Chapter 21: Nightmares From the Past

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(O.D.D.- Gomenasai for the late update! But I just finished my exams--KAMPAAAI! (=ω). And I added Warriors by Imagine Dragons to this chapter--it's an hour long! (*^_^*))

"From the look of things, it seems like half the class has been infected. Hehehe, not bad, not bad...."

Karasuma growled lowly as he gripped his phone tighter.

"I'm going to ask you one more time...who are you--?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. Those kids aren't the only ones who are aiming for the 10 billion bounty. I can blow up the antidote with the press of a button. If you don't keep us happy, then the infected people won't be saved."

Tsuna inclined his head slightly; his fedora was hiding his expression.

''Us'? So there are more than just one enemy...'

Karasuma felt a bead of sweat roll down the side of his face.

"...It seems you've thought this through..."

"Hehehe...this plan was built on the assumption of a situation where that octopus wouldn't be able to move. Now that he can't move, it gives us all the more reason to do as we please."

Tsuna looked over at the hotel at the top of the mountain.

"The Fukumajima Palace Hotel on the mountain top, the top floor--you have one hour to come here with the 'bounty' in hand."

Another chuckle came from the phone.

"But, ya' know, Teach. You seem pretty skilled, so you might be kinda dangerous, huh? Let's see...among the people that can move, have the shortest girl and boy come up. Including....that brunet teacher of yours."

Karasuma quickly flitted his gaze over at the said selected people.

Tsuna merely looked over at Nagisa and Kaede; his fedora was still hiding his emotions.

"The front desk already knows the situation. If you come here obediently, we can trade the 'bounty' and the antidote without a hitch." More chuckles. "But, if you contact anyone on the outside...or if you're late by even a second, I'll destroy the antidote immediately."

Karasuma grit his teeth.

"Hehehehe, I have to thank you. You did well to corner that octopus enough to make him incapable of moving. It's as if the heaven were on our side~"

With that, the call ended.

Karasuma shut his phone off while slamming Koro-Sensei onto a nearby table.

'Sh**. I never imagined that an outsider would come into the picture at this point.'

Tsuna walked over to Sugino, who was coughing harshly.

The brunet sat him up.

"Okay, Sugino-kun, breathe. Nice and easy, alright?"

Sugino blinked in surprise and confusion as his stomach felt less queasy; the dark-haired bluenet cracked his eyes open and blinked.

Tsuna was gazing down at him with warm, sunflower-yellow eyes.



Not orange?

Sugino groaned as his body was racked with coughs again; Tsuna pressed a hand to the teen's chest.

"This is all I can do for now..."

Sugino widened his eyes slightly when he saw a slight glow of yellow on Tsuna's palm.

'Oh sh**. I'm getting delirious now...'

Tsuna compressed his Sun flames and inserted them into Sugino's body; he did this as discreetly as possible.

Feeling a little relief, Sugino slowly drifted off to sleep.

Tsuna glanced over at the other sick students; Karasuma was currently telling everyone the situation they had on their hands. The Decimo quickly inserted some of his Sun flames into the sickly students.

Karasuma sighed. Luckily, he didn't notice what Tsuna did.

"...And that's the situation."

Touka frowned.

"That's terrible. Who is this guy? How could he do such a thing?"

Karasuma merely kept silent.

Suddenly, a female Government Agent came running up to them.

"Karasuma-san! Just as we thought, it's no good. Even though I tried to ask about their guests as a Government Official, they keep keep repeating something about 'privacy'."

Karasuma sighed.

"It's just as I thought..."

Koro-Sensei looked over at the Government Agent, sweat pouring down the side of his face.

"What is?"

Karasuma sighed once more.

"I heard this from an acquaintance in a police department. This small resort island, Fukumajima, is actually known as 'Demon Island'. The actual resort hotels are legitimate business, but...the remote hotel on that mountain top is different. With some help from an area called The Solitary Island in the southern seas, influential members of domestic and foreign mafias, and people of the financial world who are connected to them, are said to often visit the hotel."

Tsuna perked up.

''Mafia'? But...the dark world doesn't know who Sawada Tsunayoshi is, right? Sawada Iemitsu of this world went off with another woman--I can't be the Decimo....'

Tsuna narrowed his gaze as they slowly faded to its usual sunset-orange.

'.....Could this have to do with Iemitsu? I can't jump to conclusions. But I found out that there were multiple assassins sent after this world's 'me' by that I think about is Vongola doing?'

Tsuna walked up to the table that Koro-Sensei sat on and picked him up and placed the sphere into a plastic bag.

The octopus looked up at Tsuna and sighed.

" are my students?"

The brunet smiled softly.

"Don't worry. We'll get the antidote for them. Right now, they need to rest."

Tsuna turned around and saw Ryoma ranting at Karasuma.

"It's too dangerous to listen to what they say. They want two of our smallest guys? And our crazy brunet teacher?"

The delinquent walked over to Kaede and Nagisa, hitting their heads lightly with his fists before jabbing a thumb at Tsuna.

"We're talking about these runts here! We'd just be giving them hostages! But I don't know how Tsuna-Sensei will deal with them!"

