❗️I knew it❗️

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A.N. I only own the plot. Nothing else. Unfortunately.

Marinette 's P.O.V.

I finally did most of my schedule. I did archery , fencing, and Kung Fu lessons . My photo shoot didn't take too long unlike how it normally was . I even kept one picture from the shoot .

I really like this one . And now all that is left is to great and dance with the guests . I thought it was a mistake until Tikki and Plagg told me that they were invited to a formal party and they have to bring me with them . They said if I go out where most people are , the killer would be exposed and easily captured. And as a bonus the people coming were also rich so there will be tons of guards. I smiled at myself at the mirror . The dress I made took quite an effort , but it was worth it .

"Marinette, are you ready to go ? " Tikki asks . When she saw me , she gasped. "Oh , you look so adorable Mari!" . "Thank you Ti-mom" . I have to remember that I'm playing their daughter. "You girls ready to go?" Plagg came in ."You look beautiful kitten ." I giggled." Thanks".

We went outside where the limo was . On the way there , I couldn't help but feel as if something big was going to happen . I just hope that it isn't going to be bad.

Adrien's P.O.V.

Father is forcing me to go to a formal party . Apparently, this is what what we talked about . I go with him to somewhere and I get to go to school. But he didn't say where . I then felt stupid . I should have asked first. Usually, he would go alone , but this time , he wanted me to go with him. And I have to wear the outfit he chose. I look like a prince. Couldn't I have just worn a suit like he did ?

When we arrived , a limo came behind us. Father seemed to recognize who own this . And when a man stepped out , I knew who it was. He was Plagg Miraculous. His cheese company is a huge hit and rumors said that he was also going to start a cookie factory for his wife, Tikki Miraculous.

He held out a hand for his wife to take . "Mr. Agrest , junior." Plagg said as soon as he spotted us . "I would like you meet my daughter , Marinette " . A beautiful lady came and it was my seat mate. "Mr. and Mrs. Miraculous, it is nice to meet you and your daughter , though I would prefer it if you do not call my son junior." , my father said.

The princess- I mean Marinette just smiled and looked around . She was really beautiful. I would have just started at her all day when someone cleared their throat. Mr. Miraculous looked at me and I realized I had been caught ogling at his daughter." Maybe we should we should just join the others ". And with that , they left.

I let out a breath when they left . Plagg Miraculous can be scary when he wants to. I was about to go in when a hand was placed in my shoulder . "I saw that look Adrien" , said father. "What look?" , I asked acting dumb. To my surprise he chuckled.He CHUCKLED! "You don't fool me , that was how I looked at your mother and how Plagg looks at Tikki." I felt heat rush to my cheeks.He smiled a smile that wasn't fake for once and led me inside.

Plagg's P.O.V.

I saw the way he looked at Mari and I approve of him , but what will happen when Mari has to go back ? Will her people allow her to be with someone who does not have royal blood in them ? But one thing I do know is that I ship them . Adrienette forever! But don't tell Tikki! I have to play the 'protective, I don't care about my daughter's ship' father.

Tikki's P.O.V.

I sense Plagg is fanboying deep inside . I know Plagg to much . And I know for a fact that Adrien will be the perfect gentleman and be the perfect partner in life for Marinette.

Gabriel Agreste's P.O.V.

I inwardly smiled. I know my son is falling for Marinette Miraculous and I could not ask for a better girl. Or should I say Princess Marinette Cheng. "I hope the people of China would understand " , said Tikki. "They will understand " , I said . Plagg raised an eyebrow, "how are you sure ?"

I couldn't keep it any longer and told them , but not loud enough for someone to eves drop. Tikki and Plagg looked shocked . "I guess there is nothing to worry about then ". That is when I frowned. I raised a hand counting from 3 , 2, 1.


Tikki and Plagg flinched at the witch's shrill voice. I watched with pity at my son. "We have her" ,I said. Ever since her mother died , she clung to Adrien . Her mother said that they would end up together and she believed it . But she wouldn't believe him when he says that he doesn't feel the same .

Adrien's P.O.V.

I pried Chloe of me and turned to Marinette. "I'm so sorry Marinette, she has this crazy delusion that I love her" . I hope she won't think I'm lying and that I'm a player. To my surprise, she laughed ,"it's okay , I know the feeling". I'm glad she understands- wait what ?! I was about to say something when Chloe interject, "ha ! As if anyone would want you , I bet you were just adopted! You look NOTHING like your so called 'parents' . Don't you agree Adrikins ?"

"No . I don't "

"What ?!"

By now , we had the attention of the entire party. "Chloe , I suggest you apologize to Marinette " , I said calmly. She stomped her foot and shook her head , " ugh! Why do I even bother ?! I don't need you ! I have Jordan and he loves me ! So listen everyone ! Stay away from Jordan Leroy , he's mine !" , Chloe shrieked.

Everyone flinched . Marinette stood by her ground and calmly said , "it's okay , I just pity Jordan . Is he suddenly blind? Or deaf? Cause that kind of person is the only one who would be nice to you without seeing your face and hearing your awful voice. I have a doctor whom I could call for you ".


Chloe glared at Marinette and tried to make a dramatic exit but tripped over the fabric of her 'dress'.

After all that drama, we went to the garden . " that was really brave of you to stand up to Chloe like that " , I said. She blushed , "thank you, I just hate bullies". I could relate . We spent the next hour learning more about each other . And I couldn't help but fall for her more. But I wonder....

"Thank you for your time Princess Marinette Cheng "

"Your welcome " , she smiled before realizing what she said . "Please don't tell anyone!" . I nodded , "if my princess commands" . She bushed and closed her eyes , smiling. I couldn't help myself I grabbed my phone and took the picture .


I smiled.

"I had my chance and I took it . I now have a new wallpaper "

It was almost time to go home . "Until next time princess " . I took her hand and placed a kiss on it.

I think I'm in love. Wait, I KNOW.

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