Chapter 16: Breaking Out

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Third Person POV 

Katie: So this is what lies in Atlas. 
She said as she stood with Ava and Gaia, seeing soldiers walk around with weapons in hand. Seeing soldiers walk around as bullheads flew overhead. 

Ava: And the root of all our problems. 
She said as she pulled out her handgun. 

Katie: So what's the plan here? 
She asked as she looked at the two. 

Lilith: We need get into the power room to disable the cells. Then we need just need to find him. 
She told her as Katie pulled out her sword. 

Katie: Then what's next? 
She asked as she looked at the tower. 

Lilith: Y/N should be able to take care of himself from there. We just need to focus on destroying the power source. 

Katie: Got it. 

To Y/N 

Y/N: What a predicament I've got myself in. 
He thought to himself as he leaned against the wall. 


Y/N: Look at who it is. 
He said before looking at a door to see Blake. Seeing her glare at him as she clenched her fists. 

Y/N: What does the traitor want with me. 
He said as Blake stood in front of the wall of light. 

Y/N: Revenge? 
He asked with a smirk. 

Y/N: Or do you plan on changing my mind? 
He asked as Blake remained silent. 

Blake: Why. 
She said as Y/N slowly stood up, towering over her as she looked up at him. 

Y/N: Why what traitor. 
He said as he looked down at her. 

Blake: Why do you continue to-
She said before seeing Y/N walking back to the wall and leaning against it. 

Y/N: Why am I doing this? Why is it Blake? Why is it I continue to do this. 
He scoffs as he leaned against the wall, seeing her continue to clench her fists. 

Blake: Yes. Why do you continue to do this? Working with the white fang? What would your mo-
She asked as Y/N slammed his fist against the wall. 

Y/N: Never bring her up again. 
He growls as Blake looked at him with hints of fear. 

Y/N: Talking to me about her as if you knew her. 
He scoffs as he glared at her. Their eyes meeting each other as Blake remained silent. 

Blake: Is this all about Adam? Is this why you've continued? 

Y/N: Let me tell you of a small faunas I've found Blake. And you shall understand why. 
He said as he looked at the wall, growling with anger as he clenched his fist. 


Y/N was walking down a street as he was wearing a military uniform, his sword strapped to his hip. 

Y/N: Where did they go?
He asked himself as he continued down the street before seeing two men following two kids with cat ears. 

Y/N: What the hell? 
He asked himself before following them. 

Y/N: What the hell is going on down there? 
He asked himself as he followed them down the same alley. 

Man 1: So these are the two ?
One asked as the other nodded. 

Man 2: We are to bring these two back to the boss. 
The other said as Y/N growled to himself. 

Man 1: For what. 

Man 2: What do you think.  The boss wants to sell them for lien.

Man 1: I've bet these faunas are worth a fortune. 
He chuckled. 

Man 2: Just shut up and tie them up. 
He ordered as the other walked towards them. 

Man 1: Don't make this any difficult you ani-SLASH 

Man 2: No! 
He yelled as he turned around to see Y/N glaring at him. 

Y/N: Traffickers. Just the ones I'm looking for. 
He said with a blank expression, gripping his hilt as the man backed up. 

Man: W-W-Who the hell-SLASH 

Y/N: Shut up. 
He said as the two children watched with fear. Watching Y/N as the two men fell to the ground, puddles of blood slowly forming underneath them. 

Flashback Ends 

Blake: That's it? 
She asked as she glared at him. 

Blake: All of this because of what happened in Vacuo? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Y/N: You still don't get it do you. 

Blake: What. 

Y/N: That our people are suffering and no one is doing anything about it. You've killed Adam. Now, our people will continue to die off while you cower away. Just like your parents. 

To Katie 

Katie: This looks pretty simple. 
She thought to herself as she quietly climbed into a room. 

Katie: I'm in the power room. 
She muttered as she tapped an ear piece. 

Lilith: Good. There should be a power switch in the room you're in. 
She said as Katie looked around the room before spotting a large switch. 

Katie: Found it. 
She said before pulling it down, the area going dark as an alarm went off. 