Then Kotaro offered to take care of the sickly students, everyone looked at the megane-teen with gratitude. Manami also offered to help with her chemistry skills.

And then Tsuna's phone buzzed.

The Decimo took it out and saw Ritsu suddenly pop onto his phone.

"I'm here, Koro-Sensei~!"

The said sphere chuckled.

"Arigatou, Ritsu-chan. Here is my plan..."

While everyone was worrying over what to do, Koro-Sensei had Ritsu hack into the the hotel info.

After a few minutes, Koro-Sensei called the healthy people over.

Tsuna set Koro-Sensei and his phone onto a table as he walked over to his Storm and Rain.

The brunet sighed before looking at both of them.

"Hayato, Takeshi."

No '-kun'--he was serious.

"I need both of you to stay here to protect the sickly students. I cannot trust this new enemy that we're currently facing. They might attack the students while the stronger ones are away."

The two Guardians looked a bit hesitant before nodding.

"We understand, Tsuna-sama./Gotcha, Tsuna."


Tsuna held Koro-Sensei as he looked up at the cliff before the healthy Class E members and himself.

Koro-Sensei was currently grinning brightly as Ritsu smiled with the same amount of cheerfulness; a diagram popped up right next to her head.

"I hacked into the hotel's computer and obtained a blueprint of the interior. I obtained a map of their security placement as well." Another image popped up. "The main entranceway and one of the areas on site is heavily secured. It would be impossible to enter without going through the front desk."

Tsuna watched as his phone showed an image of a door.

"However, above this cliff, there is another entrance. Because it seems that the landscape doesn't allow infiltration, there is no security."

(O.D.D.- Then why would there be a door there? Seriously... ~(・・?) Oh well, it was needed for Class E to get inside. (≧∇≦))

Koro-Sensei's grin widened.

"If you don't want things to go the enemy's way, there is only one option. Exuding the ten that are infected, and the two staying behind to nurse them, all of the students capable of moving infiltrate through here, launch a surprise attack on the top floor, and steal the antidote."

The students blinked in surprise.

Karasuma frowned as he looked over at Koro-Sensei; Tsuna turned his body slightly so the Government Agent could see the sphere in the plastic bag.

"It's too dangerous. Looking at their practiced skill in their method of coercion , you can clearly tell that the enemies are pros."

Koro-Sensei still had his ever-present grin as he responded.

"Yes, and furthermore, I cannot guarantee everyone's safety. It's possible that it would be better to quietly hand me over.'s all up to everyone, and the commander, Karasuma-Sensei, on what move to make."

The students glanced up at the mountain.

"That's...a bit hard..."

Irina huffed.

"Of course! It's obviously impossible! First of all, there's a cliff! You'd fall to your deaths before you even reach the hotel!"

Karasuma sighed.

'It really would be impossible....we have no choice but to send those three to take the target and go...' "Nagisa-kun, Kayano-san, Sawada. I'm sorry but--"

They were gone.

All of the students, including Tsuna who was holding Koro-Sensei.

"Oi~Karasuma-san! Up here!"

The ravenet lifted his head and saw Tsuna perched on a rock a few meters off of the ground; the brunet grinned and pointed above himself.

There, the Class E was scaling the cliff with ease; the students called back to the ravenet.

"It's not the cliff! The entire plan seems batsh** crazy, but this cliff is a piece of cake."

They grinned at each other.

"Especially if you compare it to our usual training, right~?"


They all stopped climbing for now and looked down at the two teachers on the ground; Yuuma smiled brightly.

"But~we've never had training for fighting an unknown enemy enemy in an unknown hotel, so~Karasuma-Sensei, it might be difficult, but we need you to firmly direct us."

Ryoma scowled lightly as he looked at Karasuma.

"Yeah, those guys are trying to screw with us...I'm gonna make sure they get what's coming to them!"

Koro-Sensei chuckled from his spot by Tsuna, who was holding the sphere up for Karasuma to see.

"Nurufufufu~as you can see, they are no mere students. What you have under your command are 14 members of a special forces unit." Koro-Sensei chuckled again. " know you're running of time, right?"

Karasuma blinked in surprise before lowering his head, closing his eyes as he took in a soft breath.

The ravenet then lifted his head and opened his eyes.

"Attention! Our objective is the top floor of the mountaintop hotel! This will be a covert infiltration and a successful surprise attack! As for hand signals and coordination, we will use those from our training! The only difference is our target! Drill that map into your heads in three minutes! We begin the operation at 19:50!"

The students responded with enthusiasm.



Tsuna quickly swung onto a tree limb before grasping a rock that was jutting out of the cliff; the class looked at him with shock. Koro-Sensei was tied tightly to the brunet's wrist.

"Wah~Tsuna-Sensei's pretty fast."

Hinano wasn't too far behind and winked over at Tsuna, who chuckled and continued to climb.

Masayoshi laughed breathlessly.

"Okano's pretty nimble too."

And then 'Justice' glanced below, sweatdropping.

"Our other teachers on the other hand...."

