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When Eric opened his eyes, he was almost confused by his oddly familiar whereabouts before it all came rushing back to him again. He blinked at the soft ruby bowl surrounding him, and the cool gray walls beyond, and then he sat up and reached for his prosthetics. Once they clicked on, he got up and peeked over the top of the hat, getting a look at his surroundings. He was still in Chase's room, and the stony chamber hadn't changed; there was no telling what time it was though. The cavern was lit by a golden glow, but where it originated from Eric couldn't tell. As far as he could remember, it had been a few days since he'd been brought in by Chase. Two days since he'd found out he was a permanent guest.

It wasn't terrible, really. They were nice and everything, but they kept him away from the main entrance as much as possible. He still hadn't met this Marvin person, but the others were still nice to him-- except for the doctor guy. He was scary. But Chase made him feel a lot better. Jackie felt really bad about breaking the bad news to him like that, but he made up for it by being optimistic and contagiously energetic. He hadn't seen the zombie guy again but one glimpse between meals, and JJ still seemed pretty nice. After he'd gotten over the initial shock that he couldn't ever leave the cave, he'd started talking back to the mute in sign language, which made him ecstatic. He was a little rusty, and he always apologized when he made the slightest mistake, but the dapper giant seemed glad just to have someone to talk to without listening so much for once.

But the one he stayed with the most was Chase. After having his mental breakdown, Eric hardly ever left Chase's watch; he had been so embarrassed and flustered about it that he turned red sputtering apologies, but the giant had reassured him that he had no reason to be sorry. If anything, Chase had claimed, he was suppose to be the sorry one, but Eric refused to believe Chase was at fault. He understood that Marvin had decided the cave arrest, but also that he was fortunate enough to have been spared from a worse fate. He didn't blame any of them, really, but he wished he knew if his dad was okay.

He rubbed the drowsiness out of his eyes and tried to lean forward for a better look at the room, but then the whole world suddenly tilted, and he squeaked as he and the hat went tumbling off the giant's bed. It was a very short fall, fortunately, and the hat landed on top of him. Eric struggled to push his way out of the cloth he had used as covers, and it took a whole minute before he finally managed to step out through the back of the hat. He sighed, quite relieved to be out of there, but his small victory quickly dissipated as the cold air around him dug into his skin. He shivered and rubbed his arms, looking back at the blankets. Before he could take a step toward them, however, he realized that he could hear something: voices, echoing just out of reach against the cavernous walls.

Eric hesitated, wondering if he should leave. Chase would be back soon, so would it be rude to just walk out himself? Was it soon? Was it too soon? Too late? What was the protocol for being a guest at someone's house anyway? What would Derek do?

"D-dad would... s-seek out the-the attention..." He murmured to himself. "But-but he w-would be the center of th-of the at-ttention..." While he hesitated, he heard a momentary rise in voice, and his fear finally caved in to curiosity. He stepped over scattered teabags and tousled papers, picking his way to the exit. He found himself in the long, winding tunnel that served as a main hallway, dimly lit by faded sunlight. He squinted into the darkness, identifying that the voices came from deeper within the earth. Eric felt his hands shaking, but he gripped the handkerchief and bravely marched on.

The deeper in he went, the harder it was to see, and the chillier it got. He eyed the stalagmites nervously as he walked past, the formations glistening menacingly like bared teeth. He shuddered and quickened his pace, regretting his decision. Was he being too hasty? Inconsiderate? Rude? Maybe this was a private conversation that he shouldn't be barging in to, maybe this was a personal moment that wasn't a good idea to--!

But before he could persuade himself to turn back, Eric could start making out snippets of the speaking voices. He spotted just up ahead the unnatural flickering of a light, and he swallowed nervously before slowly walking up to the emitting entry.

"Doc, that's ridiculous! Do you even hear yourself right now? I know you've always been a little stubborn, but come on dude!"

"You do not even know his name!"