Lilith: Now get out of there. 

To Y/N 

Blake: That's it? 
She asked as the power suddenly shut off, the walls of light powering down. 

Blake: What the hel-
She yelled before being kicked at the gut, being sent to a nearby wall. 

Y/N: Looks like I've got to go. 
He said before running out of the room. 

Blake: Wait! 
She yelled as Y/N ran down the hall, hearing the alarm go off as his aura flickered around him. 

Y/N: So where they did take my weapons to. 
He thought to himself before seeing a fading man walk to a room, holding a sword and a prosthetic before entering the room. 

Y/N: That must be it. 
He said to himself before opening the door to see his sword and proesthetic in a bucket. 

Y/N: Good. 
He thought to himself before grabbing his prosthetic and sword. 

Y/N: Time to get out of here. 
He said to himself before running down the hall. 

Y/N: Where's the elevator. 
He said to himself before seeing a group of soldiers run into the elevator. 

Y/N: Oh great. 

To Katie 

Katie: Where is he? 
She asked herself before hiding behind a crate, seeing soldiers run past her as gunfire echoed throughout the courtyard. 

Katie: Where's Y/N? 
She asked as Lilith spun around before slamming her weapon into a soldier, sending him to the ground as Ava shot another. 

Lilith: Where's Katie. 
She said as Ava shot another. 

Ava: She should be here already. 
She said before hiding behind a crate while Katie continued to hide behind a crate. 

Lilith: Damn it. I'll go find her. 
She said as Ava grabbed her arm. 

Ava: No. Y/N will find her on his way out. 
She said before shooting at a soldier. 

Lilith: Fuck! 
She yelled before slamming her weapon into the ground, sending a shockwave into the ground, knocking the soldiers onto the ground. 

Lilith: Katie! 
She called out to her as Katie continued to hide behind the crate.

???: Damn animal! 
A voice yelled as Lilith and Ava looked up to see an atlesian soldier slowly getting onto his knees as Y/N slowly walked out of the building. Their eyes widening as Y/N was covered in blood as blood slowly ran down his sword. 

???: You fucking ani-SLASH 
The soldier yelled as Katie's eyes widen, seeing Y/N walk past the now beheaded soldier. 

Katie: Y/N! 
She yelled before running towards him with a smile. 

Y/N: Katie. 
He said before feeling her bring him into a tight hug. 

Katie: So glad we found you. 
She muttered as she pressed her head into his chest. 

Y/N: It's good to see you. 
he chuckled as he pets her head, his ears twitching before raising his sword. 



Katie quickly looked at him, seeing him hold his sword out as Ruby slowly stumbled towards him, her silver eyes glaring at him. 

Ruby: Y-Y-You. 
She growls with anger as she held her rifle in hand, tears running down her cheeks. 

Katie: Y/N? 
She asked as Y/N looked at her, remaining silent. 

Ruby: Y-You'll pay for w-what you d-did to her. 
She hissed as she stumbled towards him, blood slowly running down her leg. 

Y/N: Come on. Let's get out of here .
He said as he led Katie towards Lilith and Ava. 

Katie: W-What about her? 
She asked as Ruby slowly aimed at him. 

Y/N: Don't worry about her. 
He said as Ruby collapsed to the ground behind them. 

Lilith: What now Y/N. 
He said as Ava stood up. 

Y/N: Pull everyone back. We're meeting back at base .
She said as the two nodded. 

Katie: What are we going to do now? 
She asked as she looked at him, wrapping her arms around his. 

Y/N: I need to talk to the others about our next move. 
He said before walking with Lilith and Ava into a bullhead. 

Katie: Can we train more when we get back? 
She asked as she laid her head against his arm. 

Y/N: Yes. 
He said as the bullhead's engine roar to life. 

???: Ruby! 
Another voice called out as Weiss and Blake ran out into the courtyard. Weiss and Blake slowly picked up the young student as the two of them glared at Y/N. 

Katie: Why is she with them? Isn't she one of us? 
She asked as she looked at Blake. 

Y/N: She was. 

Here is chapter 16 of The Lone Swordsman! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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