Dream and Reality(2)

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Hot, flustered, shocked and above all, utterly confused, is how Lan Zhan feels when instead of blaming and accusing him, Wei Ying throws his arms around him and starts kissing him feverantly.

Wei Ying's hold on him is tight and possessive. Like he is scared that if he let's go or loosens his grip on the light bearer, he will run off again.

After the initial shock wears off, Lan Zhan gives in to Wei Ying's demands. He brings up his arms and gingerly wraps them around his husband.
Wei Ying smiles into the kiss and leans back just a little bit. He stares at Lan Zhan's kiss swollen lips and smiles, "Hanguang Jun, if you are feeling so guilty of taking advantage of my hot body, which by the way, has always welcomed your attention, then instead of freaking out, just come clean."


"Oh, my one-syllable speaking husband, do you realize that you left me twice without answering?"

"Mn?" Lan Zhan's eyes widen.

"Lan Zhan, 'Mn' isn't going to cut it this time. Use your words." Wei Ying's eyes fall on his husband's lips again, "You have hidden too many things in your heart, Hanguang Jun. Please open your heart to me. I know that something is bothering you. What is stopping you? I can feel you closing.... Ah!" Wei Ying winces before finishing and looks at the gapping wound in his abdomen.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan exclaims as Wei Ying collapses in his arms. "Wei Ying, wake up!" the light bearer begs.

Wei Ying opens his eyes slowly, "Lan Zhan, this is a dream. It's not real." He whispers between laboured breaths, "You need tell me what happened at the temple."

As soon as Lan Zhan hears the word Temple, things that had transpired in that forsaken place come back to him. "No!" He whispers and cups Wei Ying's face, "Wei Ying, I am sorry. I wasn't able to protect you."

Wei Ying shakes his head, "Lan Zhan, why are you here? How are you here?"

"What do you mean?" Lan Zhan questions but before Wei Ying can answer him, darkness surrounds them yet again.


Elder Bao shakes his head and leaves an exasperated breath, "This should have worked." He states, looking at Jiang Cheng and Lan XiChen.

"Why are we not able to contact them?" Jiang Cheng wonders aloud. "I think I saw Lan Wangji once, but before I could catch up, he disappeared."

"I wasn't even able to feel them." XiChen admits, dissapontedly. "Maybe they blame me... "

"Zewu Jun, please don't think that way. I... we need you to be strong right now." Jiang Cheng urges and looks at the physician, "Elder, why do you think we have not been able to establish a link to them yet?"

"It's hard to guess. Mind works in mysterious ways. And this situation, this bond that they share, it's a new territory for me." The physician pauses and looks at the two unconscious cultivators, "Clan leader Cheng, you mentioned earlier that your sister and the Yiling patriarch were very close, right?"

"Yes, they were, Elder."

"Try to think of a time when you three were together, let your core search for it's, original owner." The old my suggests and Jiang Cheng closes his eyes once again.

The physician turns his gaze towards Zewu Jun, "XiChen, I didn't want to say this in front of Clan leader Jiang, but I think the reason you are unable to establish a link to Wangji is because you are scared to face him; after of what he might say to you if you saw him." The old man holds XiChen's hand, "You need to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. Hanguang Jun is a reasonable man and even blind can see how much you mean to him. I am sure he will understand your heart and your actions. And he most definitely will forgive you."

"Elder, I... "

"I know, XiChen, but please trust your bond now. He needs you now more than ever. You can't change the past. But you can make the future better." The old man adds, "Now close your eyes and think of a time when you were happy. Was there a time when three of you were together?"

XiChen feels horrible. He tries to recall a time when they were truly happy, but in the end he fails to come up with anything.

Once again, tears make make their way down his face, "I was never able to pull him out of his misery. After mother passed away, he closed his heart to everyone... Till master Wei came along."

"That's fine. Why don't to try to think of a time before your mother passed away?" The physician suggests.


"Was Wangji happy then? Do you have any happy memories with your mother?"

XiChen nods, "He was; we were."

"Good. Try to recall those times then."
Lan XiChen close his eyes and places his hand on Lan Zhan's chest.


Jiang Cheng opens his eyes and a most beautiful sight greets him. He is back at Lotus Cove. It looks exactly like it used to when he was just a boy and his whole family was alive and well.
"Come back!" Someone calls and looks at the source of the most melodious voice in the whole wide world: His sister Yanli's voice.

"A Cheng!" Yanli calls, running behind a seven year old Jiang Cheng who is running laps across Lotus Cove.
All of a sudden a shrill scream vibrates through the happy atmosphere and the siblings stop dead in their tracks. Jiang Cheng looks a his older sister and runs towards her, "Jiejie, I think Wei WuXian is in trouble." The small boy says in a small voice, his cheeks coloring.

"A Cheng, did you get rid of all your furry friends?" Yanli asks, looking accusingly at her brother, holding his hand and rushing towards the source of the voice.

"Jiejie!" Clan leader Jiang calls, following the siblings. No one pays hin any attention. It's like no one can see him. Jiang Cheng looks around the familiar surroundings as he runs towards the eastern end of Lotus cove.

