We're dating!

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Disclaimer: I do not own ML , everything goes to their rightful owners.

Third person Point of View

  Adrien was pale while Marinette was stuttering for an excuse. Nobody seemed to move and even their teacher seemed interested far too much to try and break the crowd.

   Their classmates were all throwing questions , it was hard to tell who said what. They started to quiet down when a certain someone who was pale blurted out , "we're dating ." Causing gasps through out the room . Slowly, one by one they started clapping and cheering. Except for a blonde girl .

"Nooooooooooooo! He was suppose to be mine! I known him longer than Maritrash! Ugh this is so unfair!" Marinette had enough of this . "Listen here , you spoiled brat . I had just about enough of you! Why couldn't you just be nice for a change and maybe then we'll all start to see you as an actual human being ." Marinette said .

"How dare you ! When my father hears about this -"

Marinette cut her off.

"Does it look like I care Draco Malfoy?"

Chloe stood there gapping like a fish. She was about to make a remark when the teacher finally told them to take their seats. "But why does she gets to seat near Adrikinns ?" Everyone just ignored her.

After class

The bell rang , bringing back some of the students from their daydreams . Marinette was the first one out. Shortly followed by her 'boyfriend' . "Should we go follow them?" , asked Nino. Alya shook her head , "something tells me that they need their time alone." And they don't know how right they were.

With Adrienette

Marinette was huffing . She had just ran away from the room and didn't stop till she was sure she was far away as possible. Once she took hold of her surroundings, she just realized that she had ran to the other side of the school and it was empty. Panting, trying to even out her breathings.

"Marinette!" , cried Adrien." Can we at least talk about this ?"

She could only nod , not trusting her voice . "How about we go to the ice cream store ? My father called , excusing both of us . And he also said that instead of a photo shoot, we have to pose for a portrait." Marinette almost let out a groan of frustration. Having to sit still and not squirm for who knows how long was not her favorite things to do.

At the ice cream shop , Adrien ordered plain vanilla while Marinette ordered cookies and cream. It was an awkward for a moment. Both trying to avoid the topic . But apparently, procrastination was not in Marinette's vocabulary at this time .

"Why did you say that?"

Adrien blushed , "well.. I um ... I figured if the whole class would think that we're dating, they would not question why we seem to be closer with each other than we are with Alya and Nino . Not to mention that you would end up in magazines here in France with me. And as a bonus point , Chloe would finally back off."

Marinette thought about it . It seemed like a reasonable excuse , so she let it slip by. It was a good thing that she took a few acting lessons before.

Adrien, on the other hand , had given himself a pat on the back for thinking up with that excuse. He really do wish that he was dating Marinette. But , he had to wait for Plagg's response to see if it was okay to court her. As old fashion as that sounded , it was still required . He was blushing at the mere thought of dating his princess.

Marinette noticed this , and was about to ask why he was blushing when their orders arrived. And Adrien felt so relieved and happy . Relieved , because Marinette now had something to distract herself with. And happy, because , well , it's ice cream . Who wouldn't .

Just as soon as Adrien took a bite , his phone beeped. It was from Plagg.

Take care of her . I approve. Also, Tikki told me to tell you to text me about every single detail.

But what they both didn't know was that the paparazzi was having a field day with this . And also a hidden man with a scowl on his face . You better enjoy the time alive princess, cause you'll find yourself as a ghost with your corpse 6 feet under. I'll make sure of it. Or my name isn't ****** ***** .

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