(04) Grimm 1x15 - Island Of Dreams

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Summary; When the sister of a recently slain shop owner comes to town, Nick thinks they may have found an ally in the creature world.


Trigger warnings;

Drug usage

3: 59 - 5:04 ; two men get high on some kind of gas and then woge

37: 44 - 39: 14 ; characters enter a place where people go to get high, multiple close up shots are used

Gun usage

6:03 - 6:05 ; they cock their guns as they prepare to go into a shop

7:43 - 7:51 ; man use gun to shoot another man, who then dies from bullet wounds (after biting his leg)

28:19 - 28: 39 ; our villains use guns to shoot at the main characters

38: 43 - gun is fired a number of times

42:01 - 42:04 ; gun is used to practice with


7: 43 - 7:51 ; a piece of bloodied skin is found in a man's mouth by the detectives, there is blood on the floor around the body

9:55 - 10:05 ; woman pours blood into a bowl and then pricks her own finger adding a few drops to the mixture

33: 02 - 33:06 ; people's faces melt off due to someone intaking medicine


13:43 - 14:19 ; the man that got bitten has to be stitched up because of his leg wound, he does this forcefully - dried blood is shown

Other misc triggers

30: 39 ; man comes into the spice shop, collapses and is then covered in boils (shot lingers for 3 seconds), close up is also repeated at 31: 44, 32: 11, and 32: 25 - 32: 31 (he jumps and starts screaming)


Oh, this is when Sean was still morally ambiguous!!! I missed this side of him!

"Apparently he doesn't want to take advantage of that."

- Adalind, about Nick saving her life (aka yet another reason we stan nick)


Look at her!!



Ah yes, back when she was still evil - and not completely character assassinated. Also I forgot about the spells!!


They're still guest stars!!


Also Nick and Hank take turns calling up people's next of kin. That's kind of sweet?




I forgot how much I loved the subtle woges!! Like there's no extraneous head shaking it just happens and then fades!!!






I forgot how awkward Monroe and Rosalee's first meeting was.


Bud's family sounds so nice.


Huh. I forgot about Hank's freaky Adalind related dreams.


What would have happened if Hank had only eaten one of the biscuits?


Why does Monroe sleep really similarly to the way I sleep?


Wu. No.


I miss when Sean actually cared about his team.


I love how confused Nick is about the wesen potion terminology.


Look at her!!!


They're so cute!!


Nick, after watching Juliette shoot: I shouldn't be attracted to this, but I am.

14.11.19 (3rd time watching)

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