⚖The Trial⚖

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Adrien's P.O.V.

I was about to head to Marinette's room , when Plagg called me.

"What is it?", I asked.

"The council and I think that it may be time.", he said . And I understood. I have been waiting for this day . I never knew it would be so soon . I nodded. Anxiety filled every part of me. I took my phone out and called Felix to help me. "I need help."

Felix's P.O.V.

I chuckled and tried to calm my twin down . It was funny to hear at first, but now it was just plain annoying. I told him for the last time to calm down and then I ended the call. Bridgette looked up from her plate. I had to pick her up from her school because she was hounded by the paparazzi when they found out that I was with her on a trip to a private island.

"Is everything okay Felix?", she asked and tilted her head a bit. It was adorable.

I smiled and kissed her forehead. "It was just Adrien asking for my help."

"With what ?"

"That" , I gave her a look.

She nodded in understanding. "So soon ?"

I shrugged . "Come on , we have to be at the court house soon." I kissed her and went up to change.

Marinette's P.O.V.

I stared at myself at the mirror. I was wearing my mother's royal outfit . She always told me that this was her favorite. Wearing it, I could feel her . As if she was with me in this room.

My crown was shimmering from the light that was illuminated. There was a knock on my door .

"Come in." , I called out.

Tikki and Plagg came in.

"Are you ready for this little lady?", asked Tikki.

I nodded , "yeah , I'm ready."

Plagg looked unconvinced, but didn't say anything.

They led me down outside where the limo was waiting and a majority of 30 guards were holding off the paparazzi.

" Your highness, what is going to happen to Hawk Moth ?"

"Is it true that he was responsible for your parents deaths ?"

"Rumors has it that you and Prince Adrien are dating. Is this true.?"

"Is it true that you and Prince Adrien had an arranged marriage?"

I ignored them all and went in the limo. The trial starts in an hour and I do not wish to be late. Tikki and Plagg has a friend named Roxy who is an amazing lawyer . She never lost a case before. The sly fox as most people would call her.

When I reached the court house , Adrien went up to me and held my hand and gave me a cpkiss on the cheek. He took me inside and I saw that Master Fu was talking with who I presume was Roxy.

She saw me and walked up and we began to discuss what I should and shouldn't do . I can already fell the pressure on me . Hawk Moth is a threat that should be put down . He brought this upon himself.

Bridgette and Felix came soon after. It seems as they were followed by the paparazzi. Master Fu called 10 guards to block the reporters who were now trying to ask them questions. Bridgette looked stiff and tense . Felix just held her close to him , while glaring at the reporters who were taking every picture they could of the two.

When the doors were close, Adrien stood in front of me . He gave me a small kiss.

"Calm down, everything is going to turn up alright. After this , I am taking you to night out in a restaurant. Just you and me , how does that sound."

"Perfect.", I whispered.

"Don't you mean purrfect."

I groaned . Plagg was rubbing off on him with the cat puns.

Meanwhile ~

   With Lila

  I ran from the woman in front of me. She just puked ! GROSS! I cannot stand this ! I don't deserve this. I want to go home.

"Prisoner 5768 , you have a guest ."

Who is it now? The guard placed cuffs on my hands and I was led to another room . It was my grandparents. Hooray , not . I took a seat in front of them . I crossed my arms.

"Lila, I thought you were better than this, really, an akuma?"scolded grandma.

I grunted." So what? I had my choice and besides, I want everything that sorry excuse of a ruler has ."

"Lila , this is not you, what happened to the little girl we saw ?", grandpa asked.

"Dead", I replied.

They looked baffled. But I don't care. All I care about was getting out of here. Hawk Moth was already escorted by 20 guards to the court had use to face is obvious death sentence. I won't face the same fate as him. I will get out of here . One way or another.

A.N. I do not own anything.

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