Page 25

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"I don't care if she forced you! You kissed her back!" Lottie was tired of hearing about gossip and problems that didn't matter to her.

Joshua stormed out of the cabin across from hers. Bailey followed, begging forgiveness. Lottie watched, not interrupting the conflict. "Joey! Let me explain!" he pleaded, running in front of Joshua. He huffed, glaring at the taller figure.

"Fine." he spat, "You hurt me, but fine! Explain your stupid reason for kissing her!" Bailey flinched, searching for words. "I didn't mean for you to-" Joshua pushed him back, tears pooling in his eyes. "I hate you! Leave me alone and go back to that computer girl! Go. Away." And with those words, he left. Lottie followed, seeing what the problem was. Joshua clearly didn't want to talk, so she stormed after Bailey.

"What happened?" she growled, pinning him to a tree after dragging him into the woods. "Sorry?" he squeaked. Lottie pushed him against the tree harder. "Is this a game to you? How could you do that?" Bailey didn't look her in the eyes. Lottie threw him to the grass, watching as he scrambled back. "I was only pretending! Who could ever love someone like him?" he coughed out. Lottie felt rage bubble in her. She turned, swinging her fist. It connected with his jaw, a crack echoing out. "You disloyal fake!" she hissed, walking out the woods. Bailey struggled to stand, clutching his jaw, blood dripping from his mouth.

When she stepped out, being greeted by Cheyenne and Alyssa. "Hey babe," Alyssa pecked Lottie's cheek, smiling, " We have a problem and I really want to punch Bailey in the nose!" Cheyenne rolled her eyes, giving a nod to the cabin farther back. "Did he really kiss a computer girl?" she whispered to Cheyenne, nodding when Cheyenne told her that Bailey kissed a computer girl. "Joey's refusing to even talk to him, other than that he's ranting about Bailey," Alyssa explained, pulling Lottie in the direction of the cabin. Damn, for a pregnant 17-year-old, she sure is athletic! Lottie kept up to the pissed sister and sister-like figure as they ran across the campus. Finally, they reached the spruce tree cabin, seeing that the first few windows were open, curtains billowing out like fog. Cheyenne knocked, whispering something. A crash was heard and a second later, Joshua opened the door.

"Hey, Jo, everything okay? We've got Alyssa with us, do you want to talk to her?" Lottie cooed, remembering what Cheyenne had told her about Alyssa being closer to him than his own sister. He nodded his head rapidly, hiding behind the door. Alyssa rushed forward, engulfing the smaller one in a hug. "Hey, hey. It's okay, Lottie dealt with him. Wanna tell us what happened?" Alyssa cooed, brushing his hair away from his moist, green eyes. "Y-yeah," he whispered, barely audible. Cheyenne pushed the door completely open, revealing the messy room.

Bunk beds had rumbled sheets, pillows hanging off the edge, just staying on by sheer luck, clothing was tucked away in the edge of the room. The only bunk that wasn't messed up was Joshua's. The only difference was that someone had written FAG across the back. Lottie heard Joshua's breath hitch. "No, please no," he mumbled, freezing in place. "Hon, c'mon. It's nothing, we promise." Alyssa cooed protectively. The other boys in the room watched, not daring to move.

"Looks like the fag got a couple girlfriends!"

"Oh please, we all know that Bailey could do better, that's why he kissed Michelle!"

Joshua sniffed, pushing away from Alyssa and rushing out the door. Cheyenne fumed, turning on the boys. "Shut up! Did it ever occur that he stayed away from here because you make him feel like he doesn't belong? Did it? You're all nothing but inflated egos and maybe that's why no ever came forward to date you!" she snapped, lashing out at the teens. They looked taken back, but she followed after her brother, Alyssa sent them a fake smile, a clear death sign, running after Cheyenne and Lottie gave them a wordless insult that was universal.

"Joey? Joey, where are you?" Cheyenne shouted, searching around the camp. Alyssa rushed about, checking the woods in case he ran in there. Lottie spotted Bailey. Clinching her teeth, she marched over to him. "Where is he?" Bailey looked around nervously. "I don't know where he went. He ran past me, wiping his eyes on his shirt and rushed into the woods. I think he was headed for Death-eater Creek." he stuttered. Lottie dropped him. "I'm coming with you." "No, you are not. In case you forgot, you're the reason he's upset." Lottie walked off, unaware that Bailey raced into the woods.

"Any luck?" Alyssa murmured, pacing nervously.

"No, this is all my fault! If only I had been a better sister-" Alyssa cut her off.

"Girl, calm. This wasn't your fault!" Lottie nodded in agreement.

"I didn't find him either."

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