Chapter 5

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Ryousuke pov

As the darkness surround the poor boy he screamed in fear making a dark aura around him it was like a big ball turning the tree's shoved away by the pressure the boy was shocked by this and stood up looking at the mess he made as light began to be seen in the forest which was destroyed by this boy he saw his teachers and parents looking at him a little bit irritated because of his doing. His mother was pulling him harshly "mother please let go your hurting me" the boy said but his mother just ignored him. They arrived at the traditional Japanese house his mother throwed him at the wall and began shouting things like "look what you did! You destroyed a forest dont you know that blah blah blah!" The boy stopped listening half way because he knew where this was going and silently cried. His mother slapped him before letting him sleep because he have to rise early for his practice in swordsmanship and magic. The boy silently slept while tears rolling in his beautiful red eyes now drifting to sleep he dreamed about this black haired man sealing a demon but in this he was the one sealing looking at the demons eyes there he saw happiness this made him confused who would be happy getting sealed. He woke up by the sound of his angry father because he overslept. This kind of life continued until in the day he turned 13 years old when he met them. The boy went to his usual hide out the cliff that he went to as a child it was the day of his birthday a special day for them but for him it was just a plain day, reaching his hideout he saw two girls one have this short green hair and same red eyes as him and the other one has white hair that reached her knee they looked at him shocked and went closer while the boy was shocked "who are you!? How do you know this place!?" "Oh i forgot to introduce myselh hahaha" the green haired said while the white haired remained silent "my name is meiko and this is Victoria nice to meet you!!" She said cheerfully the boy was shocked who would want to be friends with a demon sealed inside of him? "F-friends?" i said looking at her hand that was waiting for a handshake "whats your name?" The white haired girl said looking at me "R-ryousuke" the boy said shyly "well then ryou were friends!!" The green haired took the boys hand "uhh sure?" "Yeah!! Lets go victoria were gonna be late!" The green haired said dragging the white haired "yeah" she said and got her hand back walking past the boy she whispered in the boys ear "better hurry up birthday boy" that shocked the boy and looked at his back where they go'ed to but he  didn't saw any sign of the certain white haired brunette thinking of that he looked at the time it was late he ran back home to get changed. The party began but the boy kept on thinking of what happened the girls disappeared in thin air that scared him a little but he vanished the thought in his mind and decided to concentrate on the party that was meant for him but all he saw in the visitors was jealousy,anger,frustration, because of them not becoming the sealer the boy sighted and hoped this fake smile's that they gave him vanished. The people felt the ground shook they were outside to drink under the cherry blossom him sensing someone on the roof the boy looked at it, it was them the girls the boy met earlier looking at him the white haired smiled at him and said something that cannot be heard by people but he knew what she said standing up the ground cracked and stood people panicked shouting who did this the young boy smirked and got his katana and went up the roof where the girls are at "thank you for helping me escape this hell of a life!" He said smiling they shook there heads "this is only what we can do as a fellow sealer" the white haired said smiling "what your sealers too! Awesome i thought i was the only one" the boy said "yeah i too thought i was the only one but thanks to victoria here i found out that there is a lot more!!" The green haired said "then lets introduce ourselves once more my name is harada meiko i am the sealer of the green demon
!!" She introduced i nodded "i am takashima ryousuke sealer of the black demon" i said with a slight smile "victoria, victoria valentine" she said i looked at her "sealer of the white demon".

"R...u,r..ou, Ryou!!" I slightly opened my eyes and saw Victoria infront of me i slowly stood up "ryou i have to cut your hair!!" She said smiling i looked at her shocked she was carrying my katana oh heck gonna run! I was about to run but "guys now!!" She said and the others surrounded me and holding a rope attacking me and tying me up in a chair "stop it!!!" I shouted while everyones eyes was glowing uhhhhh i dont like this. Victoria raised the katana "w-wait why a kata-!!" Before i can finish my head felt no weight and my hair was already on the ground they slowly took off the rope and ran while i was there dumbfounded victoria patted my shoulders trying not to laugh and disappeared out of sight "YOU GUYS OM MY GOD IM GONNA MURDER YOU ALL!!!!!" I shouted and ran at the house.

Normal pov

"Hey how long are you gonna watch we still got application to do at home!" A girl with violet hair with red eyes said to a white haired guy at a tree branch she was currently flying.... Well with water at her feet "yeah yeah whatever you say your royal highness" the boy rolled his eyes as the girl just disappeared "just wait sister ill be back for you" he smirked and disappeared

Thank you for reading this new chapter and this is the longest chapter i made in this story whooo!! Im so happy (insert sarcasm) well the bye please vote,comment,read baboosh!! Kaito once again up there after getting beaten up by the others ^___^ seriously this is the real good bye hahaha bye!!

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