Chapter 19: Summer Training

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Tsuna watched from the hill as Class E trained for the upcoming assassination of Koro-Sensei.

With midterms done, Class E could finally start training more.

Suddenly, Tsuna's Hyper Intuition went off.

Tsuna quickly whipped his arm back and caught a hand that held a knife.  A real one.

The brunet blinked in surprise and confusion as he raised his gaze to see who it was.

'....Lovro?  The assassin dealer?'

"Remarkable reactions."

Tsuna sweatdropped at the amazed look that Lovro had on his face.

'This our first meeting so...' "A-Ano...who are you, Mister?"

Lovro studied Tsuna and narrowed his gaze.

"...My name is Lovro.  The assassin dealer."

Tsuna smiled.

"Ah.  Well my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi, it's nice to meet you, Lovro-san."

Lovro quickly stowed his knife away and placed a hand beneath his chin.

"...I believe....that I had never seen you when I first came here..."

Tsuna laughed sheepishly.

"Maa, I was probably in a separate classroom and you never went in."

Lovro hummed, studying Tsuna.

'I can feel it.  The boy...he hides so much strength.  Possibly greater than that Government Agent and my own combined.' "Come with me.  I want to see how good you are with a gun."



"Ah!  It's Tsuna-Sensei!  And...Lovro-san!?"

Lovro walked ahead of the Decimo, who was greeted by the students.

"Neh~Sensei!  Where are your friends?"

Tsuna blinked.

"Oh, they--"


"You d***, Turf-top.  You're making my ears bleed."

"Yare, yare...Hayato-nii is right, Ryohei-nii."

"Silence, omnivores."

"Kufufu~Skylark-kun is cranky."

"Mukuro-nii-sama, please don't irritate him further."

"Maa, Kyoya!  You can probably nap on that hill over there!"

The group turned to see a group of adults walking into the scene.

Kyoya immediately flopped onto the hill and shut his eyes, arms crossed over his chest as he fell asleep instantly; Tsuna chuckled softly and sweatdropped.

"Ah.  Fell asleep instantly.  And Mukuro-kun, you'll get your a** served to you if you try to use illusions on Kyoya-kun when he's asleep."

The said 'magician' 'kufufu'ed.

The students waved over at the group of adults.

"Hello!  Do you guys want to shoot some guns!?"

Ryohei responded first.

"I have EXTREMELY bad aim!"

Takeshi laughed and scratched his head sheepishly.

"Maa...I only get lucky when I hit my targets."

Hayato sighed.

"Don't feel like it."

Kyoya was sleeping....

Moving on to Mukuro and Chrome.

"Kufufu~guns aren't my style."

They looked at Chrome.

"I am the same as Mukuro-nii-sama."

Then they looked at Lambo.

"Yawn....Too lazy...."

And finally, they turned to Tsuna, who smiled nervously at them.

"Ah.....I can't lie to you guys, can I?"

Nagisa played with his fingers.

"Eto...if you're uncomfortable with handling a gun, we understand." 'We don't want to remind you of anything bad...'

Catching the unsaid words,Tsuna smiled and ruffled Nagisa's head.

"Hah!  Daijoubu, daijoubu." The students huddled around the brunet as he whispered softly to them. "I'll show you some of my skills."

The students blinked in surprise and curiosity; Sugino offered his pistol to Tsuna.

Instead of walking closer to the targets, Tsuna simply stood where he was.

The targets were about eighty meters away.

Tsuna smirked.

"You would want to cover your ears since you're all so close to me."

Tsuna's fedora shadowed his eyes.

On the side Tsuna's Guardians smiled nostalgically.

Takeshi laughed, lacing his fingers behind his head.

"Hey.....doesn't he look like...?"

Hayato sighed, touching the box of cigarettes in his breast pocket

"Ah.  He looks like......Reborn-san."

Tsuna sighed before looking evenly at the three target circles far away from him.

"I only bullet."

The brunet crouched down and picked up two pebbles.

The class watched as Tsuna tossed and caught the pebbles experimentally.

The brunet raised his arm and aimed the pistol at the target in the middle.

Tsuna's smirk widened slightly.


The brunet tossed the pebbles away from himself and quickly shot.


With Nagisa's sharp eyes; the bluenet watched as the bullet connected with the two pebbles and sent them spiraling to the two targets on the side.

The bullet Tsuna shot hit the target in the middle.

Three targets were taken one bullet.

Tsuna grinned and swiveled his head to look at the shocked students behind him; Karasuma and Irina were also looking at the brunet with surprise.

Tsuna twirled the pistol on his index finger; he murmured softly to the students.

"The trick with that you must always be careful with your provisions.  You never know when you might run out.  You'll be a sitting duck if you don't have any more bullets.  But...if you're good with hand-to-hand combat, then I'm sure you'll be able to fight your way out and restock your supplies."