Koro-Sensei chuckled from his spot with Tsuna, who paused to also look down at Karasuma and Irina.

"Kyaah! You're swaying! Climb more gently, Karasuma!"


Tsuna chuckled; a tick mark appeared on the Government Agent's face.

"Silence, Sawada."

Koro-Sensei hummed happily.

"My, everyone has an amazing sense of balance~!"

Karasuma sighed as he pushed up from a ledge, ignoring Irina's cries to go slower.

"I had them practice climbing on the cliffs on the mountain behind the school. In order for them to carry out an assassination no matter what the location, good physical strength and balance are an essential foundation."

Koro-Sensei's grin widened.

"Nurufu~I see. So that's how they were able to control the flyboards with such ease--"

"Who cares!? Just hurry up and climb! I'm starting to lose my grip!"

Tsuna sweatdropped at Irina's panicking state.

"....Karasuma-san....would you like me to carry her up here?"

The ravenet sighed and looked over at the brunet.

"As much as I would like that, I don't want you to suffer, Sawada."

Irina tightened her grip on Karasuma.

"Excuse me!?"

The students were also sweatdropping; Ryuunosuke landed on another ledge before glancing down at them.

"...Actually, why are you coming along in the first place, Bitch-Sensei?"

Megu answered for the blonde teacher.

"She said she didn't wanna just sit back or be left out..."

Ryoma clicked his tongue.

"Tch. It would be nice if you didn't hold us back."

Irina let out a silent, frustrated scream.


The group had finally finished climbing; they were now standing in front of the door.

"I can take override their electronic lock and open the door."

After a few seconds, there was a 'click', and the small light on the electronic lock turned green.

"Also, I can control the security cameras so they don't capture our image. However," A new image popped up, showing the hotel. "The hotel's maintenance is separated into multiple systems--it would be impossible for me to take hold of all of the equipment by myself."

Karasuma studied the map.

"....As expected--security's pretty tight. Ritsu, make the final confirmation for the infiltration route."

Tsuna glanced around the area, checking for any enemies.

"Yes. I shall display the interior map. We are unable to use the elevators--this is because we would need private keys for each floor from the front desk. And so our option is the stairs--however, the placement of the stairs are all scattered. We must walk a long distance to reach the top floor."

Ryuunosuke's lips formed a slight frown.

"It looks like they complicated the architecture so that it would be hard for terrorists to occupy it."

Sousuke chuckled wryly.

"I'm sure any villainous guests would love to use those..."

Karasuma then silenced them as he reached for the door, opening it swiftly as he whispered back to them.

"Let's go. We don't have time--I'll give out instructions according to the situation, so keep your eyes open."

Tsuna squinted his eyes as light filtered through the crack in the door; the students and the adults quickly darted into the hotel.

The brunet watched their backs as Karasuma lead in the front, silently dashing through the hall before pressing his back against a wall, stopping before an open door.

Tsuna gazed around the hall before slowly making his way to where the students and teachers where.

Peeking over everyone's heads, Tsuna could see that multiple guards and waiters were standing there, watching the area with sharp eyes.

"What's wrong~? Just act casually."

Tsuna blinked and swiveled his head around to see a slight drunk Irina.


Sousuke and Masayoshi whispered frantically at her.

"Do you not understand the situation here, Bitch-Sensei?!"

"How are we supposed to get through all of that security out there!?"

Tsuna saw that Irina's baby-blue eyes drifted to the piano at the far side of the room; the brunet blinked.

'Is she going to...?'

Irina sighed as she waved her empty glass around, walking through the doorway and out into the open.

"Look. Casually."

Koro-Sensei chuckled silently as the students gaped at her.

Tsuna immediately saw the blushes and perverted smiles on the guards' faces; Irina bumped into one of the guards on 'accident'.

"Ah." Irina smiled seductively as she winked. "Excuse me. I'm a little drunk from all of that alcohol I had in my room~"

The guard blushed.

"Ah. P-Please don't worry yourself, ma'am!"

Irina smiled as she waved her glass over to the piano.

"I'm supposed to be playing the piano next week. I came earlier through to do some sight-seeing~"

Tsuna's eyes drifted to the other guards; their attention was now focused on her.

The original pianist was about to go check with the front table, but she stopped him, winking.

"Come on~I want you guys to listen too...and critique me~"

She seated herself and raised her hands above the keys of the piano.

"I want you to critique me carefully...and scold me if I do anything bad."

And she started to play.

Tsuna smiled softly.

'A 'Phantasmic Impromptu Piece'. Amazing.....I wonder if Hayato-kun would like to challenge Onee-san one day...'

The kids looked at her with shock.

"D***.....she's freaking good...."

Irina turned to look at the other guards and waved them over, easily drawing their attention to her.

While she kept on playing, and the eyes of the guards were on her, she used her other hand to signal them.

*I'll give you 20 minutes. Go.*

Karasuma quickly led the group towards the stairs; they silently darted up the stairs a Irina distracted the guards.

The students glanced back at her with awe.

'....What a beautiful teacher....'

The group headed up the flight of stairs.

When they were far enough, Koro-Sensei chuckled.

