Afterward: Cheyenne and Dai

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"Chey? Your parents are here!" Dai stated from behind her girlfriend's door. The door opened, revealing Cheyenne painting a valley. She scowled. "Now? I thought they were coming tomorrow," she muttered, placing down her pallet and brush. Dai opened the door more, letting Cheyenne walk to met her parents. She had recently dyed her hair pink.

"Hey, mum! Hey, dad!" Cheyenne greeted, pushing her hair out of her eyes. Mrs Pierce looked at her daughter, pulling her into a hug. "Oh my god, you're dyed your hair! It's beautiful! It really suits you, darling!" she gushed, smiling at her daughter. Cheyenne beamed.

"Thank you, Mum. How are you and dad?" She asked, smiling. Dai stood awkwardly off to the side. Mrs Pierce surprised her. "I actually came here to see how you and Dai are doing," Dai's throat went dry. "W-we're doing good, Mrs Pierce," Dai smiled nervously. Mr Pierce glared at Dai. Cheyenne cut in.

"Father, if you cannot accept my girlfriend, please leave. I'm not a little girl any more, I can take care of myself," Cheyenne stated coldly. Mr Pierce stood, walking out the door angrily.

The three young women spent the rest of the day talking and just being around each other.

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