The arrival

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from the plot.

Adrien's P.O.V.

   As soon as the jet landed , the feeling of anticipation rushed through me . I wondered what could happen . I held on to Marinette's hand as we left the jet. The guards were already in their position , trying to hold back some reporters and fan girls, along with some security. We were then lead into a limo that was waiting for us.

"This is a lot to take in." , I said

"Don't worry , you'll get used to it ", Marinette said trying to cheer me up . I looked at her. "Eventually."

All our things were put away except for Marinette's small pink purse . I looked out the window , to think that I'll soon be in charge of all these people . What if I do something wrong ? What if I'm not cut out to be a ruler. Suddenly, Marinette scrambled to get something out of her purse.

"What is it ?"

"I promised to call Alya."

"Mari , we're in a different time zone , for all we know she could still be asleep."

"Believe me , her and that phone of hers are one , if I call her , she would answer in the first ring."

"Okay then "

To my surprise, Alya did pick up the phone and Mari placed it on speaker , though her voice held weariness, they still talked and talked if they had all the energy of the world. I thought about calling Nino , but he probably doesn't like to be woken up . Nobody likes it when you wake them up .

I remembered about the cookies that Tikki gave me. I found it after a while and shared with Marinette. Her conversation took some of her energy . Once we were done , she took a mint into her mouth and I asked for one. I will not have bad breath when I meet my mother.

But unfortunately, something bad happened.

"I'm sorry sir , but because of the weather, your mother gave me an order to let you stay here for the night ."

Even though it is an amazing place, I still feel down . I wanted to see my mom. Our bags were taken inside and it started to rain , so I took Mari's hand in mine and went in . We first looked for our rooms . But , it turns out that they had a problem with on of the rooms , so Mari and I chose a room that had two beds. It was a bit better and less awkward than sharing one bed .

"Which one do you want bugaboo?"

"I'll take the bed next to the window and don't call me bugaboo."

"Why not ? Plagg and Tikki calls you that so why not me ?"

She groaned and sat down in her bed. I chuckled and sat down next to her and gave her a big hug . "Come in " , I called out when there was a knock on the door. Two maids came in and each held a tray . "Here's your dinner ."  Marinette and I thank them and they left. While we were talking and eating , I got a call from Nino.

I placed it on speaker.

"Dude! How is England ? Your majesty."

"Nino , I told you not to call me that ."

"Whatever dude , Alya is here with me and you're in speaker."

"It's okay , Marinette's here and you're also in speaker."

"Hey dudenette!"

"Hey Nino"

"I have a question , why did Mari go with you and not us ?"

"Aw, is someone jealous?"

"What ? No I'm not ."

"It's ok Nino , you're not the only one , Mari left me too."

"Hey Alya"

"What's up girl"

"Well , the reason is that there were no more room in the jet and that I am more than sure that your parents won't let you miss school for two weeks ."

"Point taken "

"I knew you would understand Nino."

"Oh , girl , I heard that your mom is going to open a bakery , do think that you can help me get a job there ."

"Sure Alya"

"Thanks your the best"

"A new bakery what's it going to be called dudenette?"

"I don't know , she to me that it's a surprise."

"Okay , well we better go , you guys sound like you both have jet lag."

"We sound like that , because we do Alya."

"Ha ha very funny Marinette, anyways bye."


We hung up and continued eating our dinner . Marinette was first to finish and went to the bathroom. I was waiting for her to finish, so I charged both our phones and turned on the television.

I was now regretting it.

Breaking News

Hello everybody and do I have a scoop for you! I am here outside the royal gates and you won't believe me when I tell you that the prince is finally coming home ! That is right . Prince Adrien is coming back and that's not all. Sources say that he is bringing his girlfriend with him ! We did a bit more digging and found out that his girlfriend is no other than princess Marinette Cheng of China ! Well , that's all I have , back to you Philip.

I turned it off. And Marinette went out .

"Adrien, what do we do ? They know who I am and that means that he is coming."

I took her in my arms .

"Calm down " I whispered in her ear gently , " I'm here , I promise that I'll always be here for you."

That seemed to calm her down . I picked her up and carried her to her bed . I saw a keyboard in the corner of the room and turned it on. I began to play River Flows in you . When I finished, Mari was already in deep sleep.

"Sleep tight my lady ."

I then went to catch some sleep myself.

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