Chapter 4: Lillie's Promise

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Upon reaching Route 2, Lillie found and captured a female Totodile, naming her Toto. The blonde teenager now had four Pokémon on her team.

"We're almost there, grunts. Keep on marching!"

Lillie turned around to see three Abyssal Cultists heading in her direction. They then turned and crossed the bridge nearby.

"Weird." Lillie said to herself. "I wonder what they're up to."

After picking up a nearby Antidote, Dusk Ball and Ice Heal, Lillie crossed the bridge the Abyssal Cultists went over, and came upon some ruins with statues of Lucario. Feeling uneasy, the blonde teenager let Blossom out of her Pokéball.


"Blossom, I have a feeling that those Abyssal Cultists are up to no good here. Walk with me?"



Trainer and Pokémon headed toward the entrance to the ruins, picking up two Ultra Balls and a Super Potion along the way.

Wandering the ruins, Lillie found other important things like a Rare Candy, two more Super Potions, a Charcoal, a Repel, a Spell Tag, and a TM containing the move Silver Wind.

Blossom suddenly ran ahead of Lillie, gesturing to the room ahead. The blonde teenager followed her Pokémon and was shocked at what she saw. The Abyssal Cultists from earlier were cornering a Riolu from all directions!

"Bwa ha ha ha ha!" The female Abyssal Cultist laughed evilly. "We have you cornered, Riolu! There's nowhere to run!"

The Riolu tried to run away, but the two male Abyssal Cultists kept on moving to block it's path.

"Just stop running, Riolu! You're ours now!"

"Stop it!" Lillie shouted. "Can't you see you're scaring the poor thing?!"

"Yeah!" Said Nora, who had followed the sound of the commotion. "What are you doing?!"

"Huh?" The female Abyssal Cultist turned around. "Who daaaaares stand in the way of the Abyssal Cult?!"

"We dare!" Lillie and Nora said defiantly.

"Will the two of you deal with them, please?" The female Abyssal Cultist turned to her companions. "We have a Riolu to catch!"

The other two Abyssal Cultists went to stand on the other sides of Lillie and Nora.

"I hope you're ready to lose!"

"The Abyssal Cult will crush you here!"

"Hmph," Lillie smirked. "Not if we can help it!"


At Jade Tower...

Jaern was pacing. Just how did Lillie escape from the Cult of Darkrai?!

"You had one job, Persephone. One! Job! And furthermore, still no sightings of Adrien! The longer he remains hidden, the more likely it is that he'll have Pokémon now and he'll be able to defend himself!" He then looked at the crystal and smirked. "No matter, no matter. She'll come to me. And when that time comes, I'll kill her myself, and hopefully Adrien too. As for now, I need to have a little chat with Persephone."


At the Ancient Ruins...

Both battles were over, and Lillie and Nora were the victors. 

"Hmph! How on Earth could you lose?" The female Abyssal Cultist berated the men. "You two have the best Pokémon we have to offer! Grrr, why do I always need to clean up after your mistakes? Ok, I'll deal with them myself in a second. For now... I'm after this Pokémon!"

A loud cry echoed through the room, and the Riolu's mother Lucario jumped into action.

"Aww, how sweet... but your mother won't rescue you!" The female Abyssal Cultist turned to her accomplices. "Now quick, grunts! You've heard the rumors about this Lucario! You know why we're here! We need to catch it quickly, before it-"

The Abyssal Cultist was cut off by the Lucario glowing with a warm light and changing forms.

"How... that's impossible! That shouldn't be able to happen! Quick, let's get out of here! We can't handle a Mega Lucario!"

The three Abyssal Cultists panicked and bolted out of the ruins. Once they were gone, the Mega Lucario looked into Nora and Lillie's eyes, nodding with a smile as if to thank them for helping to protect her baby.

"Lucario..." Nora uttered.

Lucario jumped onto a big ledge and then disappeared. Riolu barked happily before following it's mother.