"Nurufufu~see? I suppose there's no need for me to worry, even though I can't move."

Nagisa smiled slightly as the group quickly climbed another staircase.

'That's right. Even though Koro-Sensei can't move...' The bluenet glanced over at Tsuna before bringing his gaze back to Karasuma. '...We also have a group of pro-teachers in Class E that are completely reliable.'

<<(In the Hotel Conference Hall)>>

Gastro continued to suck on the barrel of his gun as he walked around the center on the stage.

The ravenet then looked down at another man seated on one of the chairs.

"Hey, Smog." The said man lifted his head and tilted it. "Go patrol the staircase route to see if there aren't any intruders. There's nothing unusually on the camera, but just in case. And boss says to kill on sight if you find anyone--especially that brunet kid. But the boss wants you to reveal who Sawada Tsunayoshi is before ya' kill him."

The man seated on the chairs grinned and stood up, walking away from Gastro.

"Aye-aye, sir."

<<(With the Sick Students)>>

Sugino huffed as he steadied the bag of ice on his head, smiling weakly at Kotaro.

"Sorry about this....Takebayashi...."

Kotaro simply grabbed more bags of ice as Manami held a bucket up to some of the sick students; a few threw up.

Manami sighed.

"When could have this had happened? If it isn't 'completely contagious' or an airborne pathogen, then it must have been in our food and drinks...."

Kotaro glanced over at her before turning his gaze to the hotel on the mountain top.

'Mina-san....please be safe.'

<<(With Karasuma & the Others)>>

"Now, there's a reason why I had all of you guys to come dressed up as you are. As long as we could get past the strict check point, we could act as if we were regular guests."

Sousuke sweated slightly, pointing at himself.

"Guests? Isn't this hotel where bad guys stay? Would a bunch of middle school kids be here?"

Karasuma blinked and gazed at the other with understanding.

"From what I hear, there are actually quite a few children that are sheltered by performers and the wealthy." Karasuma sighed. "These kids were raised as if they were kings or queens..." The ravenet frowned. "...They stain their hands in immoral deeds...while keeping an innocent face."

Tsuna tugged his fedora down at that.

'.....Not a complete surprise there...but I still disapprove.'

And then Koro-Sensei chuckled.

"Nurufufu~that's right. So you will all pretend to be one of those children. Let us all walk as if the world were beneath us."

Tsuna then watched as the healthy Class E students....'transformed'.

Ryoma was scowling along with Taisei.

Masayoshi was sticking his tongue out.

Kaede had a tick mark on her head as she crossed her arms, glaring at everything.

Touka was smirking.

Sousuke rolled up a piece of paper and pretended to smoke.

And last but not least, Nagisa was smiling creepily; his teeth looking strangely like a shark's...

Tsuna sweatdropped; Koro-Sensei had green stripes on his face.

"Yes, yes! That's the way!"

Karasuma crossed his arms and sighed exasperatedly.

"'That's the way'? We don't need you to join them."

Karma chuckled.

Koro-Sensei then continued to speak.

"However, we still do not know who our enemy is. There's a chance that our enemy will also act as a guest to attack us. Let us be on high alert as we proceed."


<<(On the Top Hotel Floor)>>

"I guess we couldn't get the entire hotel to cooperate after all. Because I can't mention that we're after ten billion yen..." The mysterious man sneered before turning his gaze to the other ravenet in the room. "You're fully prepared to take care of any unwanted surprises, right, Gastro?"

The said lanky man continued to suck on his pistol as he inclined his head towards the man in the shadows.

"It'll be no problem, Boss."

Gastro directed his gaze towards the door of the room.

"In order to comply with the trade, they need to go through that elevator down the hall. At that time, the front desk will contact us."

Gastro smirked as he took his pistol out of his mouth.

"Even if they snuck in without the's a long path to this room. Smog went out to patrol, so he'll find them."

The lanky ravenet pulled out a small packet of plum jam and squirted it onto the tip of his gun.

"We're getting more money from you than the Japanese Government. As pros, we'll be sure to do our job properly."

The man in the shadows grinned maliciously.

"Hehehe....that's all I ask..."

Gastro stuck his pistol into his mouth and began to him happily.

"Mmm~I love this gun and plum jam combo."

<<(Back with Karasuma & the Others)>>

Tsuna flitted his gaze around lazily.

Two men walked past the group, ignoring them.

Ryuunosuke glanced back briefly before whispering to them.

"It really feels like we're just one of the guests around here. Actually, they're even trying to avoid looking in our direction. I guess they want to stay out of trouble too."

Kade hummed happily.

"I thought everyone in this hotel would be our enemy, but at this rate, we could probably just walk up to the top floor, neh? But~just in case, if there are any problems, Karasuma-Sensei and Tsuna-Sensei will find it for us as our vanguards."

Suddenly, Ryoma and Taisei rushed past Karasuma, who was leading the group.

Ryoma smirked.

"Heh, this is too easy. We're runnin' out of time here, so let's pick up the pace."

Tsuna's Hyper Intuition prickled at the back of his mind.

