The Break

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A.N. I do not own anything, they all go to their respective owners.

Marinette's P.O.V.

   Weeks have passed since I found out about Lila's betrayal and the wounds still hurt. But on the bright side , Hawk Moth's akumas were being weakened and they were getting more and more easier to catch.

They all had food poisoning. One of them we found a note from Nooroo which states the location on where they are and that he was forced to cooked for them . Which explains why they had the poisoning.

Hawk Moth escaped, but this time , he was all alone . This made the guards relax a bit . They know that I can defend myself well . And they should, I challenge them to fight me from time to time.

I still kept my contact with Alya and Nino and they said that they were in their summer break . I contacted Adrien and he was free for an entire month . So I had an idea .

While Hawk Moth is  in hiding, and I know that the security is tight in every ways that someone is to depart the country, I would go out of the country with my friends. This could make the guards job easier without me in the picture.

I told the council about my idea.

"This is risky your highness , but you are right , Hawk Moth couldn't leave the country even with a fake id , we will talk about this ."

I bowed and left. That actually went better than I expected. I looked at the time and went down to my fencing lessons.

"Stop! Your highness, that was an improvement, but I still advice you to be cautious, act quick but think of the ways he could attack you and block it swiftly."

"Yes , I will , thank you."

I left and went to my archery lessons . It was a bit different than usual. The trainer told us that we have to use our resources to make a bow and arrow and shoot the targets . In 15 minutes. We all looked around and I thought in my head what to use . I found a stick that was already bended , but sturdy. I picked it up and found a rubber band .

I knew what to do . I cut the rubber band and tied it to the stick at both ends . I stretched it a bit. It works , I quickly looked for a way I could make an arrow.

I found a thin stick in a branch . I climbed the tree and took it . I looked at the ground , and hopefully find a sharp rock , aha ! Found it . I grabbed it and tied it to the stick using the string that was hanging from my shirt.

I wondered off a little bit around the area and found some feathers that fell from the birds up the tree. I also found another rubber band in the ground and tied it together. I now have a bow and arrow.

I looked at my watch . I only had 3 minutes left . I ran back with a minute to spare. I wasted no time and shot the target. The sound of the gong echoed. I looked at the others , aside from me , only two others finished the quest.

As a reward, we were let off earlier. I went back up to the palace where they gave me a bottle of water and a towel. I went to my room and took a quick shower. I changed into my finest royal  outfit and went out.

When I reached the throne room , the council was there.

"Your highness, we thought about it and we ...... we agreed to let you go . We booked you and your friends a flight to the private island that queen Agreste gave your mother , but you are to bring 5 guards with you."

I was amazed that they let me go.

"Thank you all so much."

"You better start packing ."

I bowed and literally ran all the way to my room. I grabbed my carry on luggage that was in my closet.

I looked through all my outfits and packed the ones that I know I will need. Once , I was done , I contact both Alya and Nino's parents and they agreed to let them go. Adrien called and told me that Master Fu already contacted his parents and he's all set to go.

The next morning

   I woke up bright and early . I ate my breakfast that the maid brought in my room. Once I was done, I took a quick shower and changed to the clothes that I made last night.

The council let me used one of the private jets .I was going to pick up Nino and Alya since Adrien is already on his way to the island because his mom gave it to mine. I waited on one of the couch.

The guards that were coming with me , I told them that they could stay at the very back since the television was there. They went there and we were now on our way back to Paris,France.

With Alya & Nino ( A day later) [I'm not really sure how long it takes.]

   Alya was bouncing while videoing everything. "Dude, I think you should stop and calm down , everyone looks grumpy as it is."

Alya pointed a finger at him." Don't act like you're not excited! Mari is going to spend a MONTH with us ! Who knows , she could always be busy and not have time for us anymore."

"Well... It wouldn't actually be her fault though. I mean she does have a kingdom to run."

She sigh and nodded , before looking up. Her eyes widened. Nino looked at where she was looking and there was Marinette waving at them to come over.

"Oh my gosh ! Come on Nino!"

She dragged him by the arm . "Calm down woman!"

They arrived in the jet and Alya launched all the questions.

"Hey where's Adrien?", asked Alya.

"He's already there.", replied Marinette.

"What how?"

"Using his own jet."

"But how did he know where it was ?"

"Because his mom gave it to mine for their friendship anniversary."

"I'll never understand you rich people.", Nino shook his head.

Marinette rolled her eyes and yawned , " come on , it'll take a while for us to be there , better catch some more sleep."

A few hours later

Alya and Nino were being shook awake by Marinette.

" come on guys , we're here"

Alya immediately jumped up and grabbed a cushion and started to beat Nino up with it.

"Wake up ! Wake up!"

"Ok , ok , calm down dude.", Nino raised his arms in a surrender motion.

Marinette giggled . It was clear to her that these two have something going on between them, even if they didn't realized it.

They grabbed their carry ons and went out. The island was absolutely amazing. Not too hot and not too cool , just right. And in front of them was the beach house.

"Come on , let's go choose our rooms."

They found Adrien who was practically sleeping at the hot tub. Marinette shook her head and woke him up , by kissing his cheek. That woke him up and gave a smile when he saw Marinette.

"Finally, I was getting lonely here."

"Whatever kitty, we're going to choose our rooms."

"Then I'll choose with you , I wanted to wait for you guys so I slept on the couch last night."

That earned him a kiss on the cheek from Mari.

"That was nice of you kitty."

They went in and chose their rooms.

For Alya.

For Nino.

For Adrien.

For Marinette.

After they settled in . Mari changed into her ladybug swim suit and applied some sunblock lotion . She then went to the living room , where every one was.

"Anyone want to go swimming?"

They all went to their rooms to change and apply sunblock.

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