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Tikki's P.O.V.

   I yawned as I stretched . I turned to my right and saw Plagg snoring away. I smiled . There were times like this that he didn't have to get up early and force himself to work . I kissed his forehead and went to the bathroom.

5 minutes later ~

   I emerged from the room freshly clean , wearing my usual ladybug themed dress. Walking down the stairs , I overheard few of the maids gossiping. I sigh. They may do this from time to time , but they are really good at their jobs and need the money for their family . But I wish they could just do it during their free time. I was about to go there and reprimand them when Marinette and Adrien's name was spoken.

"Yes , I heard that they were secretly dating and they were just exposed yesterday." said one of the maids. "Really? Rumors said that they were forced to spend time together because they have an arranged marriage." another said. What is going on? , I thought. "Well, I was told that they were just using each other for more media attention " . Were did all this come from. I shook my head . They were probably just speaking nonsense.

I continued my way to the kitchen . The conversation still stuck in my head. What was that all about . I better let it go . If Mari knows anything about this than she would tell me. Once I arrived at my kitchen , I couldn't help but notice the magazine that sat at the table. I took a peak at the cover. Oh , Mari.

Marinette's P.O.V.

   I groggily woke up and looked at my alarm. I bolted up and took the quickest shower in the history of showers. I was going to be late! This is not good. I was never late before. And I do not want to start now. I just wore a black and red dress and my black ballet flats. I grabbed my things and rush down the stairs. On my way down , I could help but notice some of the maids whispering .

I just grabbed two or three cookies from the tray Tikki held . "Mari , you better go , but after school we have to talk." I was busy eating so I nodded. I quickly gulped down the milk and ran to the door . I shouted my goodbyes and ran all the way to the car. I check my watch . 5 minutes left. I sigh . If I ran very , very fast when I step out , I could make it in time.

But then I noticed the pile of newspapers and magazines. Usually, the maids would bring in new ones and replace it with the previous . And I never felt like reading any of them until now. What gives? I grabbed the first two . Nothing that interesting, but when I saw the second one , my heart stopped beating. What is this ?

It was a Adrien and I when we went out to the ice cream parlor yesterday. They were claiming that we were a new couple. Well, we kind of are , but only for pretend. This is getting off hand.
I looked through the the other magazines. Sure enough, it was still about me and Adrien. The headlines were a bit over exaggerated.

New couple of Paris!

Secret love birds exposed.

Adrien Agrest & Marinette Miraculous an item !

Wedding bells in the future ?

The last one made me take a double take . Oh gosh , what would Adrien think?

Adrien's P.O.V.

   I could only stare with horror at the magazine that Nathalie was holding in front of me . "Your father said that he approves of this girl, however, anywhere you both should go , we have to be notified and you both should bring at least 2 guards ." Okay , overprotective much. But I kept my mouth shut. I hopped out of the car and went in school with a thought .

What would Marinette think?

{A/N : I do not own MLB , and never will . And the image of Marinette and Adrien , I do not own , but I did put it into that type of style. Thank you Photo Scrap.}

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