The Decimo lifted his head in time to see a...familiar man; Tsuna silently handed Koro-Sensei over to Nagisa, who looked at the brunet with slight confusion.

Yuzuki seemed to recognize the man too; she quickly called out to Ryoma and Taisei, who were the closest to the man.

"Terasaka-kun! Yoshida-kun! Watch out!"

Ryoma whipped his head around and raised an eyebrow.


Tsuna quickly darted right in front of the group and grabbed Ryoma, flinging the delinquent backwards; Karasuma did the same with Taisei.

The man that was approaching them suddenly pulled out some sort of device and pulled the trigger; he also pulled a cloth over his mouth.


Karasuma blinked in surprise as Tsuna narrowed his gaze.


Karasuma quickly dashed forward and kicked the man's weapon out of his hand.

The apparent enemy pulled the cloth on his mouth down, smirking.

"How did you know? Without giving off any bloodlust, I kill as I pass by. That is my specialty, little Miss Kappa, but you seemed to have caught me..."

Yuzuki frowned.

"It's a bob cut. And you, Mister, were the one who gave us those complimentary drinks when we first got into the hotel."

Everyone else had realization dawn upon their faces.

The man frowned slightly.

"That's not much to go on to make a decision. Even if it wasn't in the drinks, there were plenty of other chances to serve the virus, right?"

Slowly, Yuzuki grinned.

"Takebayashi-kun said everyone was infected from food or drinks mixed with the virus. And the only things that the class consumed as a whole were...those drinks, and~the dinner on the boat. But Mimura-kun and Okajima-kun, who didn't eat dinner because they were editing the movie, we're infected too! That narrows down the cause of the infection to those drinks they had."

Her grin widened as she jabbed a finger at the man.

"And so, the culprit was you, Mister!"

While the group got slightly sidetracked, Tsuna noted that Karasuma was starting to look a bit pale.

Suddenly, the Government Agent fell to his knees, gritting his teeth.

Koro-Sensei sweated slightly.

"You're a poison user, aren't you? And you're extremely skilled at practical application."

The man smirked.

"It's my own special anesthesia for indoor use. Breathing it in for a single moment could bring down even an elephant. But..." The man turned to look at Tsuna, who was still standing. "....How are you able to resist to toxins, Sawada Tsunayoshi."

Tsun narrowed his gaze and the students looked between the two with surprise.

'Do they know each other?'

The brunet walked forwards to stand next to Karasuma defensively.

"Well...I have been exposed to many chemicals, and I have somehow adapted to each one....and...who are you?"

The man smirked.

"Of course, I can't give you my real name, but you can call me...Smog."

Tsuna blinked and bowed his head slightly as a greeting.

"'s nice to meet you, Smog-san."

The ravenet chuckled.

"You're quite kind...for a son of a killer."

Smog's smirk widened.

"Tell those kids...that Sawada Tsunayoshi is related to the mafia--they'll surely turn on him. Hehehehe~"

"Sawada Tsunayoshi...son of Sawada Iemitsu."

Karasuma blinked in shock on the ground.

'Sawada....I knew that last name was familiar.'

Tsuna had his eyes shadowed by his fedora.

"I.....will not deny...that he's my father. Nor will I deny the fact that in the mafia."

Slowly, the brunet looked up and tipped his fedora upwards.

" not think for a second," His eyes blazed. "That I have the same d*** thoughts as Sawada Iemitsu."

Smog looked a bit startled by the intensity of the gaze before smirking; he looked over at the students.

"Aren't you afraid of him? He's a killer along with his father! What do y--!?"

"So? It's in the past."

Karma was smiling his usual smile.

"And we already know Bitch-Sensei and Lovro-san. Both of them have killed--they're pro hitmen. If there's just one more added to the mix, then we have no problem, neh, Mina?"

The students grinned; Karasuma smiled slightly.

"Of course!"

Smog tsked and turned away from them.

"Well, it seems that you don't want to do the exchange. So the negotiation was a fail--I'll go back to tell Boss now--"


The students suddenly grabbed some furniture as they blocked Smog's path.

Tsuna glanced to the side with worry as Karasuma slowly--shaking minutely--stood up, panting slightly.

Smog looked at the students with shock.

'So fast! When did they get to the exit!?'

Karasuma waved Tsuna down when the brunet was about to help; the Government quirked his lips up slightly in 'thanks, but no thanks'.

The P.E. teacher looked over at Smog.

"'In the instance we come across an enemy, immediately close off their escape route, and cut off their line of contact'--they've fulfilled all their orders." Karasuma smirked shakily. "You...the moment you saw us, you should've gone back to report us instead of attacking."

Smog turned to look at Karasuma and sneered.

"...Hmph, I'm surprised you can still talk. But, it's just a bunch of brats and some no-name mafia kid. If you die, there won't be any orders to follow, and they'll probably just run away."

Smog tugged the cloth over his mouth again as Karasuma went into some sort of fighting stance.

Tsuna remained vigilant, ready to jump in if Karasuma was in trouble.

The two simply stood there, watching each other; Karasuma's eyes seemed to struggle to keep open.

