Chapter one: decision/ progule

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"Rose sweetheart please come downstairs please I need to talk to you" my mom said.

"Ok I'm coming" I said.

It been two months since the snow queen attack.

It summer and all I been doing is keep watch of the snow globe that snow queen and Kira in. I also been worrying about my wand it haven't been working right since I use it to make those Pompom and drop it. This wand been through so much that I don't know why it want to start acting up now.

I went down stairs to see my granny, why she here?

"Hello sweetheart come give granny hug and seat down we have something very important to discuss" my granny said.

I went up to her gave her a hug and sat down.

"What wrong, is everything ok" I said worryingly.

"Yes dear everything is fine it just I been worried that you and family safety" my granny said and continue "you see after the snow queen attack, the villain on earth have been going after you and your parents nonstop".

Granny isn't wrong, a whole lot of villains been after me and parents. Like one time the gingerbread witch try to kidnapped my mom, then the sea witch try to take my dad voice and me well a whole lot happen to me like one time the evil queen try poison my pumpkin pie and my dad ate it and fell sleep,But At least my mom was there to kiss him wake.

"Yeah you're actually right there been a lot of villains after us" I said.

"Yes in been so your mother and I talked and it will be probably better if you move in Cinderella castle with me" granny said 

"OH MY PUMPKINSEED I BE STAYING IN CINDERELLA CASTLE" I shouted but I stop and realize something "wait what about mom and dad, your coming right mom." 

My mom just sigh.

"I do sweetheart I really do but your father ..... how do I pick it haven't, really gotten use to fairytales magic so until he get use to it I'll stay on earth with your father until he ready to move into fairytale" my mom said.

I couldn't believe it, My mom wasn't going to be moving in with me nor my father.

I was so hurt that a tear went down my face 

"Oh it ok dear, your mother will move in soon but until then your mother and I want you to pack up your thing as soon possible you'll be moving one month" my granny said.

After awhile I went to my room, shut the door, and look around the room remembering all the things I did.

All I could do is cry but I hear a knock on my door 

"Come in, it unlock" I said holding back the tear

"Hey sweetheart you ok" my mom said holding something in her hand.

"I'm just thinking what kind of box i should get for my shoes" I lie

"Rose, I know when your lying you get it from me" my mom said 

"It just that why isn't there any other way for you guys to come with me" I said about to cry.

"Rose I still be teaching at regal academy and I'll visit you every single day, you basically think I'm there" my mom said try to convince me "but that not what I came to said i came to give you this"

My mom handed me an small present box, I open and saw mom music box 

"Oh my pumpkinseed, it the music box that you gave me when I was six but it went missing ,where did you found it" I ask 

"Well first of all it didn't went missing I got nervous about you losing it so I put it up somewhere you couldn't find it" my mom said

I open the music box and a soft sweet music sound call out 

"I love this present so much when I was six, I was so upset when it went missing or at least I thought" I said as I look at mom

"Well when you have a kid that is clumsy then you maybe understand" my mom said smiling and hug me "I know it hard rose, but once you settle in you maybe just think I'm there and I promise I move in with you" 

" you sure you be ok without me" I ask 

"I'm sure" my mom said

After while my mom and I talk about what stuff I be taking to fairytale land, after an hour mom and I got sleepy

"Well I should get bed it getting a little late" I said while yawning 

"Yeah" my mom said look at my clock "you get some sleep in the morning i'lll help you pack your thing ok"

"Ok" I said 

"Night rose" my mom said

"Night mom" I said as my mom shut the door 

I went to the bathroom, took a shower, and got in my pajamas 

As I hop in bed, I look at a picture of my mom, dad, and me at Disneyland

All of the happiest memories made me smile 

I start to feel my close 

So I turn off the light, tuck myself in, and fall asleep 

Narrative POV 

As soon rose fell asleep 

An shallow appear by rose window 

Putting it hand on the window 




Hey guy me Starwood

Hope you like the story it came out a late but don't worry the next chapter came out on September 7th 

I know that long but if get done early I put it out 

But September is a really busy month because of something call school  

But I'm updating all my story the Saturday after this Saturday 

Ok I think that all 

Thank you for reading and have a great day 

Starwood out

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