Party Crasher

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Marinette's P.O.V.

The barbecue was going great . Master Fu and Wayzz talked through and made up . Adrien and Felix were still eating and Bridgette was singing karaoke , curtesy of Nino and Alya filmed the whole thing.

I was just looking at the stars. How beautiful and magnificent they look above in the dark sky. I felt someone coming to me. It was just Bridgette.

"Hey , you okay?"

"Yeah , it's just so peaceful here , I wish I could stay."

She nodded. "I know how you feel , running away from our troubles. But sometimes we have to face reality."

I smiled." Which sucks."

She laughed." Don't I know it."

We spent the next few minutes talking about the stars and the constellations . We even had a competition on who could spot the most. It was all fine ........

"Good evening everyone."

We all looked at the person who said it. It was him , it was Hawk Moth! The guards went out to attack him, but he dodged and attacked with force, knocking them out unconscious. I snapped myself out of shock . I grabbed the bow and arrow I hid under the table.

I tried to shoot him, but he moves away the next minute. I threw all the arrows and the bow to Bridgette. Adrien and Felix had their swords and Nino and Alya were inside, like we told them if this ever happened. I took the sword that Adrien passed to me.

"What ? Is this how you welcome guests ?"

"For unwanted ones not really , but you're an exception.", Felix said through clenched teeth.


He attacked us. We tried to deflect and attack , but he was too quick. We were exhausted, but he looked fine. I looked around. I saw an extra rope and noticed a few rocks by the fire. I hope that he couldn't take the heat.

I picked up the rocks , it burns but I threw it directly at Hawk Moth , he was surprised, but caught on quickly. While he was distracted by my throwing, I looked at Bridgette's eyes and looked at the rope. She understood. Felix and Adrien lunged at Hawk Moth from behind and tackled him . Bridgette jumped in and with the boys , they tied him up.

[A.N. Sorry I'm more of a peaceful person , so I'm not good with fight scenes.]

He was tied up. I grabbed my phone and called the council to bring every agents they have . I have a feeling that this was a bit too easy to have caught him. He has something up his sleeve. I looked back and saw that he was knocked out.

"We have to keep a close eye on him.", said Felix." He seemed to have planned this ."

"But why would he want to be caught?", muttered Bridgette.

Adrien came up to me and wrapped his arms around me ." Go inside and rest, stay in my room , take the bed and I'll take the couch."

I nodded , too tired to complain.


  Apparently, Felix , Nino , Wayzz , and most of the guards took turns keeping an eye on Hawk Moth. Every time he would wake up , they either interrogated him or simply knock him out again. The council and some guards and agents arrived why I was sleeping. They took him and dragged him back to China.

We are now on a jet heading home . The council thought it better that I am near arms reach . We said goodbye to Nino and Alya first , then Adrien and Felix, and we dropped Bridgette in front of her school , since she was running late . If I wasn't so stressed, I would have laughed at the bewildered expressions her schoolmates had when I dropped her off.

And now here I am , on my bed, at my room , away from my friends and my boyfriend. The upside was that Tikki and Plagg came to visit me. I was surprised when I found out that they used to be the Chat Noir and Ladybug.

They told me that they were going to stay with me for a while until they are definitely sure that Hawk Moth received his sentence. Which , by the evidence and most of his actions, would end up as a death sentence.

I looked out of my window . Ever since I was little , the view of the sunset would always calm me , but why now it doesn't work. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

It was Nooroo . His arm still on a sling and was on a wheelchair. I still feel guilty about bringing innocent people into this.

"How are you , your highness?", he asked.

"I should be the one asking you that . Are you sure that you're fine Nooroo, I told you that you have to take a break and that your vacation is also paid."

"Your highness , you should calm down , the court date is tomorrow morning , you should get some rest . The guards are in every corner, you are safe. Especially with Chat Noir and Ladybug here.", he said soothingly.

I thought about it.

"Okay , I'll get some rest, do you want me to wheel you out?"

"I'm fine , goodbye your highness."


I locked the doors afterwards. Sleep sounds really good right now .

Meanwhile ~

"I knew you were a disaster! If I had known this would be the outcome of your plan , then I would've stayed with that fat mayor and brat he calls a daughter!", ranted Samantha Fay .

"Shut up ! You think I wanted this to happen ?! How was I supposed to know that she could fight and it wasn't just for show!", shouted Hawk Moth.

"That's the problem, you weren't thinking!", this time Lila was included. Her parents were furious when they found out and said that if she ends up in jail , the day she would get out, she will be grounded until she finishes college and she has to pay for her own tuition and things.

"Shut up you brat! You're not part of this! You were merely a pawn !" , roared Samantha.

"It's obvious that I will be given a death sentence, but if I go to hell , I'll drag you both with me! Samantha , I hope you have a good lawyer, I'm going to tell them a little secret of yours ."

Said girl paled . She knew what type of secret he was talking about . But how did he know ?

"And you Lila , I wonder how your parents would take the news of your little addiction ." Hawk Moth had a grin that threatened to split his face.

"You wouldn't!", she cried.

"Or would I . I am not on this alone and you will get your equal part of the blame . I am through with this game . If I die , you both die and then I'll take you to hell with me!"

A.N. Sorry for not updating yesterday. The story is about to end soon , I hope you liked it . Bye.

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