The attack

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Marinette's P.O.V.

  It has been 15 days since I left Adrien. 15 days since I was allowed outside . Once I went in the palace , I was given specific orders that I am not allowed to go out , unless I was with a minimum of 7 guards. I am now in my room , tripping to come up with ideas for my next design.

I closed my notebook and went to a part of the palace that Tikki taught me ballet . It was small , but big enough to dance in . I went to the changing room and dressed in my ballet outfit that mom made me for my birthday.

I turned on the DVD player and used the DVD that Tikki always uses when she teaches me ballet. The melody fills the room and I started dancing. I was at peace with the music and I was so focused on the music , I didn't know that someone went into the room .

"A marvelous performance your highness."

I jumped up and tripped. My ankle started to hurt.

"I am so sorry ."

It was just Beyline , one of my most trusted maids.

"It's okay, but could you please take me to my room and call a doctor."

"Of course princess."

She helped me up and took my to my room . I sat down on my bed and Beyline left to call . I took a book that was by my side and started reading. I was half finished with the book when the doctor came , along with Beyline.

He inspected my ankle and did a few tests.

"I advice you to be careful your highness, though it is nothing serious, you don't seem to need a cast , but you do need to rest and place ice on the pain ."

"Thank you."

He bowed and left . Beyline placed ice on my ankle with an expression.

"It's not your fault Bee."

"It is , you are suppose to have violin lessons and now you can't go and on top of that I was the cause of this ." , she gestured to my ankle .

"You heard the doctor , it's nothing serious , just a little swell."

"I still feel responsible."

"It's okay , I'm fine."

I smiled . That seemed to make her smile too.

There was a knock on the door. It was Master Fu. Beyline left . Master Fu came forward and have me a jewelry box. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. I opened it and a pair of ladybug themed earnings came to view.

"Tikki told me that she wants you to have it , a goodbye gift."

"Can you please tell her thank you for me ."

"Certainly princess, you better rest ."

I nodded and Master Fu left . I slowly changed out of my ballet outfit and into my most comfortable night wear while trying not to move too much . Once that was done , I let myself go to dream land .


I was woken up by a knock on my door. I slowly got up and wore my robes . I took a step and the throb was still there , but it was bearable. I opened the door and no one was there. Confused, I closed the door. It was then I noticed the window was open . I was sure that was close , maybe one of the maids thought I needed cool air .

I went to it and close it . I went back to bed and tried to catch some more sleep.

Unknown person's P.O.V.

   I got out of my hiding place . The princess was fast asleep. I took out some ropes and tape from my bag . I sigh . The things I do just because Hawk Moth is my son . I steadily went to the slumbering princess and covered her mouth .

Her eyes widen. She saw me , but what could she -. I was thrown into the wall. She then grabbed a rapier (a type of sword) under her bed .

She pointed it at my direction. When did she learn how to fight ? Probably not too long , she might have taken lessons once or twice . I grabbed a gun out of my bag and tried to shoot her , but with each shot , she deflected it with her sword. She's a pro , I thought.

All the noise woke up the guards and they swarmed me. I was powerless . All the bullets from my gun are wasted and gone . I surrendered. My son , I failed you. You were the only child that I was proud of . The child that I left my other family for . But they didn't know that, I faked my death so I could be with my little moth .

The guards grabbed each of my arms and took my down to cells . Son , I'm so sorry. But I will get out of her . Or my name isn't Samantha Fay . Dead wife of Mayor Bourgeois and mother of Chloe. But I am now Hawk Moth's proud mother . I had a child that I could be proud of . Someone who I could marry off to the royal family. I will finally gain recognition that I deserved . My son could give me that . Unlike that blonde brat.

I'm so glad that I left her. And for that princess , I'm coming for you , we all are. I took a spray paint that I took when the guards were busy . I turned to the wall .

I smirked . They won't know what hit them .

A.N. I do not own anything . They all go to their rightful owners.

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