Nora took a deep breath and sighed. "I only came here because I heard about this ruin, and I thought it would be interesting to explore. I'm glad I came in time. Those people were from the Abyssal Cult. From what I can tell, they're pretty similar to Team Aqua from Hoenn. They're trying to capture the Legendary Pokémon Kyogre."

"Now that would be a recipe for disaster."

"It would." Nora paused. "Mega Evolution, huh? I've heard of it before. I don't fully understand it, but it seems to be a form where Pokémon become even more powerful than before. But I remember reading that it requires a close bond between Trainer and Pokémon, something you have with Blossom." She gestured to the Delta Ivysaur lovingly headbutting her Trainer's leg.

"How come that Lucario was able to do it?" Lillie inquired.

"Beats me." Nora shrugged. "I need to go research this more. I'll see you around, Lillie. Don't forget- we're still racing to Suntouched City!"

Once Nora was gone, something caught Blossom's attention, and the Delta Ivysaur hopped over the ledge, going in the direction the Mega Lucario and Riolu went.

"Blossom, wait up! Where are you going?" Lillie chased after her Pokémon until she came upon a blonde haired woman wearing black.

The woman gasped and panicked, but her expression softened when she got a closer look at Lillie.

She looks like Adam, but she has Luisa's eyes...

"I'm so sorry, Miss." Lillie apologized. "Blossom ran away from me, and I followed her."

The woman sighed with a gentle smile. "It's fine."

Lillie gasped, recognizing the Lucario standing by the woman. "Is that Lucario yours?"

"It is."

"And you have..."

"A Key Stone? Yes."

"So you made it Mega Evolve! Wait, who are you anyway?"

The woman sat down on the ground with Lillie.

"I'm Cynthia, former Champion of Sinnoh. I knew you when you were little. I just now remembered who you were, Lillie. I should know, since I knew your parents."

The blonde teenager perked up. "You knew my parents? Where are they? What happened to them?"

Cynthia patted Lillie on the shoulder. "Whoa, calm down, Lillie. You just escaped from a dangerous cult, and most of your memories have been taken away, so I don't want you to be overloaded yet. What I will say is that you're like a female 13-year-old version of your father with your mother's eyes."


"Wow is right. Are you on your journey, Lillie?"

"I am. Besides Blossom, I also have an Eevee, a Rotom and a Totodile. I'm heading to Suntouched City with my friends to get my first Gym Badge! Speaking of which," She got to her feet. "I can't keep Nora waiting!"

"Lillie," Cynthia stood up, taking Lillie's hands in hers. "I need you to make a promise to me."

"Anything, Cynthia." Lillie smiled sweetly.

"Promise me that you won't tell anyone about me or my presence here. I need to remain hidden just as much as you do. When the time is right, you'll find out why."

"Not even Nora?"

Cynthia shook her head. "Not even Nora."

Lillie paused and then nodded. "I promise."

Cynthia smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Lillie. We will meet again one day, that is a given."

Lillie waved goodbye to Cynthia before leaving with Blossom for Suntouched City.


With Adrien...

"Thank you for the Berries, Tapu Lele!"

While Adrien was training with Raphael, the Land Spirit Pokémon had gone to pick some Yache, Persim, Sitrus, Pecha and Occa Berries to share with the redhead boy and Delta Squirtle.


"Raphael, Tapu Lele, don't forget that tomorrow's the big day. Lillie, you might not remember me now, but you will soon."

Lillie's Team:

Blossom (Delta Ivysaur - F) Tackle, Psybeam, Confusion, Fairy Wind

Delilah (Eevee- F) Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Plasma (Rotom; no gender) Ominous Wind, Spark, Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray

Toto (Totodile- F) Water Gun, Ice Fang, Water Pulse, Tackle

Adrien's Team:

Tapu Lele (F) Psychic, Nature's Madness, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam

Raphael (Delta Squirtle- M) Tackle, Tail Whip, Bite, Torment

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