Wedding (part two)

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A.N. I own absolutely nothing . They all go back to their rightful owners. And I am deeply sorry for ze long wait.

Marinette's P.O.V.

I looked at the woman who stared back at me in the mirror. I'm not even sure if this is me , this could not be real . But I know that if I say that out loud, it would seem as if I doubted Tikki and mom's art work of make up.

They didn't over do it , so I didn't look like a clown. It was perfectly applied . The hairstyle was beautiful and the dress was amazing.

{Sorry, but this won . Hope you all like it though. }

It was one of my designs that I showed mom and dad before they -. I shook my head . They wouldn't want me to be like this on my wedding day. I remember telling them about it. Just thinking about it brought a smile on my face.

There was a knock. Alya came in and squealed when she saw me. I noticed she was holding her phone. She must be recording. I thought. I smiled brightly and gave a little wave.

"So future Mrs. Agreste, everyone would like to know how are you feeling . Any second thoughts or cold feet?"

I shook my head. "No , I am really ecstatic for this to happen . I couldn't find anyone better than Adrien for me to spend the rest of my days with."

Alya squealed . "Ahh, that is so adorable! Now last question before you head up to be off the market. Where did he take you for the first date?"

"It was at an ice cream parlor, it was a it awkward at first , but we were able to have a great time."

"Well, you heard it here folks, a little sneak peek into the wedding day of the year. Until next time." She closed her phone shut and turned to me." Mari I can't thank you enough for doing this!"

I giggled. "It's fine Alya , I hope that this will help you be a reporter."

"You are the best"

She went up to give me a hug , but I blocked her." Sorry, but Tikki and mom would give us an earful if the make up is ruined." She nodded in understanding. She heard that their lecture could make even the most ruthless person cry.

Another knock was at the door. Gabriel entered. Since Master Fu will be the one to wed Adrien and I , he volunteered to walk me down the aisle.

"Everything is set , are you ready?"

I took a deep breath. I nodded . I'm ready.

~ time skippy thing because I never have been to a wedding since I was 6 and forgot mostly everything that is to happen.~

Everything went smoothly, aside from Tikki and mom's tears of joy. And before I knew it , it was time to say the vows. Adrien went first.

"Marinette, when I met you, to be honest I literally thought you were an angel. You are amazing in your own different way. And that is what I love about you . How you put others before yourself, how you are so selfless and many more that would take forever to explain. My childhood was a bit dark , I was blinded by my sadness, but when you came, it was clear that you would be the one who would lead me back to my track and bring me happiness. I love you Marinette, and never once in my life have I regretted saying it. It still amazes me that you would feel the same way about me. I love you."

I tried to hold back my tears. That was beautiful. Oh Adrien. I took a minute to try and composed myself back together.

"Adrien, I don't even know where to start . I never knew that anyone would find my identity so fast , I still can't believe that you were able to see right through me. But you still stuck through me even when you knew that danger was after me, you didn't ran away in fear. And I love your courage, the way that you could bring a smile to my face , I had never loved anyone like this in my life before. I never felt so valuable before. Being free in the open , this is all new to me , but I know that with you by my side , I am safe. Because I know that I belong where you are."

Tikki and mom could be heard crying, but I could have sworn I herd Plagg sniffing.

Master Fu dubbed his tears with his handkerchief.

"Do you , Adrien Agreste, take Marinette Dupain-Cheng , as your wife ?"

"I do"

"And do you , Marinette Dupain-Cheng , take Adrien Agreste, as your husband?"

"I do"

"And by the power vested by me, I now prefer you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

Adrien lean down a bit and gave me the sweetest yet the most passionate kiss I had ever received. You may call my Lady Luck to have him as my husband.

Adrien's P.O.V.

Finally, all the waiting finally paid off. I am united in holy matrimony with the lady of my heart. My Marinette. I led her down the stairs. It's now time to head to the reception.

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