Chapter 11: Finding Your Will

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Tsuna and Misuzu landed safely as Chuuta's head met the ground for the nth time of the day.

The brunet allowed Misuzu to take the lead as he helped Chuuta up.

Suddenly, an office like building flew in the trio's direction.

Misuzu simply hopped over it as Tsuna grabbed Chuuta by the scruff of the shirt, tugging the ravenet with him to dodge.

Misuzu calmly looked at the cause of the destruction.

"Escapee found." She narrowed her gaze at the ex-prisoner. "Cease all pointless resistance and peacefully surrender. Otherwise, we'll use force."

Tsuna set Chuuta on the ground before looking up at their current runaway.

'Wow, this guy looks a lot more dangerous than the last one--bigger too...'

"It looks like one of Earth's crustaceans! It's a crab, Chuuta!"

Chuuta floundered around as Tsuna straightened himself up.

"Let's catch it, Chuuta!"

"W-We can't catch t-that!"

Drew blinked in confusion and drifted in front of Chuuta's face.

"Has negative Chuuta come back? Chuuta has Drew, so Chuuta should be positive like last time. Chuuta got over his past."

The ravenet flinched at the reminder.

"I...can't change that easily..." Chuuta balled his fists. "Plus, today's opponent is on a different level! If I have to fight against something like that everyday, then I'm sorry, but I don't want to join ēlDlive!"

"Please stop with that obscene habit of talking to yourself."

Chuuta froze up slightly when Misuzu glared at him.

'That's right, Sonokata can't hear Drew's voice...'

The dirty-blonde sighed.

"But you have said it clearly." She fully turned to look at Chuuta. "Not fighting criminals is unacceptable for a member of ēlDlive. Resign. And don't leave any traces."


Tsuna saw this and sighed before perking up; his Hyper Intuition was pounding in his head.

He whipped his head around and spotted an old lady; Drew was also alerted.

"This is bad, Chuuta! The granny and her dogs are too close!"

Misuzu didn't notice as she continued to insult Chuuta.

" troublesome."


The ex-prisoner suddenly drew his glowing, red eyes to the granny.

Tsuna widened his eyes when the alien darted over to the defenseless grandma.


Misuzu finally noticed and widened her eyes with horror.

"Oh no!"

SLASH! Splatter....

Chuuta and Misuzu widened their eyes.

The escapee's claw had been aimed at the old lady, but a blur of brown got in between it. stained the ground; a large gash ran along the savior's back.

A harsh cough came from a certain brunet as blood dribbled down his chin; he looked at the grandma with pure warmth and concern.


"Y-Young man...!"

Tsuna smiled weakly before holding the grandma closer to him, trying to shield her from the crab-like alien.

The escapee raised another claw and brought it down.


Chuuta quickly stood in between the next attack, not really knowing what he was doing.

Luckily, Drew grabbed the claw with his mouth and spoke up to the ravenet--even though his voice was muffled.

"Above you Chuuta!"


Suddenly, the extra claw was cut off, and the crab-like alien screeched loudly, backing away from Chuuta; Drew let go of the other claw.

"For leave me no choice."

Everyone turned to look at Misuzu, who was glaring at the escapee.

"I must execute my professional duties."

Drew blinked in surprise.

"This's that nice smell in the classroom!"


Misuzu clothes seemed to separate; they became wings behind her as a blue one-piece covered the rest of her body. Her entire body gave an unearthly, magenta-like glow.

"Here I come..."

The ex-prisoner screeched and charged at Misuzu.

The dirty-blonde narrowed her eyes slightly and extended her right hand out to the side; a glowing ring of magenta light appeared.


In an instant, the crab-like alien was split completely in half; Chuuta gaped with shock.

"Please disappear...and don't leave anymore traces."

More--smaller--rings appeared into her hand.

Slash, slash, slash, slash!

The escapee was completely annihilated.

Misuzu sighed before turning back to her normal form.

Her gaze then quickly turned to Tsuna, who was still crumpled up on the floor; the old lady was trying to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on the wound.

"O-Oh, help the young man!"

Misuzu tsked and crouched beside Tsuna.

'So much blood. At this rate--!'

Chuuta was also crouched beside them, looking at Tsuna's pained expression with concern.

"Neh, please move a bit?"

They blinked in surprise and turned to a tall, ravenet man with a slightly strained smile.

Hazel eyes were filled with worry as the man crouched beside Tsuna, placing a hand on the brunet's back; Misuzu silently observed the katana on the newcomer's back.

"Tsuna. Hey?"

Sunset-orange eyes were struggling to keep open, but recognized the voice immediately.

"Ta...keshi...? You're-cough-here...?"

The ravenet--now named Takeshi--smiled shakily as he gently took the other into his arms.

"Oi, don't sleep just yet. I'll give you some strength to heal yourself."


Misuzu, Chuuta and the grandma watched in confusion and shock as a blue glow surrounded Takehshi.

They gaped--sans Misuzu, who simply widened her eyes--as Tsuna's wound closed up with a yellow glow.

Tsuna groaned with exhaustion.


Takeshi sighed in relief when the wound closed up before chuckling at Tsuna said.

"Hai, hai. Rest up."

Tsuna fell asleep as Takeshi lifted the brunet onto his back; Misuzu narrowed her eyes.

"Hold it. Identify yourself."

The ravenet laughed jovially and his hazel eyes twinkled with mirth.

"My name's Yamamoto Takeshi! How about you?"

Misuzu didn't answer and narrowed her gaze further.

"I may not know you...but what is your relationship with our newest ēlDlive member?"

Chuuta blinked in surprise.

'EEEEH!? Sonokata thinks of Tsuna-san like that!? Uwaah! How did Tsuna-San gain her respect?!'

Takeshi continued to smile.

"I'm Tsuna's friend and family."

Misuzu continued to watch the other carefully before glancing at Tsuna's sleeping face with slight concern.

Suddenly, a beam of light appeared and Chips with two other aliens appeared; Takeshi blinked in surprise.

"Uwaah~! UMAs? Haha, Hayato would be ecstatic!"

Chips quickly went over to them.

"Youyousa! Are you okay, chu?"

Misuzu walked up to them and gave a brief report--also saying that Chuuta wasn't an ēlDlive officer anymore.

"Thank you so much!"

Chuuta blinked in surprise when he found the grandma from before bowing to him.

"If you hadn't stopped that next attack, who knows what could've happened to that other brave man and my dogs!"

Chuuta felt a warm glow settle in his chest; he frowned slightly when Drew nagged him.

Misuzu glared at the teen.

"Go home already. You're resigning right?"

"Wait a sec! Nobody said anything about quitting!"

They both glowered slightly at each other; Chuuta held a determined gaze.

"If I quit...then I'll make sure to tell the Chief directly."

Misuzu tsked and turned away.

One of the other aliens walked up to Chuuta and handed a towel.

When the ravenet wiped off his face he yelped in alarm.

"I-It's blood! Green blood!"

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