He watches as Yanli lets go of his hand and picks up a stick, throwing it at a stray dog, "Shoo!" she yells and rushes towards a small boy dressed in black with a red ribbon holding his thick mane of hair in a high ponytail.

The boy, an eight year old Wei WuXian, who is crouching down and hiding his face behind his palms, looks up at his senior sister and a bright smile breaks out on his tear strained face.

"Shijie!" The eight year old orphan exclaims and rushes towards Yanli, throwing himself in her waiting arms, "Shijie!" He sobs with his face buried in her neck.

Clan leader Jiang wonders why his mind had conjured up this particular memory.

"A Cheng, " He hears his sister call him, and the clan leader almost goes to her.

"Jiejie... " He hears his younger self sob and run towards Yanli, who looks at him with kind eyes and a heart warming smile, "A Cheng, you feel bad, don't you?" She asks wiping tears off the child's face.

The boy nods, "Yes, Jiejie."

"It's fine. Look at A Xian, he is not upset with you. If you are sorry, then just apologize." Yanli suggests, smiling encouragingly.

"I am sorry, Wei WuXian." The young boy whispers looking at his adopted senior brother hesitantly, wiping his runny nose.

Instead of answering, however, the boy in black pulls his brother into his arms, "You are forgiven. Hehe."
"That's it. You see,  A Cheng, that wasn't so difficult now, was it?"

Thought the question is directed only towards Jiang Cheng, both the boys nod; Yanli continues, "We are family and absolutely nothing should have the power to keep us apart."

"Jiejie, what if I make a big mistake and hurt someone? Will I be forgiven then?"

"A Cheng, a heartfelt apology will always reach the heart you have hurt. It may take time, but at least the one you have hurt will know that you regret your actions. Do you understand?"

"Yes Jiejie. Yes Shijie." The boys answer simultaneously making their sister smile, "Now come, I will make lotus stem pork rib soup to celebrate your today's lesson on forgiveness." The girl says, holding the boys' hand who smile merrily and follow their elder sister.

"Jiejie... " Jiang Cheng whispers but doesn't follow the happy trio, "You always said the right thing. I wish...."

"Jiang Cheng?" A familiar voice interrupts the clan leader's musings and he turns around, "Wei WuXian!" Jiang Cheng exclaims, watching his senior brother walk towards him.
Jiang Cheng rushes over to his brother and pulls him into a tight embrace, "Thank heavens, I found you!" He gushes, letting go and giving Wei Ying a once over.

"Jiang Cheng, why are you here?" Wei Ying enquires, his tone worried. "Did Zewu Jun get to you too?" He adds checking Jiang Cheng for injuries.

"Wei WuXian, listen to me carefully, you were critically injured and Lan Zhan tried to transfer his energy to you; you did not accept it. Thereafter, he too collapsed."

"Jiang Cheng, what... "

"Just listen, Meng Yao is gone and Zewu Jun is himself again. We brought you to cloud reassess. We figured out that Lan Wangji's core is connected with yours. And since your core was heavily damaged so was his."

"What? That can't..."

"Wei WuXian! Just fucking listen ok! At cloud reassess the senior most physician has told us that unless you accept help in rejuvenating your core, both you and Lan Wangji will lose your cores."

"No, that... "

Jiang Cheng ignores Wei Ying and continues, "As I said, both your body and your core are damaged. Elder physician believes that you can contact Lan Zhan's consciousness; That you may have contacted it already....Have you?"

"Yes, but... "

"Good. When you meet him next, tell him to search for the light. It may take the form of Sando or Shuoyue. It doesn't matter who finds which light. You both need to hold on to it. Only if your core heal will we be able to heal the physical wounds, since your wounds are not made by human. The negativity of Clan leader Nie still lingers there. For it to be dispelled, your core needs to be strong." Jiang Cheng finishes and leaves a breath.
Wei Ying nods and puts a reassuring hand over his brother's shoulder. "Don't worry, I will find him and do as you have told."


"Now tell me how is Lan Zhan doing? Is he hurt?"

"I just told you that your life is hanging between life and death and all you can ask me is about Lan Wangji!?" Jiang Cheng bites out irritably.

"Of course, I love him and he is hot." Wei Ying pauses and chuckles, "Don't tell me that you don't think good looks run in their family." He adds, wiggling his eyes brows suggestively.

Jiang Cheng's face colors; he decides it best to change the subject, "I have been wondering why out of all the times we spent together, did my subconscious lead me here."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Wei Ying asks looking at where the three kids had disappeared.

"It is, but there are so many such memories. I mean, why this particular one?"

"Maybe because this is the moment realized that no matter how badly I mess up, if I apologize with all my heart, I probably will be forgiven... " Wei Ying trails off, "Shijie, " He whispers as a tear rolls down his cheek, "even when she was told that I was responsible for her husband's death, she took one look at my face and forgave me... She gave up her life for me... "

"Wei WuXian," Jiang Cheng starts, but the scene around the starts to melt as darkness consumes it.
"Wei WuXian!" Jiang Cheng yells as darkness engulfs his brother leaving him all alone.
'I hope Zewu Jun was able to find Lan Wangji.' The clan leader wonders, feeling fatigued and closes his eyes.


