that sound!.

Dylan: STUKA!!! ( he yelled as he look up).

The bomb exploded 5 five meters away from them, the blast send them 2 feet's above the air both of them had a hard landing, as Dylan stands he puts his hand on his ear now bleeding because of the explosion, as he looks up he sees a German soldier punching Da Vinci, Dylan grab his knife he pushed the soldier to the ground and stab him until the soldier was dead.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

( just go to minute 1:38)

Dylan: are you ok?.

Da Vinci: yes.... thank you.

As Dylan helps Da Vinci to get up a German soldier tries to bayonet da Vinci but Dylan moved her in time and the bayonet was met by Dylan's hand, the bayonet went through his right hand, as Dylan pushback the soldier the soldier tries to stab him but Dylan grab the bayonet, cutting the palms of his both hands, but Da Vinci shoot the soldier on the head.

Dylan: thanks! You could shoot him earlier!.

Da Vinci: I'm... sorry...I was... scared!.

Dylan: don't worry ( he hugs her) the good things your not dead.

???: Dylan we have a problem!.

Dylan: what is it Bonnie?.

Bonnie: there's a panzer division coming this way with a shit ton of tanks!.

???: also there's a Italian division coming too! We are fucked!.

Dylan: calm down Foxy!.

Foxy: to calm! We are getting surrounded and I don't want to die!.

Da Vinci: neither do we! But we need to think in a plan!.

Dylan: I got it! Bonnie you and tell the rest that we have to retreat!.

Bonnie: yes sir!

Dylan: Foxy, tell dolly to get the trucks ready!.

Foxy: Yes sir!.

Dylan: Da Vinci, you and me will hold the line.

Da Vinci: are you sure?.

Dylan: don't worry I will be by your side, now let's go.

As the get in foxhole they start to shoot the incoming german soldiers, 30 minutes goes by and Da Vinci had run out of ammo.

Da Vinci: Shit! I'm out.

Dylan: here, take my rifle.

As Da Vinci takes the rifle he sees there's blood on it, she sees Dylan hands but he quickly hides them.

Dylan: make sure every bullet counts!.

Dylan find a crate of granates that he start to trow. After 10 minutes goes by, Bonnie enter their foxhole.

Bonnie: Dylan! We are ready! We need to go now!.

Dylan: Okay, Da Vinci you go first, I will be right behind you!.

Da Vinci: okay!.

Dylan: in count of three, one, two, three! Run!.

As Bonnie runs to the truck with Da Vinci, Dylan trows a granate to the crate he found earlier.

Dylan: suck on this!.

As Dylan runs to the truck dolly was waiting for him with the rest of the crew then they see him.

Dolly: come on! Come on!.

Dylan hops in to the truck.

Dylan: Drive! Drive! Drive!.

As the trucks moves Dylan and da Vinci were on the back part of the truck this means they didn't have time to seat, both of them had a bumpy ride until they found a road to go.

Dylan: Did you have to go in every rock you found!.

Dolly: it's my first time driving a truck!.

Dylan: Da Vinci are you okay?.

Da Vinci: yes... I just.. feel a little...dizzy.

Dylan: okay, Bonnie, contact command on the radio that we lose the position and are going to regroup in El Alamein.

Bonnie: roger that!.

Dylan: good.

As Dylan lays down he sees da Vinci treating her black eye that the German soldier gave her.

Dylan: is your eye okay?.

Da Vinci: yes...it's only a scratch.

As she looks to the trucks floor she sees blood drops that lid to Dylan hands.

Da Vinci: Dylan! You are bleeding!.

Dylan: don't worry I'm okay it just a cut.

Da Vinci: why didn't you tell me?.

Dylan: I didn't want you to worry.

Da Vinci: let me help you.

Dylan: no, I'm okay.

Da Vinci: Dylan! I join this war to help people!.

Dylan: okay, okay.

As da Vinci starts to put bandages in Dylan's hands, she gave him some morphine.

Dylan: morphine? Why?.

Da Vinci: because I have to close the injury.

Dylan: okay, because is staring to kick in.

Da Vinci: good just don't move I don't want make it worse.

Dylan: okay.

Da Vinci: wow! You must have the luck of the devil!.

