He's here

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A.N. I do not own anything, they all go to their respective owners.

Marinette's P.O.V

   The note still shook me to the core. What could it mean ? I know that I am safe here on the island , but would everyone else be? My head is spinning from all the possibilities. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry , everything will turn out fine.", said Bridgette.

"Right now , I don't know anything anymore.", I replied.

"Don't fret your highness , we will protect you.", said one of the guards.

I smiled." Thank you all for doing this."

"It's our job , we have to protect the royal family."

I looked out at the beach . Alya and Nino were having a water fight and it seems that Adrien was the referee . I wanted to go out and join them , but I am in this house doing paper work. Being a ruler is hard work . And it doesn't get any easier. They offered to help , but I told them that I could do it.

Bridgette made her way to the kitchen . Probably to fix Felix some food and medicine. How someone could get sick with a cold on a tropical island is a mystery to me. But Bridgette said that he will be better for tonight's barbecue. At least , we hope so.

I went back to work. Half of these forms need to be signed, the others , I need to stamp , and the last 56 , I have to read . I looked at the clock 10 : 16 , if I'm lucky , this will be easy . And of course, luck is not on my side today. I barely finished half of my work when Master Fu called 2 hours later.

"Your highness , it is good to see you.", greeted Master Fu.

"It is good to see you to Master , what is the meaning of this call."

"I will have you know that Hawk Moth was spotted and authorities are now after him."

I was overwhelmed." Really? That is wonderful!"

"I am coming to that island with a few guards to celebrate, I will see you soon."

"See you soon Master Fu."

I hang up and skipped all the way to Adrien. The paper work will have to wait.

"Adrien!" I threw my arms around him.

"Whoa , Mari what is it?", he asked .

"They found him! They're going to capture him and I'll be safe , we'll all be."

"They found Hawk Moth ?"

"Yes!" , I exclaimed.

By now , we all were celebrating . It was getting dark , so I assigned them to a few tasks. The girls would set the table and decorations, and the boys will have to cook the barbecue and place lights around the beach .

By the time the girls were finished , the beach looked amazing.

The boys also did an amazing job with the food , my mouth was watering at the sight.

I tried stopped the boys from eating the food. We have to wait until Master Fu arrived. And just as I thought that a sound of a boat was heard . Master Fu was at the deck waving at us. We waved back .

Third Person's P.O.V.

   Master Fu was about to grab his bag , when Wayzz took it for him. "Grandpa , let me."

Master Fu sighs. He loved his grandchild , he really does , but he wished that he could let him do things by himself. "I'm still young Wayzz , I'm still in my 180's ."

Wayzz shook his head , but carried the bag . He helped Master Fu down with some guards trailing behind them. He saw that Marinette and Adrien were making their way over to them. "Master Fu , welcome .", she greeted.

"It is good to be here your highness."

"Come, why don't you let us take your bags and you make your way to your table.", offered Marinette.

"It'll be fine , I'll take them to my room."

"Grandpa , I'll do it , you just go and eat , where's the room , your highness?", asked Wayzz.

"It's over here, I'll show you .", replied Mari .

Master Fu sighed.

"What is wrong Master?", asked Adrien.

"Wayzz never lets me do anything by myself.", said Master Fu.

"It just shows that he cares."

"Yes , but I can do it by myself, I just wish that he would let me."

Adrien turned to look at the barbecue , " it looks like it's almost time to eat , come , I'll show you to your table."

"Thank you."

With Marinette

   I noticed the sad look Master Fu had . Wayzz seemed to do all the work even though Master Fu wanted to do it by himself." Wayzz , why do seem to do evufor Master Fu? I understand that you want to help him, but there are some things that he wants to do himself."

Wayzz took a deep breath.

"It started when I was young , maybe around 10 - 12 years old, I was helping Master Fu clean the house , but I was so busy , I didn't see him slip and fall , I heard a groan of pain and I saw him on the ground , the doctor advice that he should stay in bed . You should have seen him your highness, he was in so much pain . So I vowed myself that I won't make him do anything that would cause him pain."

I wiped the tears with my hand . "That is just sad, but don't you think you should tell Master Fu about this , he would understand why you're doing this for him."

"I will , thank you your highness."

I smiled at him, "let's head down to the beach , before all the boys finish all the food."

Somewhere in the island

   Finally, I'm here. Taking a ride from that stupid boat was exhausting. But they didn't notice me. I'm here your highness. And I'm coming for you. Tonight. And nothing's going to stop me.

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