Lan XiChen finds himself outside his mother's quarters and peeps inside.
He finds his mother holding a jar of emperor's smile and sit next to the table that was usually reserved for Lan Zhan's books when he visited.
There is a sad smile playing on her lips; It reminds Lan XiChen of Master Wei.

It's a lonely smile, the older Jade observes and enters the chamber.
"Mother," He whispers taking a seat next to her, but his mother ignores him.

"Mother," He tries again with the same results and concludes that he can probably just observe the things unfold in front of him. He knows there is nothing he can do; nothing he can change, but watching his mother, makes him smile.

Suddenly, his mother looks at the door and clears Lan Zhan's study table. She picks up the bottle of wine and hides it under the floor boards next to her bed and runs to the door. Gone is the sad smile; replaced by a bright cheery one.

Lan XiChen follows his mother outside and looks at the narrow path that leads to his mother's quarters.
He sees a teenage version of himself holding a small boy's hand. "Wangji," the older Jade mutters and strides over to the two boys.

"Wangji," Zewu Jun calls, but the small boy dressed in pale blue robes keeps looking ahead.

A small innocent smile graces the child's lips as his mother's fame comes into his line of sight.

The child, Wangji, squeezes his elder brother's hand and pull him down to his level, "Brother, will mother like it?" He questions in a hesitant tone and the latter smiles, "Of course."
Lan XiChen who is walking next to his younger self suddenly remembers what day his mind had conjured up: It's the day before his mother had left them forever.

'Why this memory?' Lan XiChen wonders as the boys bow to their mother, who hugs them both and ushers them inside.

As soon as the boys are seated, the older brother speaks, "Mother, there is something Wangji has prepared for you. He hasn't told me what it is, but he is looking forward to showing it to you."

"Really?" Their mother asks, her eyes twinkle. She looks at the child encouragingly, "Wangji, what is it, son?"

The child looks at his elder brother and then at the door.

"Oh yes. I am sorry I forgot." The older brother apologizes, "Mother, it's specially made for you. Wangji wants you to be only one to see it." He informs and bows before leaving the room. He closes the door behind him and walks towards the small garden next to the residence.

Lan XiChen wants to stay back. He wants to know what had transpired between Wangji and his mother that evening, but he despite all his efforts to stay back, he is pulled out of the room.

Left with no choice, Lan XiChen follows his younger self to small garden.

"Brother?" The older Jade hears his brother's voice and turns to find Wangji looking at him.

"Wangji!" Lan XiChen exclaims and hurries over to his brother. Embracing the younger man, the usually calm man breaks down. "I am so sorry, Wangji. Please forgive me." The older Jade begs leaning away but not letting go of his brother's hand.
"Brother, what's wrong? Why are you here?"

Lan XiChen remembers why he was there and just like Jiang Cheng had done with Wei Ying, he too explains the situation to his brother.

Unlike Wei Ying, Lan Zhan doesn't interrupt his brother. He listens to everything that Lan XiChen has to say before voicing his thoughts, "Do I have to let the clan members connect with my core?"

"No, it will just be me an Jiang Cheng. Since our bond with you both is the strongest." Zewu Jun clarifies.

"I don't think I can do that, brother. I don't think I can let anyone in. There has to be a different way to help us." Lan Zhan states resolutely shaking his head and backing away from his elder brother.


"No. I won't. I can't." Lan Zhan yells uncharacteristically. And before Zewu Jun can approach him again, the light bearer looks at his mother's chamber for a second before turning around and disappearing.

"Wangji, wait!" XiChen screams knowing full well that his brother would not return. 'What should I do now?' The older Jade wonders as darkness surrounds him, signalling his return to the mortal realm.

{Note :- That's it for today's update. Please point out my errors if you come across any.

Small rant (please feel free to skip)
For the past few days things were a little strained at home, thus I couldn't get any editing done. So I will now update TLB only after I am done editing Dusk and Dawn(i should be done in a week). I know you all will understand, since all of you are great ❤
I have been updating my short stories book SHORTZ on and off. But I have refrained from announcing it because leaving aside a few, no one cares 🤷‍♀

My eyes are still terrible. However, some days are better than others and those days I draft TLB.
Thank you for waiting ❤
Rant over.

I would like to thank a few of you who have supported my short stories and given me your support and feedback.
sunmoonnnn thank you for encouraging me and sticking with me despite late updates.
luv_sacrifice for listing to my rants and motivating me.
Erus555 for helping me fix my works and giving me feedback. And telling me that I did awesome even though I was mediocre at best.
ZippyZapper2 for silently supporting my works.
FyreRayne for making me smile when I need it the most... Your sixth sense is amazing.
@7Aaakkkiii7 for helping me with actions rather than words. For believing in me, caring for me and being my number 1 fan. ❤

I am sure my brain has forgotten some more very special people and for that I apologize. But I am sure u guys know who you are.

Please Vote to show your support if you have enjoyed this update.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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