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May padded into the alley, recoiling at the horrible smell of decay. Against the walls of the No-fur nests on either side of her sat rotting piles of garbage, with cats sifting through them. The other cats hissed at May, but she ignored them. She couldn't get into a fight now. Not while she was expecting kits.
One of the cats stepped forward. He had short fur that might have at one point been a light grey, but was now to dirty to tell. He also had a black collar around his neck with dog teeth sticking out of it. May noticed that he had his claws unsheathed and that he didn't look happy. What have I gotten myself into?
"Why are you here?" The tom asked, his voice cold and unwelcoming.
"I am here to see Scourge." May replied, meeting his gaze.
He studied her carefully for a moment, then nodded and led her farther into the alley. May shivered as she felt the stares of the other cats scorching her silky grey pelt.
"House cat!" A she-cat snarled as May followed the dirty grey tom. May ignored her, keeping her head down, focused on the conversation that was soon to come.
  May and the tom walked until they reached the end of the alley. There, on top of a few No-Fur boxes, sat Scourge.
   Scourge glared down at May. She looked up at him, searching his eyes for a hint of the love that had been in them when she had first met him, but there was only hate and anger.
"What do you want?" Scourge asked, his voice void of emotion.
"I've come to tell you that I'm expecting kits." May meows calmly.
Scourge sneered down at her. "I'm guessing that you're going to try to raise them as house pets."
"Yes. And if you lay a paw on them, I'll rip your throat out." May replied, then turned and fled. She could hear the rouges chasing her, and Scourge calling out for them to stop. He doesn't think I'm worth chasing.
May ran all the way back to her No-Fur's nest, her paws slamming down onto the rough, No-Fur paths. She skidded to a stop at the fence and leaped to the top, scanning the paths for any of Scourge's minions.
Feeling relieved, May settled down on the grass outside her owner's nest and began to groom herself. Don't worry, little ones. I will always protect you.

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