My hidden heritage

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Adrien's P.O.V.

I finally finished my photo shoot and went home . Father told me that he has something to tell me . I wonder what could it be . It must be really big.

When I stepped into the mansion , I saw my father talking to a stranger. I didn't want to interrupt them so I stayed quiet . Their conversation was so quite I could over hear anything. It took a few moments for both of them to realize that I was there.

"Adrien, why didn't you tell us that you were here?" , asked father

"I saw that you were busy so I didn't interrupt "

He nodded , "Adrien , this is Mr. William "

I shook his hand . "Nathalie said you wanted to speak with me ."

Sir William looked at my Father ,"you still haven't told him?"

"I didn't know how or when to " , he replied.

He nodded in understanding, "I see , well , l will leave you two to talk this through then ." And he left .

"Father what did he mean ?" , I asked.

"Sit down Adrien , we have a long talk ."

I sat down across to him . What is going on ? What did Sir William mean that he had not told me yet ? Well one things for sure . I'm going to find out. "It's about your mother." I was now at the edge of my seat. I haven't seen mom for what feels like forever.

"Your mother was actually English Adrien. She has the most kindest and sweetest heart anyone could have and we fell in love . We got married and had you . She was so happy and I was too. Until she had to go back home . You know that because of my work , I have to travel a lot , I actually wanted you to stay with her because I was worried something bad would happen to me ."

He paused and got up . He went to the bookshelf behind him and picked out what I presume is a scrap book . He went back to me and gave me it . I took it and saw my mom with someone who looks like Marinette, her mother and mine knew each other ?

"Dad what is this ? Mom knew the late queen of China?"

"Yes, they were the best of friends . They knew what the other was thinking and how she feels , they were really close ."

"How ? How did they know each other ?"

"Your mother was also of royal blood "

What ? I whipped my head to my father who was looking out the window. I tried to wrap my head at the thought. My mom was royalty ? But what does that make me ? And why didn't Father tell me sooner ? There were so many questions going through my head right now.

"They were childhood friends until they were pulled apart by their duties . They made contact from time to time , and their bond grew back . And when we had you , your mother thought through about your entire life and when queen Sabine and King Tom had Marinette, they both had the same idea ."

"And what was that ?" Though I had a thought , I had to be sure.

"An arranged marriage between both of you ."

Yup. I was right. And I am now freaking out ." Why wasn't I informed about this ?"

"Your mom didn't want you to be crowded with all the stress , so I had to raise you the way I did . Fencing , the shoots , being home schooled, and mandarin , I had to do those . For your future . Every one in England knows who you are , they just think that you followed me because I needed the company."

I chuckled. If I remember something about my mom , is that she is persuasive and stubborn. I wonder if I could ever see her again .

"Sir William is actually here to take you to her , I informed your teachers and they excused you for the next 2 weeks ."

I still have a hard time to believe that I am actually a prince . But the thought of actually seeing my mom soon made me feel as if my heart did a dance . But what about Marinette? I don't want to leave her . I wonder if it's okay to bring her with me.

"Father , can Marinette come with ?"

He seemed to know that I was going to ask this . "Yes , but be careful son, the media doesn't know that you have an arranged marriage with princess Marinette, so I advice you to be careful."

I nodded. Now what was left in my mind is how I will break the news to my friends.

A.N. I do not own anything aside from the plot . Everything else goes to their respective owners.

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