Going to hell- I mean school

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A/N : I do not own anything except for the plot. And the music above is from HSS , it's an amazing game . Everything goes to their rightful owners.

Mari's P.O.V

I woke up , slamming my hand at the blazing alarm . I groggily got up when I suddenly realized that today is my first day to school . An actual school that is full of other students . Being a princess, I was home schooled and I didn't have time to socialize with other kids my age . Only the guest of my parents . And most of them tried to pair me off with their son , but it didn't work . I immediately saw the greed in their eyes .

I took a bath and open the door to my walk - in closet . Which outfit should I wear . I decided to just wear my least fashionable outfit. I don't want them thinking that I'm stuck up .

Once I was satisfied, I went down for breakfast. As soon as I reached the dinning room, the aroma of food made me feel as if I was flying. I saw Tikki and Plagg at the table . "Good morning Mari , did you sleep well?" , asked Tikki . "Yes , I did " , I replied. Plagg got up ,"I got to go , I have another meeting. Bye Tikki, good luck at the hell hole Mari ." "Plagg! Don't talk about school like that , it's her first day and I don't want her thinking it is a place of torture ! "

Plagg rolled his eyes , "maybe because it is . " He kissed Tikki goodbye and tried to ruffle my hair . But I moved before he had the chance . "I don't want to style it again " , I said . He smiled and left . Tikki sighed , "hurry and finish Mari , you don't want to be late " .

I wasn't really hungry so I just got a pancake with 3 strawberries. Once I was done , I carried my plate to the sink and prepared my things, making sure I didn't leave anything behind. I brushed my teeth before we left . The driver dropped Tikki of at the mall , "good luck Mari , and don't let bullies drag you down " , she gave me a hug and left.

When we were close to school , I grew nervous. What if they don't like me ? But I had to push those emotions inside . Never let your emotions control you. I took a deep breath when we stopped in front of the school . I grabbed my bag and got out . I suddenly felt all eyes on me . I calmly walked in and into the administration office. "Hello dear , how can I help you ?" , a kind old lady asked . I smiled warmly . She looked surprise. Please don't recognize me .

"I'm actually here for my schedule ma'am" , I said .

She recovered from her shock , " of course , I'm sorry , it's just that , I didn't expect you to behave like this , not in a bad way , it's just that rich people tend to look down on us ." I smiled sympathetically, " it's okay , I'm just deferent from them because I was raised differently ." She nodded , "understandable , what is your name dear ?"

I was about to respond with my actual name when I remembered that for safety, I had to pretend to be the daughter of Plagg and Tikki Miraculous. "Marinette Miraculous " , I said . It feels so weird. The receptionist looks shocked , " are you somehow related to Plagg Miraculous?" , she asks. I hate to lie , I really do . " yes, that's my dad" , I replied. Shame on me for lying to an elderly. She handed me my schedule. "Thank you" , I said and left . Oh this is stressful.

I looked at my schedule . I had History at room 142 . I used the map and found the room with minutes to spare. I entered and everything stopped. Everyone's focus was on me . "Hi?" , I really don't know what to do for once . Thank goodness the teacher came . She was early. "Ah , you must be the new student . I'm madam Dubois , why don't you tell us about yourself."

Everyone was seated and stared at me . "Hi . My name is Marinette Miraculous, -" , I was cut off by a blonde whose face was caked with make -up . "Are you related to that cheese guy , uh, what's his name , Sabrina !" Her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. I'm not rude , just stating a fact . A red hair girl timidly said ,"Plagg Miraculous " . The blonde girl looked as if she knew the whole time , "yeah , that's him , so are you ?"

I know what type of girl she is. "Yes , I am . He's my father ." I stated . "And you are ?" She looked as if I had slapped her. "Are you from outer space or something? I am Chloe Bourgeois, daughter of mayor Bourgeois, so you better be on my nice side peasant " . I hid my smile . If only you know who I really am . I doubt I am the peasant.

"Before I was interrupted, I love fashion , learning (I got looks of shock from mostly everyone ) , and - " . What is it with people cutting me off today ? A knock was on the door . My eyes widened , it was Nooroo . He was my manager. As a princess , I had a tight schedule which includes meeting guests, going to my classes on defense, tutorials , going to the orphanage (i kind of miss the kids ) , and photo shoot and standing or sitting for hours for a portrait and lastly , going to the library reading at least 15 books a day . The lessons I learned , not included.

Not to be rude , but what is he doing here?

"How may I help you?" , asks miss Dubious. "Yes , I'm here for Miss Marinette " . I stepped into his view . "Yes Nooroo" . He looked at me sympathetically, "unfortunately, you are still to follow your schedule, but it is now improved due to you going to school , I'll see after school ". He handed me my schedule and left . I'm going to cry . I really am . Everyone looked at me weirdly. I sighed and took a seat in front . It was the only table that had no one .

Alya's P.O.V.

Poor girl. When she looked at her schedule she looked as if she was going to cry. To be honest , when she arrived, we all thought she was going to be another Chloe . But she was obviously not. There is something about her . Like I've seen her before . She sat in front of me and Nino . I took a glance over her shoulder to see the schedule she received from the purple guy.

7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. = school

3:15 p.m. - 3: 30 p.m. = archery

3:45 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. = fencing

4:05 p.m. - 4:20 p.m. = Kung Fu

4:35 p.m. - 4:50 p.m. = photo shoot

5:05 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. = portrait

5:35 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. = greet guests and dance

7:45 p.m. - 8 :30 p.m. = homework and 20 books to read

My eyes widened on what I saw . Wow , this girls life is nuts! And having homework and to read 20 books to read ?! I pity this girl.

Chloe's P.O.V.

Ugh. Look at her . A total peasant. She should consider herself lucky to be in the same room as I am . I am the daughter of mayor Bourgeois. My daddy could place her father to bankruptcy. She better be nice to me . I am the darling of all of Paris. And the look she got when she got her schedule, ha! That was a laugh. Poor baby about to cry.

Adrien's P.O.V.

I quickly ran all the way to school, ignoring Natalie as she called me. I want to go to school meet new friends . I have been isolated far enough. I never asked for anything and did what he wanted , now I asks for something and he denied it . I don't want to do this , but I really want to know other people . And make friends . Is that too much to ask . I went to my classroom . "I am so sorry that I am late" , I said gasping for air .

"I hope this is only once that you will be late Mr. Agreste " , said miss Dubois , "please take a seat next to your new seat mate Miss Miraculous " I looked at her and I knew who she is then and there , but I could still be mistaken . But she looks a lot like the princess of China. Princess Marinette Cheng. The darling angel as they call her . And I wholly agree.

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