chapter 13

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Naina's pov

Feelings, such a complicated thing , it won't tell you what it wants also won't let you rest in peace until you find what it wants.

From childhood Arjun and my reletionship was unknown, we were never siblings, friends was more appropriate word for us , but that was when For Naina thought him as her Aljun and for Arjun he thought me as Tara, but now it's not same,

I don't know what I m feeling for Arjun is a temporary teenage affection or something serious but whatever it is, it's sure as hell not something friends would feel for each other and I m more then enough ready to experience it with Arjun.

I never saw Arjun differently for me he was always that little boy who was always with me, but now when I look at him Everytime I could find something I never noticed before,

The way his dimple's appear when he smiles,

The way he furrow his eyebrows when concentrating on something,

The way he look away when nervous,

The way his eyes lit up when he becomes happy,


I jerked away from my thoughts when Arjun shouted my name , i stood up and looked at him, he was looking uneasy,

When did he Arrive, I m sitting here in the balcony from a hour and didn't noticed him arriving.

I was worried seeing his tensed posture, Arjun is a calm guy little things never makes him uneasy until it about me,

"Arjun what happened," I asked walking towards him.

" Aunty called me a hour back," he said pausing in middle making dread fill me in every fiber.

"What happened don't stop dammit , tell me are they okay." I asked I could feel my palms getting sweaty, mom, dad and Arjun are my everything if something ever happened with them i can't imagine what I will do.

"Uncle had a minor heart attack." Arjun uttered and my eyes widened in horror.

"WHAT!!!." I shouted horrified, papa was a heart patient and doctor repeatedly told us to prevent anymore heart attack,

A warm touch on my cheek brought me back from thought, Arjun wiped the tears from my cheek and then only I understood I m crying.

"Hey everything is okay he is discharged and in bed rest ." He told me but I was not convinced I won't be until I saw him with my eyes,

"I want to meet him." I told Arjun with chocked voice,

He nodded." I know tomorrow we will sumbit a emergency leave latter in your college and I have already talked with my boss for two days off." He told me.

God please look after papa please I thought closing my eyes,

That night I barely had a blink of sleep.

The next day the first thing I did was to FaceTime mom and dad , unfortunately dad was sleeping and I couldn't talk with him. I went to my college and submitted the letter.

" Don't worry Naina your papa will be okay," Shruti assured me as we sat in canteen.

I was sitting with my head in my hand , the worry for papa was to much for me.

"I just hope he is fine Shruti, I never been away from my parents ." I told her.

"Don't worry everything will be alright, I will send you the notes and keep updating you about the classes." Shruti said.

"Thank you Shruti you are a great help." I told her greatfully.

"Hey shut up what are friends for." She said waving off my thanks.


Next morning

"Tara are you ready." Arjun called me entering my room just as I finished praying to idol of Lord Krishan. I nodded, we didn't pack any luggage just a small back containing our important things .

"Yeah let's go , did you lock everything, and Arjun did you pack everything correctly." I asked him again.

Arjun shook his head," common Tara we will be back after two days , it's not like we are shifting permanently and won't return here again." Arjun joked trying to cheer me but for some reason a uneasy feeling rose my heart , I didn't know what but for some reason I didn't wanted to leave suddenly.

Snap out Tara papa is not well you have to see him.i shook my head and ignored the pull as I stepped out of the room.

As Arjun was locking our main door , the uneasy feeling grow to the point it was suffocating me," Arjun." I suddenly called him.

"Hmm." He hummed checking the lock.

" We will return soon right." I asked like a stupid but only I know how I was feeling Inside.

Arjun looked at me with a frown but smiled." Off course where will we go , our whole life is here , my office your college, our little heaven." He said the last part motioning towards our apartment with smile.

I smiled back and slowly forgot the uneasy as we headed out of the building.

Everything will be alright.


Can anyone feel the storm ?

Share your opinion.

Love ❤️ - Ira

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