Photo shoot with a guest

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A.N. I do not own anything aside from the plot. And this might be a short chapter it is already 8 :52 p.m. On a Sunday.

Marinette ' s P.O.V.

I have one thing going on in my mind . T.G.I.F. That's right it is a Friday . The day everyone loves. And I love it too. I skipped down for breakfast. Play was on the phone and Tikki had to leave early to visit her cousin. I ate my toast and drank my juice. Once I was done with everything, I was about to leave when Plagg called me . He said something about a surprise during my photo shoot.

School went on like a breeze . Everyone was nice to me apart from Chloe and a girl named Sabrina . I was getter close to Adrian and his friends Alya and Nino. Once the bell rang after last period . I was driven to a studio where I will be posing for my pictures. I changed a few times and got these .

When I thought I was done , Adrien came in . Why was he here ? "Adrien , what a surprise, why are you here ?" He looked at me confused , "didn't your father tell you?"  I shook my head. "All he said was about a surprise during the shoot. " "well...surprise! I'm doing it with you , father thought it would be a great way for both of us to bond ." I shrugged my shoulders. Why not.

He looked uneasy." What's wrong?" , I asked. "Well , father had some fashion lines ment for other models , but they backed out , and so I have to wear it along with you." I smiled, "oh come on Adrien, how bad could it be?"

I thought the worse was over , but the last one shook me. I was suddenly on auto pilot. I changed into the outfit . We had to redo most of them and this is the last one . I want to go home and rest. Wearing this outfit makes me feel weird . And this is the picture.

Apparently, the theme was 'growing love' . I wouldn't mention it but I kept the second to last picture . I had asked the photographer to make a copy for me. He raised an eyebrow but said nothing. I fell for him . But does heaven like me back. It's still a mystery. But he probably doesn't.

Adrien's P.O.V.

I really had fun today. Even if the photo shoot with Marinette was kind of awkward because of father's choice . But it had to be done. I wouldn't mention it , but I asked the photographer to make me a copy of the last picture. He looked at me with an amused grin and said , " if you like the girl , ask her out ' . But I can't . What if she doesn't like me like that . I sighed and took my phone and stared at a picture of her that I had asked from Tikki.

I'm falling for her and she doesn't even know it . I know what's my next move. I have to call her 'father' first . I have to get his permission. Permission to court his 'daughter'. Even if they weren't related by blood. I could still see how much they care for Mari. Family are those who love you for you.

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