Chapter 14: The Cloud and Mists Return

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Tsuna sighed as he walked down the streets, smiling brightly as he hummed the Tri-Ni-Sette song.

The brunet suddenly slowed to a halt and inclined his head slightly when he came to an intersection.

"Well, well....if it isn't Dame-Tsuna! Hahaha!"

Tsuna tipped his fedora up and saw that he was surrounded by a few high schoolers.

The brunet put on a stoic expression as one of the delinquents walked up to Tsuna, chewing on the end of a cigarette.

"Hey~you know we kinda missed you, ya' little punching bag!"

Another delinquent joined in on the jeering.

"When you moved to Class E, we were kinda disappointed that you left."

Tsuna simply held an indifferent expression, which ticked the high schoolers off.

Stepping around a corner, Nagisa, Karma and Sugino spotted the brunet teacher; the trio narrowed their eyes when they felt the I'll intent around the delinquents.

"Do you think they're...?"

Karma smiled coldly.

"Yep~! Let's go beat them up before they do the same to Tsuna-Sensei."

Sugino frowned as he shouldered the bat he received from Tsuna; the trio walked towards the delinquents.

But before the students could get within a five-meter radius of the group, the air around them cooled.


The delinquent that was smoking right in front of Tsuna's face blinked in surprise as he watched the end of his burning cigarette fall to the ground below; the Decimo also blinked his eyes in surprise, for he didn't do anything.

Indigo mist filled the area; Tsuna widened his eyes with shock at the familiar sight.

"Oya, oya......what do you think you're doing?"

The delinquents shivered and whipped their heads around to find the source of the voice.

And then a voice spoke right next to the ear of the smoking delinquent; it was female.

" you want to die that badly~?"

The delinquent screeched and whipped out a pocket knife, swinging it around randomly.


Everyone slowly turned their gazes to see what the pocket knife hit.

There was a soft glint of silver in the mist.


The delinquent shakily lifted his gaze to see silver-blue eyes that were narrowed into angry slits.

The delinquents seemed to have enough as they screamed as they ran away.

Once they were gone, the mist slowly faded, and the killing intent lifted slightly.

"Kufufu~how irritating."

"Hn." (They should've been bitten to death.)

"Should I send them nightmares when they sleep?"

"Kufufu~good idea, Nagi."

Three figures stood there--all wearing suits; a ravenet, an indigonet, and a purplenette.

Tsuna stared at them with wide eyes.

Nagisa, Karma and Sugino quickly ran up to Tsuna, standing defensively in front of the brunet as they looked at the trio of newcomers.

The three suit-wearing newcomers then turned their attention back to what they originally came for: Tsuna.

The indigonet with heterochromatic eyes on the left chuckled, reminding Nagisa about Koro-Sensei's own laugh.

"Kufufu~how long has it been, Tsunayoshi-kun?"

The purplenette in the middle smiled warmly.


The ravenet on the right quirked his lips up slightly into a smile.


Tsuna's mouth slowly formed a wide, watery smile.

"What took you guys so long?"

Nagisa pulled Karma and Sugino to the side as Tsuna glomped the three into a tight hug.

"Missed ya', Mukuro, Kyoya, Chrome..."

The indigo, ravenet, and purplenette--Mukuro, Kyoya and Chrome--returned the hug.

Karma tilted his head curiously as his usual smile was present on his lips.

Sugino smiled brightly, liking the fact that Tsuna was happy once more.

Nagisa was studying the clothes...

'Why the suits?'

<<(Class E)>>

"Kufufu~what the he** are you?"

"Nurufufufu~how rude."

Tsuna sweatdropped on the side as he watched his Mist Guardian interact with Koro-Sensei, who was slightly red with anger.

Chrome was flitting around in the back, watching the two worriedly.

Takeshi was laughing in the back, standing beside Kyoya, who allowed the other's presence to be near him.

The students of Class E were also sweatdropping.

'Friends of Tsuna-Sensei?'

Tsuna sighed as he swatted Mukuro on the back of the head.

"Behave, Mukuro-kun."


Tsuna rolled his eyes mentally as he gave a stern look to the illusionist.


The indigonet sighed as he turned to the students, smirking mysteriously.

"Kufufu~my name is Rokudo Mukuro. Dozo yoroshiku."

Mukuro bowed, ponytail dropping over his right shoulder as he did so.

The indigonet straightened up and flicked his wrist; a small bouquet of sakura appeared in his hand.

"I am what you may call...a magician, kufufu~!"

Mukuro handed the bouquet to the girl closest to him--Kaede--who accepted it shyly.

They all heard a low growl coming from a certain skylark; Mukuro chuckled again.