"I- I'm giving him time to adjust, to settle in! He just got here, we don't-we don't know what he's been through... Or how much he's seen." Eric winced. It was Chase and Doctor Whatever-His-Really-Long-Name-Was, something that started with an S... The one with the over-the-top german accent. They were arguing again. Fighting. Accusing each other of the factoring stress that played its role all too well. Raising their voices, bickering...

"I have to agree with Schneeplestein to a certain point, Chase." That voice was definitely an unfamiliar tone, calmer and even. Was it Marvin? Eric still wasn't sure who he was. He hadn't gotten a look at him yet, but he'd heard some tidbits. Apparently he was a magician. "Keeping a human here is very dangerous, especially with Anti's mood lately." Eric felt a chill go down his spine. Anti...? That didn't sound good. What was Anti? Who's Anti? The way the giant had said it... It made them sound like a bad person. A bad person like himself? Eric wondered. He risked a look: there were six giants gathered loosely in a circle; Chase, Jackie, Schneeplestein, JJ, a guy with a cat mask over his face-- with a small ponytail and a sweeping cloak on-- and Robbie, the zombie he had met the other day. That left him with only one stranger's face: the cat-masked man must be Marvin. Was the mask to hide his identity like Jackie's?

"Oh come on, Marv! Don't use that sicko's behavior as an excuse, he's always been like that!" There was Chase. He sounded upset, desperate almost. "And besides, he never shows up these days, I doubt he'd notice one measly little human." JJ deftly swished his hands in a series of hand gestures, signing something to the group that Eric couldn't quite make out since he was facing away.

" JJ's right. If what the little duder said is true, then don't ye think that means Anti was hunting him? Keeping him here could mean that he gets even madder at us."

"Jackie? Don't tell me you're going against your own code!"

"Wha, no! I don't care what Anti thinks, I'm just- I'm just saying, we'll need to protect him at all costs, won't we? If he's really going to stay here, I mean."

"All costs, you say? I am not risking my neck for some helpless vittle child!"

"Isn't it your job to help people!?"

"Uh, guys?"

"It iz not my job to babysit! Zat iz your job, or it vould be if Sta--"

"Shut it doc. Don't you dare finish that sentence."

"Vell zen you should think twice about ridiculing me, at least I have proper job, assi!"


"We live in the middle of nowhere! We're your only fucking patients, Schneep!"

"Easy, calm down you two. Arguing amongst ourselves will get us nowhere."

"Yeah well tell doc to check out his ass for the stick that's up it!"

"GUYS!!!" The argument came to a screeching halt. Jackie had raised his voice to overpower the escalation. He was looking away from the group with wide eyes, and he nodded at the cavern's entrance. "He's right there." Their expressions dropped. Chase was the first to break away, whisking out into the tunnel and turning to see a huddled form by the entryway. The poor human was curled up, his knees to his chest and his hands over his ears, shaking with stifled sobs as he cried into his knees. Chase bit his lip and slowly knelt, putting his hand beside Eric.

"H-hey little dude... I'm... I'm sorry you had to hear that." He put his fingers gently against his side, and at first the poor boy flinched away before coming to. Eric looked up at Chase with wide eyes, having started to shake even harder, before he put his face back in his knees. Chase moved his other hand to his other side, and he carefully scooped the human up off the cold hard ground. Eric started bawling, covering his face with his hands. "Shh... It's okay dude, it's okay..." The others clustered behind as Chase cradled the ball of angst to his chest, gently pressing him into the warm wall of fabric. Eric fidgeted to turn just enough so that his face pressed against his chest, gripping his shirt and clinging so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Chase bit back his own negative feelings, focusing all of his attention on comforting the poor young boy. Jackie watched sadly, feeling sympathy for the poor thing. JJ crouched beside Chase and gave him a little pat on the shoulder to remind the giant that he was going to be okay. Even Henrik had the decency to look a little guilty about his harsh words. Robbie followed the mute's example and hugged Chase's other shoulder, wrapping his cold lifeless arms around the bro's upper arm.