The other teachers were able to catch the words.

Karasuma narrowed his eyes.

'.....Sawada Tsunayoshi....he's knowledgeable of combat and weapons...why?'

Irina was frowning.

Lovro placed a hand under his chin.

'Sawada Tsunayoshi.  Sawada Tsunayoshi....Sawada?  That surname.....' The assassin dealer widened his eyes in realization. "Sawada....Iemitsu."

Tsuna immediately darted his eyes to Lovro; their gazes met.

*......Please do not say anything yet.  This is a secret.*

Lovro crossed his arms.

*So you truly are...the son of the Young Lion.*

Tsuna narrowed his eyes slightly.

*...I would not know if I should still call him my father...*

Lovro slowly smiled.

*'re an interesting boy indeed.....don't worry.  I shall not tell anyone of this secret.  And I agree with you.  That man doesn't deserve a kind boy like you as a son.*

Tsuna flushed slightly at the praise and tugged his fedora down.

The students blinked in confusion.

"Neh, neh.  Tsuna-Sensei, you're blushing."


Tsuna sat on the side as the students continued to train; Lovro was questioning the students on their plan.

"What is this first part here: Psychological Attack?"

Tsuna sweatdropped.

'They told me that plan.....I find it kinda cruel....'

Nagisa answered Lovro.

"First, we agitate him to slow down his movements--because when it comes to attacks lacking bloodlust, Koro-Sensei has a weakness for them."

Hiroto grinned on the side.

"A while back, Koro-Sensei was picking up porno magazines and reading them.  And he gave us each an ice cream bar so we can keep it a secret but...." Hiroto's eyes glinted evilly. "You can't keep anyone's mouth shut with just an ice cream bar these days!  The whole class will tease the cr** out of him!"

Everyone in Class E laughed evilly; Tsuna laughed nervously.

Nagisa continued to explain to Lovro.

"We've also secured other material to shake him.  First, we use this to corner him."

Lovro sweatdropped.

"What a cruel method of assassination..."


Tsuna looked over at Class E's sharpest marksmen: Ryuunosuke and Rinka.

The two heard the sound of clapping and saw Tsuna there; the two blushed at his heartwarming smile.

Ryuunosuke glanced at Rinka and they both shared a silent message with each other.

The ravenet teen approached Tsuna first.



"Can you give us some tips on shooting, since you seem kinda knowledgeable about guns..."

Tsuna tipped his fedora up and smiled.

"I'll see what I can do."



The assassin dealer swiveled his head around and found Nagisa gazing at him with curiosity.

"When it comes to professional hitmen--personally, I know Bitch-Sensei and you--but, from the hitmen you know...what kind of person is the most skilled hitman?"

Lovro blinked in surprise before crinkling his eyes as he smiled slightly.

'This boy...fufu...he has some good qualities, and a bonus....' "Are the world of hitmen?"

Nagisa sweated slightly.

"Ah, n-no--that's--"

"Let's see...he doesn't exist among the men I employ.  But the best hitman....there is only one person in this world who can claim that title." Lovro inhaled softly. "This is common in this business...but no one really knows his real name.  He's only known by this nickname...they call him...the 'God of Death'."

Lovro chuckled softly as Tsuna tipped his fedora up.

"It's a trite nickname, isn't it?  But he's an elusive phantom with unparalleled cruelty.  You coukdn't count the number of corpse's he's piled up.  He's become a man known as death itself." The assassin dealer sighed. "If you kids find killing to be too big of a task for you, he'll probably show up eventually.  It's possibly even now...that he's patiently waiting for an opportunity."

Nagisa shivered as Tsuna tugged his fedora down slightly.

'The 'God of Death', huh...?' Tsuna chuckled softly to himself. 'Gomen, but I only know one man who's the greatest hitman in the world.'

Lovro smirked as he gazed at Nagisa.

"Well then, boy.  Let me teach you a...'secret killing technique'."

Nagisa blinked in surprise.

"E-Eh?  A secret...?"

Lovro chuckled.

"That's right.  And straight from a pro hitman, you get to learn...a 'secret killing technique'."

Nagisa gulped slightly but looked nonetheless determined.

Tsuna blinked at the familiar stance Lovro had.

'Ah.  This move...Reborn taught it to me...'

Tsuna smirked and tugged his fedora down.

'Interesting....and I have faith that Nagisa-kun will master it in no time at all...'

<<(On an Island Resort)>>


A man in the shadows scratched roughly at his cheek, drawing some blood slightly.

His crazed eyes looked at the screen before him.

"I'll get that brat.  I'll get rid of that nightmarish smile....hehehe...."

He scratched his cheek once more before pausing.

"I'll kill that d*** brunet too.  How dare he separate me from my....'children'..."

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