We meet again

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Disclaimer: I do not own MLB and everything goes to their rightful owners.

Mrs. Agrest's P.O.V.

   I was watching Adrien and Marinette walk in the garden . They were chatting and laughing along. I smiled. I'm glad I made the right decision on who will be my daughter-in-law . I looked over to one of the pictures I kept. A picture of Sabine and I .

We were wearing our crowns and we celebrated on a private island that I gave her for our friendship anniversary. And in turn , she bought me a private jet . We were very close. I remember her and Tom's funeral and I get so emotional. Tears were rolling down my face.

I miss my friend who knew my secrets and told me theirs. The friend who introduced me to Gabriel . The friend who defended me from Samantha Fay , the bane of my existence and my love rival for Gabriel's heart. My best friend .

I quickly composed myself . I knew that in a few minutes, Felix would come in and check on me . It became his habit ever since he turned 5. I did some paper work that needed to be done . Then there it was , a knock on the door.

"Come in.", I said .

Felix came and his eyes show concern . I may be able to hide my emotions from everyone, but Felix has the ability to read people like an open book . No matter how hard you try to close yourself.

"You miss her , don't you mother."

"Yes , I do . It only seems as if it were yesterday that we were at a royal school and she would bring some pastries to share with the class ."

Felix nodded. I have told him stories of Sabine before . But I never told him about her niece , Bridgette.

"Felix , dear , Sabine also has a niece , she's actually the same age as you , she's smart , talented -" , he cut me off .

"Mother , are you really trying to set me up with someone again?"

"Who knows Felix , this girl would be the yang to your yin ."

"I already have a yang."

I raised an eyebrow." And you didn't tell me ?"

"Cause I know that you would want to meet her soon and I don't want to scare her off."

"I'm sure I won't, she must be brave if she's with you ."

"Thanks mom , I feel the love ."

I went and hugged him.

"Sweetie, I love you , but you could be scary from time to time ."

He cracked a smile . "So what's her name ?"

"Her names -"

He was cut off by a knock on the door. "I apologize your highness, but there is a letter that is addressed to Prince Felix." He gave it to him and left . Felix opened the letter and gave a smile that shone so bright , it would put the sun to shame . I tried to look over a little , but Felix must knew what I was about to do and placed it out of my view point .


"I'm simply just curious." , I defend myself.

"I have to go , I have somewhere to be ."

He got up and left. Once the door was shut and I know that he was far away , I got my phone out .

"Send me the fastest driver we got , and I need you to buy a new car , something that isn't fancy or expensive , just blends with everyone. "

I'm going to follow my son.

With Felix

   I got a letter from Bridgette. She told me that someone mixed up the chemicals in the lab and caused an accident. All the students were fine , but class was cancelled for the month . The accident affected more than half the school .

She is now in the country side using the house that her aunt left her. She told me the address and showed me the picture so I would know what to look out for.

It took a while, but I found it . My lady , I'm here.

With Bridgette

   I am freaking out . I looked around my wardrobe, but I don't know what to wear . Felix would be here anytime soon . I looked further and found the right outfit. Of course, Marinette made this for me and sent it a month ago. It was perfect .

We are just going to some of his favorite spots , not anything fancy. I quickly put it on and did my hair into a pony tail . I wonder how long until -. Never mind the doorbell just rang and I have a guess on who it is.

I went down and opened the door . Every time I see his face , it just takes my breath away.



I threw my arms around him. I felt him wrap his arms around me and I felt at home then I was since my dad went insane. Even if my aunt and uncle to care of me like their own , I still didn't feel as comfortable as I am now . It took me awhile to adjust to my new life , I want to follow my parents footsteps . That was the reason I left for college, so I could be like them.

I let go and took a step back .

"You haven't changed."

"Neither have you my lady."

I smiled . I missed him a lot . "Come on , I have more than I few places I want you to see."

I took his arm and he led me to his car. It feels as if it were yesterday that we took our first date together. I'm only here for a month before I have to go back for class. I better make the most of this. Felix turned the radio on and Remember you filled my ears.

Play music here.

I find it funny how this song fits Felix and I . We arrived on a hill. I looked at the sign that was nearby . Lover's peak. It said . I looked back at Felix. He got out and opened my door for me . I gasped when I saw the full view . It was simply amazing. I felt Felix behind me and gave me a backward hug.
" Thank you for taking me here kitty ."

"Anything for my lady."

They were so busy hugging and enjoying the view they didn't know that a certain mother was already planning a wedding in her head.

Okay for Felix and Bridgette beautiful baby blue with gold , oh , and the guest lists , I better prepare. Oh Marinette and Adrien what will I choose for them . Oh so much planning and so little time. I better start.

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