After a few more seconds of silence before Smog moved first.

But...before Smog could even use another of his gasses--


--Karasuma kneed the poison-user in the cheek, sending the man flying; the Government Agent was smirking evilly.

Smog slowly lost consciousness, but he was smirking slightly.

'He's strong...that's not the speed of a human's.......but...Mr. Scary Teacher, your command. Ends. Here.'

Tsuna quickly darted forwards and caught Karasuma before he fell.


The students put the furniture back in their rightful places; Tsuna was currently supporting Karasuma, who had one arm slung over the brunet's shoulders.

The Government Agent tsked as he glared at the ground.

"...It's no good. It takes everything I have to just pretend to walk normally."

The class sweatdropped; Hinata smiled nervously.

"To be able to stand....that makes you kinda like a monster, Karasuma-Sensei..."

Tsuna smiled slightly as he hefted Karasuma up slightly.

"Maa, you shouldn't be moving. Smog-san said that the poison was enough to make an elephant immobile." 'Kinda like the poison in the Ring Conflict. Of course, it had no effect on Kyoya-kun--and he was a teen back then!'

Karasuma sighed shakily and looked over at Tsuna exasperatedly.

"You took in the same poison, Sawada. Yet you're still moving and talking as if nothing happened when you were exposed to it."

Tsuna smiled sheepishly.

"Maa, I said before that I was exposed to multiple poisons in the past..."

"About that...." Karasuma gazed intently at Tsuna's eyes. "Sawada Iemitsu....he's your father."

Tsuna gazed back.


Karasuma searched the brunet's eyes.

".....I...won't ask anymore from you." Tsuna blinked owlishly as the ravenet sighed. "I've seen enough to trust you with my life, Sawada. As the students have said's in the past. And I'm sure you're not the type of person who kills people for laughs, Sawada."

Tsuna lowered his head, using his fedora to hide his blush; Karasuma smiled slightly.

'Sawada...he's like a child actually--one that's afraid of rejection.'

Karasuma frowned slightly.

'This enemy of ours....he's targeting Sawada too...why?'


Tsuna saw how everyone seemed a lot more tense and worried.

Suddenly, Koro-Sensei spoke up from Nagisa's hands.

"Nurufufufu~my, it's starting to feel like a 'summer vacation'~!"

Everyone sweatdropped; Tsuna merely blinked as a tiny sun appeared on Koro-Sensei's face.

Silence filled the air for a few seconds.

....And then the students started jabbing fingers at the sphere.

"What are you acting all happy-go-lucky for!?"

"It's probably because you're in a completely safe form all by yourself!"

"Nagisa, spin him around until he gets sick!"

And the said bluenet did as he was told.


And then Karma popped in and held Koro-Sensei while he was still attached to Nagisa; he continued to smile.

"Okay, Terasaka, I'm gonna screw this in--so drop your pants and spread your cheeks."

"To he** with that! I'll die!"

Tsuna sweatdropped, but he kept a smile on, amused greatly by the actions of Class E.

Nagisa then lifted Koro-Sensei up to eye-level.

"Koro-Sensei, how does this feel like a summer vacation?"

The octopus chuckled.

"Teachers and students do not share a familiar relationship. And so, during a summer vacation, there are times when students stray from the care of their teachers to a place where they must be independent and stand on their own two feet."

Koro-Sensei grinned calmly at them.

"It'll be okay. As long as you do what you've learned during your regular physical training sessions...then there's no need to fear any enemy." He chuckled. "If it's you guys, I know you all can clear this--this assassination summer vacation."

Tsuna smiled; everyone looked a lot more encouraged.

"Let's go, Mina-san."

Tsuna took the lead as he continued to support Karasuma.

<<(In the Top Hotel Floor)>>

"A rich fish soup...with tons of green onions and a spoonful of garlic...and a gun!"


Gastro then pulled his gun out and started to suck once more, humming happily.

"Delicious. I love soup that funnels out of the rifling~!"

The man in the shadows smirked, lighting a cigarette.

"Hehe...I'm getting chills from just looking at you. It's loaded, right? That gun..."

Gastro smirked as he continued to suck on his pistol.

"I won't make any mistakes--rest at ease. And it won't cause a problem when I do shoot--I tend to it each night as if it were my own child."

Gastro looked up at the ceiling.

"'The gun that tastes the best', 'fits my hand the best'--it's a rule of the thumb for me."

The scarred man took in a deep breath from his cigarette and sighed, sticking it into the corner of his mouth.

"What a commendable guy you are......are the other two the same?"

Gastro hummed thoughtfully.

"Yes, people like us, those who have acquired skills and completed numerous job--they develop a sort of obsession. For example, all of Smog's poisons are self-made. Because he was so obsessed with polishing up their practicality, he even set up his own laboratory."

The man in the shadows grinned.

"Hoh~? Well then, does the same go to the remains member, Grip?"

Gastro dipped his pistol back into the bowl of soup.

"...Yes...well....even among hitmen, he's a bit strange...."

<<(Back with Tsuna & the Others)>>

Tsuna narrowed his gaze as he looked around a corner; he spotted someone unfamiliar.

