First Sleepover

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Marinette's P.O.V

   The whole day went surprisingly well. Most congratulated us while other either stuck up their nose and left (cough Chloe cough) . Adrien and I talked about the situation at hand and decided to go with the flow. It was currently our lunch break so I took Alya , Nino and Adrien over to my place. I remember Tikki saying that it was okay to bring guests .

When we arrived, Alya and Nino stood gaping at the sight . "Dude ! This is where you live ! This place is amazing." , exclaimed Nino. "I have to agree with him , this place is totally awesome." , added Alya. I blushed , "thanks , come in , I told the chefs to serve all our favorites."

While eating m I thought of a great idea. "Are you guys free for the weekend?"



"I have to ask Nathalie first"

I smiled . I'm glad they're both free , as for Adrien , well, hopefully he will. "I was thinking about hosting a sleepover. Mom has an 4 rooms that are for more than a few guests and maybe this would be a great way to know each other more." They smiled at that idea and we began planning.

"So it's settled . My parents told me it was okay to include some of our male classmates, the only condition is that they stay in the other room .We'll invite Juleka , Rose, Kim,Alex,Myline,Ivan,Max,Nathaniel ,Sabrina and Chloe"

"WHAT?!" Three voices rang out.

"Why her?"

I sighed . I knew this was going to happen . "Because I want to make a fresh start with her , that , and my parents told me that when someone hates you , don't hate back and sink down to their level , it's low for a reason."

They thought about it. Finally, Alya said ,"fine , but when she steps out of line, I am not responsible for my action ." I smiled ,"good enough."

(A.N. These are the pictures of the rooms. Sorry , but I don't know how to put two pictures at the top . And also , these photo aren't mine.)

At school ~~~

When the bell rang , most of our classmates were about to leave , but Alya blocked the door and pointed at me . They now look at me with questionable expressions . "Hey , well ... you see my parents told me it was okay to throw a slumber party over the weekend, and they already called all your parents and they agreed , but that is if you want to come."

They all looked shocked.

"Why all of a sudden?" , I think his name is Max.

"Well , I kind of want to know all of you better."

"I'm in"


"What time should we come ?"

"Puh- leas as if I want to go on your dumb sleep over , it'll probably be boring like your house."
Chloe's snarky voice rang out. Everyone looked at her annoyed.

"Nobody said you have to go." I replied. That seemed to have made her shut up. "And also , bring swim wear. " I told them my address and we went our separate ways. I can't wait for tomorrow.


Gah ! I thought everything is ready , but it isn't. Tikki and the maids told me to calm down and everything is perfect. But I just can't . What if they don't feel comfortable, or think that maybe Chloe is right. I shuddered at the thought .


I putt on the mittens and took the freshly baked cookies out. This is the second batch . I made sure to bring games and make sweets for this this . Because tonight will be a night to remember. The sound of the doorbell was heard. "It looks like your friends are here." Said Tikki . I took off the apron and mittens and went out to greet them .

"Hey guys" I greeted.

"Hey Marinette "

"Thanks for inviting us over."

"It's no biggie really, come on in "

I can't believe they really came . Even Chloe and Sabrina. Thought hey wanted their own room so I gave it to them .

Chloe was complaining on how hideous the room was and how that I am suppose to be honored that she took pity on me that she came to this sleepover. But I just ignored her.

When they all had their bags down I told them that they could either go to the pool or head to the gym . Some went with pool and it was just me , Alex and Kim. I showed them out to the small room where Plagg made a gym on which he plans to never use.

Kim looked as if he was in heaven and Alex rolled her eyes at his expression." I'll just leave you guys here ."

I went to the pool area where they were having chicken fight and splash wars. But I frowned when I saw Chloe . She was wearing the lowest definition of a swim wear. And it wasn't even appropriate! I sigh . Does this girl let what people say go from one ear out the other ? Don't answer that , it was a rhetorical question.

I saw Alya , who was heading for the changing room . "Wait for me " , I called out to her. I grabbed my bag and went with her. She had a one piece swim wear that was dark purple with a wifi sign , and mine was just ladybug themed. (This sound familiar?)

After applying some sun block, we joined the others in the water.

We all had a wonderful time and as for dinner, we just ordered some pizza. Adrien on the other hand had to eat the food cooked by the chef because of the orders from his father. And Chloe just ordered herself some sushi. After dinner , we went to the cinema room and watched Percy Jackson : The Lightning Thief . After the movie , I checked the time . 7 :15 p.m. It was still early so I asked them if they want to play a game before going to sleep.

I lead them to the ballet studio where Tikki thought me some ballet from time to time. It was bare , so it is the perfect place to play.

"Mari , you never told us you could do ballet "

I shrugged "it never came up."

I sat down on the floor and they they followed . So now we are in a circle. By the look on their face, they know what's going to happen . "Are we seriously going to play truth or dare?" , asked Juleka . "Why not " , I said . And we began.

I looked around and saw an empty bottle. I went and grabbed it . I spun it and it landed on Rose .

" truth or dare?"

"Umm truth?"

"Is it true that you have a crush on Prince Ali ?"

She blushed , "yes"

The bottle began to spin again and landed on Adrien.

"Dare" . I inwardly groaned . Normally, Rose is sweet and an angel , but the look she has now definitely defy it.

"I dare you to take a picture of Marinette and post it online saying ' this is what I picture in a future wife ' ".

My face turned ashen . But Adrien just said , "really ? I thought dares were suppose to be hard , this is just child's play ."

The next thing I know , Plagg and Tikki barged in and shoved their phones in my face . Wow, news do travel fast .

A.N.  I only own the plot . The rest goes to their rightful owners.

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