"Nnno... cry... Nnno nneed...to cry..." He rumbled, his words sluggish but deliberate. Chase blinked and realized that a tear had escaped his own eyes. He inhaled and blinked away the hot water gathering in them, continuing to rub Eric's back and softly shush him. Eric shuddered and suddenly started gasping incoherent words of apology between sobs.

"I-I'm-I'm s-sorry, I-I-th-the-I w-woke up, a-and, and I-I just-I-heard th-the shouting and-and I-I-I just-I just c-couldn't h-help it...!" He babbled shrilly, hiccuping. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, his eyebrows raised sharply behind his crooked glasses. He tried to say more, but the rest of it came out in a jumbled mess of whimpers and cries. He only managed to keep crying out, "I-I-I'm-I'm sorry...!" which broke Chase's heart. He softly hushed him, hugging the human closely.

"It's alright, it-it's not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong...!" Another hand came down on his shoulder. Chase looked up to see that it was Marvin's. The patient but wary look in his eyes was a clear message. With a small, grateful nod, Chase turned back to Eric and slowly stood up. He shifted his arms and carefully folded them, cradling the human in his arms as if he were an infant.

"We're going back to my room," he said. He didn't suggest it, or offer any invitations. The others simply backed up, giving Chase the space he needed as he carried Eric down the tunnel. Jackie sighed, and JJ put his hand empathetically on his chest as the good doctor found an interest in the floor, listening to the fading steps of his close friend.

Chase turned in to his room and spied his cap. Wordlessly, he adjusted his arms and crouched, picking it up off the floor. He moved to put it back on his bed, but then he paused before dropping it there. "Here." He gently nudged Eric onto his hand and lifted him up above eye level. His hand then tilted, allowing Eric to sidle off of the living platform and onto his fluffy brown head. Eric sniffled and blinked as he looked around, tears faltering in his puzzlement. His anxiety heightened only briefly when the hat suddenly came down on top of him, fitting snugly around the giant's crown but leaving enough room for Eric to move freely. Sniffling, Eric wiped his eyes and pushed his glasses back on, shifting his weight.

"Ch-Chase...?" He asked in a small, broken voice.

"... Sometimes when I get overwhelmed, it feels good to have a private spot, where nobody can bother you with bad feelings, or where you don't have to hide how you really feel." Chase's voice was a gentle rumble from so close. Eric could imagine the vibrations of his voice through his skull, feel the warmth of his words, almost as loudly as if he were right up against the giant's chest still. His body heat was almost overwhelming, at first, seeping from his scalp and into the dim confines of his hat. It was a little stifling, but... safe. Yeah. It felt good. Warm. Safe. Eric closed his eyes, his fingers slowly curling to grip the soft hair cushioning him as the giant continued. "It's hard, trying to carry on day to day like everything's fine, when all you feel like doing is curling up in a shell and hiding from the world. Or yelling at your friends, when they're just trying to help." A wry chuckle followed his words. "That isn't healthy. But finding a balance between caring for others and caring for yourself is. I guess... Well, I guess my point is... If you ever feel overwhelmed, or scared, then all you gotta do is ask, and you can go right up in there." He gently tapped on his cap for emphasis. "No questions, no fuss," he vowed. Eric sniffled.

"... R-really...?"

"Really." Eric snuffed again and rubbed away his drying tears. He smiled a little.

"Th-that... That's-that's really th-thoughtful..."

"We'll need a codeword, though."


"Yeah! Every cool operation needs a secret safeword." Chase put on a thinking face, stroking his goatee thoughtfully. "Hmm... How... About... 'Jinx'?"

"Jinx?" Eric echoed. He thought about it, and then he slowly nodded. "O-okay... As-as long as you're okay w-with it..."

"Are you?" Eric was thrown off guard.

"I-I'm-I'm fine with it, I-I-I guess..." He trailed off, wondering if that was the right thing to say. But Chase seemed okay with it.

"Alrighty then: Just say 'Jinx' if you ever need a break, little dude. I gotchya." Eric felt himself relaxing. He closed his eyes and nodded, sleepy from the soothing warmth.