'....Another one....'

Karma smiled brightly.

"Hey...that guy standing over there looks like a real bada**..."

Touka sweated slightly.

"....His aura...."

Taisei nodded his head slightly.

" can totally tell. No matter how you look at him, he's on the side of 'kill' in 'kill or be killed'....."

Karasuma grit teeth slightly.

'This lookout hallway is narrow, so we'll be spotted for sure. We can't launch a surprise attack or use our number......d*** it, I wish I had a gun with live rounds--I didn't think that I had to use it on this island.'


Suddenly, the glass behind the blonde cracked slightly; the class gaped in surprise.

The blonde then turned his gaze to the side, looking at the corner where the students were hiding.

"...How boring, nu. If I can hear your footsteps, I can't consider a single one of you as being 'formidable', nu. I thought....there was supposed to be a teacher from an elite force in command, nu. Only fourteen brats and one teacher."

Everyone blinked and looked over at Tsuna.

'....Don't we have two teachers?'

The blonde sighed and pointed a finger at the place they were hiding.

"It were done in by Smog's gasses, nu. Did you fall short of defeating each other, nu? Come out."

They slowly came out of hiding; the blonde blinked in surprise at the sight of Tsuna.

".....You aren't the Government Agent, right, nu?"

Tsuna smiled.

"Ah. I'm not."

The blonde then narrowed his gaze.

"...So you are Sawada Tsunayoshi, nu...."

Tsuna gasped dramatically.

"Oh my goodness! What is with people tonight? I have so many stalkers that know my name!"

The students snickered and Karasuma rolled his eyes slightly.

The blonde scowled at them, reminding the students of what the man did to the window.

"My Grip."

They all looked at the blonde and sweatdropped.

'....Everyone's scared to say this, but...this guy's...kind of...'

"You sure use 'nu' a lot, don't ya', old man?"

Karma had sparkles surrounding him as the class gaped at him.

'He said it! Good thing Karma was the who said it!'

Grip huffed.

"I heard that if you add 'nu', it gives your speech a samurai's tone, nu. I thought it sounded cool, so I tried it, nu."

'So he's a foreigner....'

The man smirked as he raised his hands in front of himself, palms facing upwards.

"If it's not cool, then that's fine too, nu. If I kill everyone here and use 'nu', then it won't be embarrassing, nu."

Everyone gulped; Tsuna tensed as Koro-Sensei sweated slightly.

"...Bare that you assassination tool?"

Grip smirked.

"There's actually a high demand for this, nu. It's a huge plus not being caught during a body search, nu. Once I get close to my target, I just readjust their cervical vertebrae, nu. If I felt like it, I could crush their skull too, nu."

Hinata subconsciously rubbed her head and shivered.

Grip sighed.

"But it's interesting, nu. The more I forget my powers for killing, the more I want to test it out on things other than assassination, nu." Grip gazed at Karasuma. "In other words: battle--a death match with a strong opponent, nu."

The blonde sighed once more.

"But I'm disappointed, nu. With this sad view in front of me, I lost my will to test out anything." He flipped a phone out. "It's a pain in the a** to kill even one runt, nu. I'll call my boss and Gastro to kill you all, nu."

Everyone tensed, but they were a bit afraid to approa--


A potted plant crushed the phone against the window.

"Hey, old man, nu~"

There, Karma stood, holding the top of the potted plant, smiling evilly.

"For a pro, you seem like a pretty normal guy. If it's just glass or a skull, I could break it too." The redhead slowly smirked. "But wait....the way you're so quick to call your buddies.....are you afraid to go one on one with a middle school kid, nu~?"

The students gaped; Tsuna smirked slightly and tugged his fedora down with his free hand as Karasuma called out to Karma.

"Don't! That's reckle--!"

"Nurufu~stop right there, Karasuma-Sensei." Koro-Sensei's grin widened. "...Karma-kun's's down."

Everyone looked at Karama with confusion; Tsuna smiled.

'Until now, Karma-kun would always stick his chin out and have posture of composure--yet this stance looks down on his opponents. His fowl mouth hasn't changed, but now...his sight is set straight and he's observing his opponent seriously.'

Grip blinked before grunting, shrugging his jacket off.

"Very well, nu. I'll test it out, nu."

Karma smiled as he gripped the plant in his hand tightly.

The redhead quickly swung it at Grip's head.

But the blonde quickly caught it and crushed it; he smirked.

"Weak, nu. You should look for a better weapon, nu."

Karma kept his smile up as a bead of sweat trailed down the side of his face.

"Don't need one..."

The redhead threw the plant to the side as Grip started to dash at him.

In a blur, Karama avoided Grip's attempts to crush him.

Koro-Sensei chuckled slightly at how Karma was blocking, or redirecting, every attack with ease.

"Those are Karasuma-Sensei's defensive techniques, aren't they~?"

Karma glanced over at them for a brief second and smiled.

"Tsuna-Sensei's too."

Everyone blinked in surprise at that as Karma continued to defend against Grip's attacks.

Yuuma looked at Tsuna with curious eyes.

