Chapter 9: The Cloud Reunites with His Sky

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"Eeek! Sawada-Sensei, what happened to your throat!?"

Tsuna simply smiled as he waved the students off--mostly the girl population.

He held up a notebook to them.

*I got into a little fight--nothing serious, really.*

Tsuna sighed as he walked to the front of the class; everyone was eyeing the bandages around his neck with worry.

'It's already healed with my Sun flames, but I don't want to be too suspicious...'

Tsuna then clapped his hands to gain everyone's attention; they straightened up quickly, remembering the Chalk Incident.


Tsuna yawned as he walked down the hallways of the school.

It was currently lunch time.

Suddenly the brunet heard squeals and murmurs; he raised an eyebrow as he turned the corner.

There was a group of girls and female teachers huddled together, staring out of the window with bright smiles and heavy blushes.

Tsuna raised his eyebrow again as he glanced out of the same window to see...someone very, very familiar.

The brunet nearly dropped his bento when he saw who it was.

Without a second thought, he slid the window open, surprising the students and teachers around him.


Chuuta came around the corner of the hall in time to see the said teacher jump from the window; lime-green eyes widened with surprise.

"Hiiiieee!? Tsuna-san!?"

Everyone ran over to window and looked out to see if Tsuna was safe.

Everyone gaped when they saw the brunet running already.

On the side, Misuzu narrowed her eyes.

'...Sawada Tsunayoshi...who are you?'

<<(With Tsuna)>>

Tsuna ran towards a ravenet, who was glaring at every single student that came into a 5 meter radius of him.

Sensing Tsuna's Sky flames, the taller man immediately directed his gaze towards the brunet.


Tsuna grinned brightly before--


--blocking Kyoya's steel tonfa with his arms before it could make contact with his head.

The brunet gave an exasperated smile to the other.

"Gomen, gomen! I wanted to--whoop!" Tsuna rolled to the side to dodge a swipe. "--protect everyone--whoa!" The brunet caught the tonfa with his hands before it could hit the center of his forehead. "--and keep you guys safe."

Kyoya grunted before suddenly stowing his tonfas away; the ravenet glared at Tsuna before sighing, ruffling the other's hair.

"Glad you're safe, Omnivore."

Tsuna grinned before pouting at the other.

"Stop messing up my hair!"


"Uwah~! Is that Sawada-Sensei's friend? He's looks hot!"

"I wonder if Sawada-Sensei has more hot friends!"

Kyoya's eyebrow twitched when he heard the giggles on the side.

Tsuna, laughing nervously, gripped the skylark's shoulder to stop the other from taking his tonfas out; he whispered softly to the other.

"Calm, Kyoya. Stay calm."

The ravenet relaxed--barely--and sighed, glancing at the brunet before looking down at the bandages.

"Why?" (Why are you injured? Who hurt you?)

Tsuna sighed using his eyes to communicate with the others.

*Lot's of crazy stuff happened. Aliens. Don't believe me? I don't care.*

Kyoya smirked and chuckled slightly at the other's exasperation.

"Fine?" (I feel that those bandages are only there for show. You're not injured?)

*Yep.* Tsuna motioned his eyes to a dirty-blonde girl standing at the corner. *Do you see her? She's watching me right now.*

Kyoya glanced at Misuzu for a millisecond before shutting his eyes.

"Hn." (Then you'll have to explain to me later on, Omnivore.)



Chuuta panted lightly before straightening himself up; he stared at Kyoya with curiosity and a hint of fear.

"E-Eto...are you Tsuna-san's friend?"

Kyoya 'hn'ed and crossed his arms, closing his eyes as he leaned against the school entrance.

Tsuna chuckled softly before showing Chuuta his notebook.

*Haha, don't worry about him. That's his way of saying 'yes' sometimes. His name is Hibari Kyoya.*

Chuuta laughed nervously as he followed the two adults out of the school.

"Oi, Muttering-Chuuta!"

The said ravenet froze and turned his head to see a group of seniors.

The group sneered and started to walk over to the boy.

Tsuna suddenly stood in front of Chuuta, smiling with a bit too much teeth.

*How might I help you boys?*

Since the boys weren't in the same class as Chuuta, they didn't know about the Chalk Incident, meaning that Tsuna wasn't a threat to them; the leader sneered.

"We just wanted Muttering-Chuuta's money. What's wrong with that?" The senior smirked and grabbed the front of Tsuna's dress shirt. "I should probably teach you to stay out of my business."


Chuuta gaped along with the senior-leader's subordinates as the teen holding Tsuna was suddenly sent flying.

They all looked at the ravenet who was twirling a tonfa in his right hand.

Kyoya growled softly and glared at the teen on the ground, who was holding his nose.

The senior grunted before wiping his bleeding nose; he glared at Kyoya--bad mistake--as his subordinates crowded behind him.

The teen huffed.

"You think you're so tough, huh?!"

The skylark looked at the senior with indifference as he checked Tsuna over; he sighed softly when he found no injuries.

Tick marks appeared on the senior's head at being ignored.

"Oi, I'm talking to you!"

The teen threw a punch at Kyoya's head.

The boy suddenly found himself looking at the sky with confusion.

Kyoya looked at the teen from above, yawning into his hand.

"Weak, herbivore."

The senior growled and stumbled to his feet, finding out that Kyoya just flipped him.

"Grr. You just shut the he** up!"

Kyoya yawned again, walking over to Chuuta and pulling the small boy over to Tsuna.

"Stay here, Small Animal."

Chuuta blinked confusedly at the name and glanced at Tsuna, who was stifling his laughter.

Kyoya put his tonfa away as he looked at the group of seniors with bored eyes.

The leader growled before launching another punch at Kyoya; his subordinates followed.

Kyoya yawned as he ducked under the punch, grabbing the extended arm before throwing the leader into two more brats. There was a total of five boys there, including the leader.

The three flailed around as two of the seniors aimed kicks at Kyoya's head.

The skylark caught them by their ankles before flinging them into the other seniors.

The group of five became a tangled pile as Kyoya yawned again; the skylark narrowed his silver-blue eyes slightly.

"Leave, herbivores."

The five stumbled to their feet and bolted; the leader shouted back at Chuuta.

"This isn't over, Muttering-Chuuta!"

Tsuna frowned at that and picked up a small pebble; the leader was about 30 yards away.

Kyoya smirked as he walked over to Chuuta, nudging the small boy in the opposite direction, which was the way to the teen's home.

"Let's go, Small Animal."

"E-Eh? What about Tsuna-san?"

Tok! Thud.

The two looked back and saw the unconscious bully-leader with a pebble right next to his head; his subordinates grabbed him and ran away, screaming their heads off.

Tsuna turned to his companions and grinned, making a peace sign; Kyoya chuckled softly as Chuuta gaped.

"The Omnivore is simply bidding them farewell."

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