Dylan: why?.

Da Vinci: because the bayonet went near a vein.

Dylan: is that good?.

Da Vinci: (laugh) of course you silly!.

Dylan: ( in his mind) she is so pretty when she laughs, I just want to tell her that I love her.

After 20 minutes of cleaning Dylan's wounds, Dylan's is starting to fall asleep.

Dylan: ( trying to stay awake) dolly! How much to we reach El Alamein?.

Dolly: in probably 4 for 5 hours.

Dylan: good! Wake me up when we are close okay?.

Dolly: okay, do you want me to sing for you?.

Dylan: Fuck off!.

Dolly, Bonnie, Foxy, and Da Vinci start to laugh.

Dylan: stop!.

As Dylan pus his self comfortable, he stated to fall asleep, but Da Vinci laid next to him and hug him, putting her head on his chest.

Da Vinci: thank you... for saving me back there.

Dylan: does worry little sis, that what families do take care of each other.( he said as he falls asleep).

Da Vinci: (in her mind) he is so handsome when he sleeps I wish I could tell him I love him.

Both fall asleep knowing they will have to fight the Germans again. ( the second battle of El Alamein)


Da Vinci: Dylan?

Dylan: oh, Da Vinci what can I do for you?.

Da Vinci: I just need you to sign this. (Gives him a list of dead soldiers)

Dylan: sure thing!.

Da Vinci: ( in her mind) we'll da Vinci this is it, this is where you tell him how you feel about him.

Da Vinci: Dylan.. I have something to tell.

Dylan: sure, what is it?.

Da Vinci: well... I don't know we're to start.

Dylan: don't worry take your time.

Da Vinci: well.. is just a secret I have since we were in the training camp.

Dylan: go on.

Da Vinci: (hugs him) Dylan... I'm in.

When she is about to say it, a soldier enters the tent.

Soldier: commander Dylan.

Da Vinci quickly separates from him.

Dylan: yes! private.

Soldier: sir! We have receive a message from one of our camps, they have been attack by one German soldier, he manage to destroy 2 tank busters.

Dylan: did you send reinforcements?.

Soldier: we did but they got destroyed by a tiger 1.

Dylan: okay tell the other the other Sargents that we live in a hour!.

Soldier: yes, sir!.

Dylan: I'm so sorry, but I have to take care of these, please don't be mad.

Da Vinci: it's okay, I know you are busy.

Dylan: don't worry, all of this will be over soon.( he kiss her on her forehead).

As Dylan leaves Da Vinci starts to cry. But someone else enters the tent.

Dolly: hey! Dylan! I found a Luger P08 from a dead nazi officer! I guess it's my lucky day.

She hears Da Vinci crying.

Dolly: Da Vinci what happened?

Da Vinci: is Dylan.

Dolly: what did that bastard did!.

Da Vinci: he didn't do anything to me... is just that... I tried to tell him that I...love him.

Dolly: ow sis, don't worry I'm pretty sure he loves you too but doesn't want to.

Da Vinci: you think?.

Dolly: yeah, come on sis the the chef make some tea

Da Vinci: okay.

Meanwhile with Freddy.

Freddy: so how did you fix Stefan?.

Toy Freddy: Just needed some tweaking, the radio guy is dead, though.

Freddy: great, keep us moving to the forward base. We have a job to finish.

As they get there they find no one.

Freddy: this is the base.

Toy Freddy: what now?.

Freddy: cover me if you can. I'll go in and find the documents.

As Freddy gets out of the tank, he start to enter a building he gets spotted by a soldier.

Freddy: shit!.

As Freddy kills the soldier he enter the main building and finds the documents, but the general that was there shot him self.

Freddy: Done, now how I get out of here?.

As he jumps out of a window he gets chase by American soldier but he is faster than them luckily he arrives to the tank.

Schröder: nice to have you on board, commander.

As they turn right the find a small armor unit that they attack.

Freddy: Sherman's! Move in and engage.

They destroy must of the tanks but the rest of the tanks escape.

Schröder: Sir! We have run out of AP shells!.

Freddy: use APCR shells.

Schröder: Yes, sir!.

As they go down a alley, they find something disturbing.

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