"You might want to keep those sakura away from him; he hates them, kufufu~!"

Kyoya sighed through his nose and closed his eyes briefly before opening them.

"Hibari Kyoya." (Get too close to me and I'll bite you to death.)

Somehow, everyone heard the unspoken words and sweatdropped.

Chrome was next, smiling kindly to them.

"Dokuro Chrome. It's very nice to meet you all."

Class E relaxed slightly.

'...She look approachable...'

Ryoma snorted in the back.

"Che. You lot are just friends with Dame-Ts--"


Ryoma held his forehead, falling out of his seat; everyone saw a piece of chalk rolling on the ground.

'The Chalk of Justice strikes again!'

But the class blinked in surprise when they saw that Chrome threw it--not Tsuna.

"Hufufufu~repeat that and you'll wake up in a hospital bed."

'We all take back that earlier comment on her. She's scary!'

<<(At Karasuma's Home)>>

The ravenet narrowed his eyes at the papers before him.

'Rokudo Mukuro and Dokuro Chrome were put in a coma by a car crash. Yamamoto Takeshi had been put into a similar state, but he fell off a cliff on accident. Hibari Kyoya is the Head of the Hibari Police Force; he took on a criminal that managed to stab him in his side, ending him up in a hospital.'

Karasuma placed a hand under his chin, frowning thoughtfully.

'These four people have all been in close-to-death situations. Could it be a coincidence or...'

The Government Agent sighed as he quickly turned his laptop on.

'I suppose I'll check out recent hospitalizations that might stand out...'

//(The Next Day)//
<<(Class E)>>

"NYGUUUOO!? Sugaya-kun, what did you do to your arm!?"

The said silveret looked at the octopus and grinned.

"It's called a Henna tattoo. Once you've set the pigment, it can't come off for about a week."

Tsuna sweatdropped.

'Good thing Kyoya-kun isn't here right now. He'll bite Sousuke-kun to death...'

Right now, Tsuna's Rain, Cloud and Mists were at his house, resting and taking care of it.

Tsuna sighed and quirked an amused smile as Sousuke attempted an assassination on Koro-Sensei by mixing some Anti-Sensei matter into the Henna paint; the octopus sulked for while.

Sousuke sweatdropped.

"H-Hey! Here, I'll give you a tattoo with normal Henna paint, Koro-Sensei."

Tsuna chuckled as he watched Koro-Sensei slowly brighten up.

Soon enough, the entire classroom got Henna tattoos.

Tsuna blinked in surprise as Sousuke tentatively approached the brunet, holding one of the Henna paints.

"Eto...Tsuna-Sensei...would you like one?"

The Decimo blinked in surprise once more before chuckling.

'I'll just have to fight Kyoya later on...' "Sure. Why not." The brunet rolled his sleeve back and smiled at the silveret. "Can you make it look like a lion, please?"


Tsuna stifled laughter as Koro-Sensei made funny pictures on Irina's body; the blonde woman was unconscious because she slipped on one of the Henna paints and conked her head on the wooden floor.

They then put some random samurai helmet onto her head and left her alone after that.

Tsuna sweatdropped when Irina woke up; everyone else tensed.

"She's checking herself out..."

Irina got up from the seat she was in and walked out of the room.

"She left....I guess she actually liked it?"

Tsuna watched as the students peaked their heads out of the classroom; the brunet waited patiently for the next comment.


The brunet stifled his laughter again, briefly checking his new tattoo out before rolling his sleeve back down.

Tsuna smiled amusedly as he watched the chaos unfold before him.

'...How nostalgic...'

The brunet's eyes clouded over briefly, but he quickly shook those thoughts away; he had Mukuro, Kyoya, Chrome and Takeshi with him--his other Guardian would probably appear too.

Tsuna chuckled again as he watched Irina trying to kill Koro-Sensei with normal bullets, which were harmless to the octopus since they weren't Anti-Sensei matter.

And then a ticked off Karasuma appeared.

<<(Tsuna's House)>>

"Sawada Tsunayoshi. What. Is. That?"

"Ah, Kyoya-kun. It's a Henna tattoo. Cool, isn't it--?"


Tsuna sighed as he caught one of Kyoya's tonfa; Takeshi laughed on the side.

"Maa, Kyoya! I'm sure it'll come off soon! Tsuna was just playing with the kids."

The brunet nodded his head.

"It'll come off in a week, Kyoya-kun."

Tsuna hefted his suit top onto his shoulder as he handed Kyoya back his tonfa.

The skylark huffed as he took it, stowing it away to who-knows-where.

The brunet walked into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator as he glanced back at his current Guardians with a grin.

"What do ya'll want for dinner?"

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