"Ahem, Chase?" At the clearing of a throat and his called name, Chase looked to see Henrik peeking in. "Shall I come back later?" He offered uncertainly, "Marvin said to give you space, but I--"

"Nah, it's fine, come on in doc." Schneeplestein entered the chamber, sheepishly standing not too far from the entry. Chase sat on his bed, keeping mindful of his movements as he felt Eric settle down in his hair. It was an interesting experience, but the young man felt surprisingly comfy. He didn't mind the warm weight at all. "What's up?" He asked. Henrik fidgeted with his hands, then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle.

"I, ah, I brought ointment... for his scratches." He tilted his head, glancing about the messy chamber.

"Oh. Well, he's under here." Chase gestured at his snapback. "I think he's falling back asleep though," he chuckled softly. Henrik nodded.

"Ah, I see. Vell... I'll just... Leave zis here, zen. N-no point in zem becoming infected." He set the bottle on the large table, and then his coat whisked as he turned to take his leave.

"... Henrik, wait." Chase was tapping his foot as he stopped the doctor. "I'm... I'm sorry," he sighed, "I know I get wound up a lotta times, but that's not any excuse for me to take it out on one of my best friends." Henrik sighed and turned to face him.

"Chase, I vas out of line." He put his hands behind his back, rocking lightly on the balls of his feet as he fidgeted for his next words. "As a doctor, using sensitive information zat is classified between me and ze patient iz inappropriate. Using zat information against mein kumpel is even less forgiveable. Especially vhen zey trust me vith ze insecurity for zeir problems." Chase bit his lip; his eyes looked more tired and glazed. Henrik politely coughed into his fist before he stepped over to the other giant. "I vas being a vittle bitch," he confessed. "But I vas just vorried vhat vould happen if you let your guard down: you know how ze humans vould react if zhey saw us; so vhy did zis one not? It iz very confusing, and I am trying my best to keep my guard up... For all of our sakes." Chase nodded.

"I-I get it... I just- I dunno. He seems upset, but I don't think it's because of us-- well, not directly. He was even really nice when he first met us, remember?" Henrik grunted hesitantly, but he was biting back any hasty remarks his temper might try to blurt; for Chase's sake. "He didn't scream or try to run away, or... anything. Even now, after we had to break the news to him. But just... He stutters, all the time. You've seen how he is. When one of us start talking, he gets all fidgety and acts like a scolded puppy. He apologizes over the smallest of things, and sometimes he gets so worked up he just freezes and-and falls apart... And he's been having some bad dreams, but he avoids the subject like it's an everyday thing." Chase shook his head slowly, limiting the gesture very lightly so that he wouldn't disturb Eric. "And I don't think it's us that's the problem. Not completely, at least."

"Vell, you did practically kidnap him," the doctor remarked. Chase winced lightly.

"Y-yeah... But he was just, all alone... I didn't want Anti to get him; and we can't let him go back now, not after he's seen us."

"Marvin vas quite clear on zat."

"Yeah. But that's somethin' else that's been bugging me... I really like him, doc. And as much as I'd like him to stick around, we can't keep him here like it's some prison. That's horrible. But what if there was some way to prove to Marvin that he's not a threat to us? What if we could get the little guy to show him he would keep our secret?" Henrik inclined his head.

"How vould ve do zat?" Chase shrugged.

"I-I dunno. But somehow, if we could get that to work, then maybe Marvin would let him go. He could go home, wherever he belongs..." Schneeplestein was quiet for a few seconds. He took a seat beside the bro and pat his shoulder.

"You have a big heart, Chase. And I should know, I have seen it." That provoked a rueful chuckle. "But how do you know zat he vould keep our secret?" Chase shrugged.

"I dunno... Gut feeling, I guess." Henrik regarded him ponderingly, and then he sighed.

"Vell, I guess I could make an effort to be less of a trottel." He held up a salient index finger. "But zat does not mean I have to trust him. Zat is your department." Chase gave him a lopsided smile.

"Thanks doc." He leaned against his white clean shoulder, and the two expiated with a hug.

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