Girl....What's her name?

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Sorry it took so long >.<' This chapter is not that interesting, but I still hope you guys like it!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Line Breaker~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  

I woke up in a white place. Where am I?

"Where am I?" I said aloud, not realizing there was another being in the room.

"Oh, you're finally awake now! Thank goodness." I turned my head to the left. There was a young girl, probably around the age of sixteen, staring at me with, what looks like, a warm smile. The girl had blue hair and eyes, she also had a Piplup in her arms.

"I saw you passed out in front of the Pokemon Center and I was really worried. Are you alright?"

"....," I didn't like talking to strangers, even if it was a girl who saved my life.

"Paul, you okay?" Ace asked. I nodded my head towards him.

"Oh I didn't introduce myself. My name is Dawn."

"Hey what about me?!" Her Piplup is very loud.

"Oops sorry. And this is my partner Piplup."

"Hello." He said as he puffed up his chest.

"Weirdo." Ace replied with a snicker.

"What did you say?!"

"Ace that was not nice."

"Whatever. You seem like a weak Pokemon to pick a fight with anyway."

"Why you-"

"Piplup be nice. Sorry about that. So what's your name?" Dawn looked at me with a big smile on her face. When I still didn't answer, her smile faltered.

"Hey I know you can speak! You know you shouldn't ignore someone that saved you." She was very angry. Why does she care? I looked at Ace and Darkrai for help. Well mostly Darkrai, Ace was busy calling Piplup weak and Piplup was busy trying not to attack him, which seemed to get harder and harder. Darkrai nodded at me, knowing it was safe to speak with this girl.

"....My name is Paul." I finally said. She seemed surprised and happy that I answered.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Paul." She stuck her hand out for a handshake, but I ignored it. Darkrai was busy trying to stop Ace and Piplup from fighting and causing chaos in the center. I looked over the girl again, I forgotten her name in the short period of time that I met her, but it didn't seem important since I was probably never going to see her again.

"So are you a trainer or a coordinator?" I looked at her. What was a coordinator? She must have figured out my expression because she suddenly gasped, dropping her Pokemon in the process.

"Are you telling me you don't know what a coordinator is?!" I shook my head again.

"Well a coordinator is some that uses their Pokemon in Contest." She said happily as though it was the best explanation she gave. I continued to stare at her. She sweatdropped.

"Um, let's see. A contest is where you show off your Pokemon's talent, using their moves to make something beautiful. The appeal round is where you show off your Pokemon's move and then battle rounds are similar to a Pokemon battle except you still have to make it beautiful, something that would catch the judges eyes." She said smiling. I think I understand know, that's what Drew is. Guess I should pay more attention to what the Playboy and Pretty boy tell me, but why would she tell me this?

"So which one are you?" She's too happy. What is she smiling about?

"...I guess I'm a trainer but I'm not joining any leagues or gym battles."

"Huh? Why not?"

"None of your business." I said rather rudely.

"Hey you don't need to be rude about it. I just want to know why." She was angry.

"But you don't need to know why, so why is there a point in asking me?"

"Because that's what friends do." There's that smile again. Bipolar much?

"Friends? I just met you a few seconds ago."

"But still, don't you think we are friends? Or are you one of those people who wants to get to know someone before they become friends?"

"That sounds more like you." Again anger. Seriously she is so weird. I looked over at Darkrai and Ace since it seems like I had forgotten about them. They were still arguing or playing. It's hard to tell with Ace.

"Helllo? Anybody home?" I looked at her. She was too close for comfort, but she didn't move. Personal space, lady.

"Can you move?" I didn't bother saying please. I don't need to respect anyone who is not older than me. Still she didn't move.

"Why are you so rude?" Still no movement.

"Why are you still here?" No movement.

"Cause I want to talk to you." No movement.

"Why?" Seriously, does she like being this close to someone she just met?

"Because I want to know more about you." Personal Space!!!

"....I need to go." She had finally moved out of my face and I took this chance to run.

 I was about to get up when she held onto my wrist. Her face was red. I wonder why?

"Wait w-why are you leaving?" Why was she so dead set on me staying? Seriously what is wrong with her?

"I need to look for...some people." It wasn't a lie, I never agreed that I was their "brother," so it's not a lie.

"O-oh. Okay"

"Ace, Darkrai. We're going." They both nodded and followed me out the door. That girl is really weird.

Dawn's POV...

I watched as Paul walked out of the Pokemon Center. Even though he was rude, I can't help but find him appealing. When I was close to him, his scent was so attractive. His hair seemed so soft, I wanted to run my fingers through it. His eyes seem dark with a hint of purple within them.... and.... his lips, they looked so soft and so amazing. I realized I was just fantasizing with someone I just met. My face was extremely red and my heart was beating super fast. Damn it. I sounded like a pervert. Oh my god. I can't believe I just thought that TT^TT. I am so ashamed. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Line Breaker~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

So what do you guys think? Good, bad, somewhere over there? I'll let you guys decide, til then read, review and vote! ^.^

Love you all


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