Page 16

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When Lottie first saw Cheyenne drenched in water, she had her suspicions, but she was proved right the moment Sammie had shown up next to her, also dripping wet.

"What's up with you? And why are you wet?" she challenged. Sammie glanced around for an escape from the trap Lottie had apparently set. Lottie stepped in front of Sammie. "Look small fry, I just want to know where you were, and why you and Cheyenne are wet." she pinpointed. Sammie relaxed a little. Before she could answer, someone Lottie knew all too well interrupted.

"Lottie Simon? Alyssa's girl?"

Bianca di Angelo*, Track&Field star, questioned, surprised laced her voice.

Lottie turned around to meet the captain of Track. "Bianca! I didn't know you'd be here!" Lottie smiled warmly, reaching out to give Bianca a side hug. "No touchy-touchy!" she snapped. Lottie dropped her arm, apologizing for the inconvenience. Bianca smiled, and Lottie swore, she saw Sammie blush faintly. Lottie suddenly had a blithe idea. "Hey, Bia? This is Sammie, gender-fluid, bisexual kid. She's currently a girl, right Sammie?" she inquired mischievously, introducing the smaller figure to Bianca. "H-hey," she said awkwardly, a faint flush bloomed across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Bianca smiled, saying a cheerful hi in return before turning to leave.

"Hey, Lottie?" she said before leaving completely. "Hm?" Lottie looked up, completely oblivious to Sammie blushing lightly beside her. Bianca rolled her eyes and practically drugged Lottie behind their cabin.

"What Death girl?" Lottie said jokingly. Bianca groaned.

"Don't call me that," Bianca whined. Lottie grinned. "It fits you," she continued, "So, why'd you drag me over here?" Bianca looked around, making sure no one was near.

"Nothing just wanted to drag you over here," she smiled, running. Lottie chased after her, running around campers that watched with vivid interest.

"Ofi! Penyani izo nthawi yotsatira! Watch it next time, you tsekwe!" a camper shouted angrily in Nyanja, waving their fist as they stood up. "Sorry!" Lottie called back in English, baffled by what they had said.

Bianca tripped over someone's leg, fell and rolled into the grass, laughing. "Bianca!" Miriam laughed, helping her up. Bianca opened her mouth, then closed it and hide behind Miriam as Lottie ran up to them. "Miriam! It's great to see you!" Lottie smiled.

Miriam stepped sideways, revealing the hidden Bianca di Angelo.

"Bye!" she shouted, sprinting off. Lottie and Miriam sighed.

*Until further notice, Bianca's last name shall be di Angelo

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