Moving the occasion

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Plagg's P.O.V

   Tikki and I arrived at the airport. We were going to pick up Master Fu . He said that it is important and we have to meet with him as soon as possible.

"Tikki , Plagg , it's so good to see you.", Master Fu said.

"It's good to see you too ", my wife replied and went to give him a hug.

"So what's so important?"

"It's about Hawk Moth."

I looked around . No body seems to mind us , but I have a bad feeling . Hawk Moth has gained some followers and they were mostly his family . And he has a huge family. The others were either because they support him or owe him a debt.

"Let's take this back home , I have a feeling we're being watched."

I took his bag and Tikki helped him to the car. We have to move . I know one of Hawk Moth's minions or 'akuma' as he likes to call them , are here. I took the long way home . I noticed a certain purple car following wherever I turn . I know what to do.

"Buckle up."

They look at me with questionable expression , but did it anyway. I took a turn to a road that is really long and has many turns. I pressed the gas pedal as hard as I could. Tikki and Master Fu held on for their lives. I was now driving as if demons from hell were chasing after us. When I saw that we were far from him, I went to the side and hid with the other cars in the parking lot.

It worked I saw the same purple car sped by. I smirked. His akuma may follow him and do everything he says , but who's to say that they're smart.

"Okay , he's gone ."

"Are you sure that he was the only one?", asks Tikki.

"Yeah , I'm sure , he was the only one that was following us and had the symbol of Hawk Moth.", I replied.

"He's getting stronger.", said Master Fu gravely.

I raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean ?"

"His family is helping , but that's one problem , the other is that most of his family are ex spies and cops that have gone rouge . We need our best spies back to help us."

I sigh .

"You up for it Ladybug?"

"Only if you are Chat Noir."

We were spies . The best one in the agency. But we retired 3 years ago. Tikki said that this job was getting more and more dangerous, and I agree , but we knew the conditions when we applied for it. We were the duo that most of the agency look up to.

But then an accident happened that made us retire . I didn't want to think of it. And neither does Tikki.

I started the car back up and drove back home. Master Fu's phone rang . It was Wayzz , Master Fu' s grandchild. "Yes ? .....I not soon?.....very well."

"Is everything alright Master Fu?" , Tikki asked with a hint of fear .

"I'm afraid the situation got worse."

We arrived at the house and I told the guards to make sure that no one gets in or out. Tikki and Master Fu are at the living room and Tikki is serving him some herbal tea.

"Mater Fu , what's going on? "

He sighed and rubbed his forehead," the situation is worse than ever before , we need to assign at least 5 guards with the princess 24/7 . But it seems that she is not the only one ."

"They're not going after Adrien are they?"

"Don't ask questions that you don't want to know the answer to ."

Tikki gasped and water filled her eyes. I went over to her and wrap her in my arms . I whispered comforting and positive words to her.

"So what now?"

"We're going to have to move the wedding. This way , if they are not married yet , Hawk Moth won't have to kill -"

Tikki burst out tears at the word.

"I'm sorry Tikki , but you know that's what's going to happen to Adrien. Hawk Moth, he is one of the most cunning and deceitful enemy we have ever encountered. What is worse is that ." He paused.

"What Master?", I asked.

"He has Nooroo."

Tikki was now openly sobbing. Nooroo was her best friend , her brother from another mother.

"What else ?"

"The princess has to return home to China . We will double the guards and double the security. We have to lure Hawk Moth away from Prince Adrien first ."

We nodded.

"And you two are the Chiefs ."

Tikki and I had a silent conversation through our eyes. For our little Princess .

The next morning

   I called Mrs. Agrest and though she worried for Marinette's well being , she was still sad about the postponed wedding . Marinette is now on her way to the airport, we were told that she has her sword and bows and arrows. We were relieved. At least she has some ways to defend herself.

With Marinette
   After Master Fu called me and informed me that I have to go back to China, I held back my tears that were threatening to fall out. He was right though , Adrien and his family could get hurt because of me. I zipped my bag shut and went down.

Adrien and I talked about it last night. We will contact through our phones , but not often . Who knows who could be listening to our conversation. It was a tearful goodbye . We refused to let go of each other , but I had to go. I kissed him goodbye and left . I'll be back Adrien, I promise.

With Adrien

   She left. She flew off . I know she did this to protect me and my family , but it hurts to know that we will be miles apart from each other . She just left right now and I already miss her. I never felt so empty before . This is this big hole in my chest . And only Mari can fill it back up.

I looked up and saw the plane getting smaller and smaller . Until I couldn't see it anymore. I felt a hand in my shoulder. Felix.

"She'll be back , just wait ."

I nodded . I'll wait for you Mari . I'll wait until you come back to my arms.

A.N. So sorry for not posting this sooner , I had a blackout from where I am and it lasted for 13 hours . But anyway, I don't own anything but the plot .

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