"You can do close combat, Tsuna-Sensei?"

The brunet huffed and blushed slightly.

"He attacked me out of nowhere one day; I deflected everything he threw at me. After that, Karma-kun wanted practice spars...."

Tsuna sighed; everyone took it as 'you know the rest'.

Karasuma studied Karma, watching the teen with slight amazement.

'...I don't recall teaching anything during class, seems that Karma-kun learned from watching my movements when I avoided other students' knife attacks. Akabane Karma...even among Class E, your gift for battle is a head above the rest.'

<<(With Karma)>>

'I can evade all of his attacks, but...if I attack, I'll get caught.....'

Karma broke away from Grip; the blonde man frowned.

"...What's wrong, nu? If you don't attack, you'll never be able to get past, nu."

The redhead smiled.

"I wonder about that~! The more I keep you busy, the easier everyone can get past you."

Grip narrowed his gaze, but Karma continued to speak.

"...But don't worry. I won't do anything sneaky like that. I'll go on offensive this time. I want to fight you fair and square--let's do this hand to hand; man to man."

Tsuna tugged his fedora down to hide his expression.

Grip blinked in surprise before slowly smiling.

"That's a nice expression you have there, young warrior, nu. I feel like I can experience it if it's against you--a fair fight you can't find in the assassination world, that is, nu."

The two dashed at each other.

Karma swung a kick and Grip blocked it.

The redhead then went into a series of punched.

Karma's foot then managed to catch Grip off balance; the blonde tsked and he stumbled, exposing his back to the redhead.

Everyone widened their eyes.

'His back is wide open! Chance!'

Karma quickly dashed at Grip; he lept into the ai--


The redhead was hit in the face by a familiar looking gas.

Karma's eyes fluttered before shutting; Grip caught the redhead before he fell, smirking.

"One down, nu." The blonde's smirk widened. "It was dragging out for a while, so I tired out Smog's anesthesia gas, nu."

Taisei gritted his teeth and growled lowly.

"Th-That's dirty. How can you call it fair when you're hiding something like that?!"

Grip scoffed, grabbing Karma by the front of his face and lifted the redhead up into the air.

"I never said I would use my hands only, nu. Don't over-obsess over your obsession--that's another secret you learn from being in this business long enough."

Grip then turned to look at Karma, smirking.

"A spray from the gas at point blank--unless you're expecting it, there's no way you can defend agains--"


Grip coughed and gagged slightly when a familiar gas hit him square in the face.


Tsuna lifted his head and chuckled, revealing the smirk he had been hiding.

' can't expect Karma-kun to be defeated that easily...'

Karma smiled as Grip released him; the redhead landed and dropped the cloth he had pressed against his mouth.

"What a coincidence~we were thinking the same thing~!"

Grip tsked and rummaged through shirt and brought out a flip-blade.

The blonde lunged at Karma, but with Grip taking in the gas, the redhead dodge and grabbed the outstretched arm, flipping the assassin onto the group.

While Grip's face was pressed against the cool ground, Karama looked over his shoulder and smiled.

"Come on, Terasaka, hurry up. We need duct tape and numbers to win against a monster like this."

The delinquent huffed.

"Alright, alright..." He then smirked. "Your promise for a bare handed one on one...was all bull sh**, huh?"

All of the students charged and landed heavily onto Grip, crushing the man with their weight; Karma had his tongue sticking out.


Karasuma sighed sighed exasperatedly; Tsuna helped the ravenet to walk closer to the group.

"Be careful when you tie him down. You need to watch out for his superhuman strength even when he's paralyzed. Pay attention especially to his hands because you can get caught in his grasp."



Grip grit his teeth; he was bound tightly with duct tape as he lay flat on his stomach.


Karma grinned evilly as he tossed the gas 'gun' in the air before catching it.

"I swiped the leftovers that the poison man didn't use. I thought it would be a waste to just throw it away~"

Grip grunted.

" did you see my gas attack coming? I only showed my bare han--"

"I was looking for everything but your bare hands." Karma squatted in front of Grip's face. "If I were in your shoes, I would use any means necessary to stop us here. I believed in your conscious as a pro. Because of that, I was on alert."

Koro-Sensei chuckled and looked at Karma with pride.

'You will certainly become something amazing in the future...'

Grip smiled.

"You're really something, young warrior, nu. Although I lost, I had some fun, nu."

The redhead blinked.

"Eh~? What are you talking about? The fun is about to start~!"

And then.....Karama pulled out two tubes: wasabi and mustard; Tsuna sweatdropped.

'Oh's going to begin....'

Grip sweated.

" that, nu? Wh-What are you....holding, nu?"

"It's mustard and wasabi. I'm going to stick them up your nose, old man, nu~!"

"WHAT, NU!?"

Karma chuckled as he kept up his shark-like grin.

"I was on full alert earlier, but, with you tied up, that's pretty much all out the window now, right?"

The redhead popped the caps off and dropped a small plastic bag of peppers on the side.

"After I put this in, I'll plug your nose up with a special clip, then I'll shove these ghost peppers, which are a thousand times more spicier than chili peppers, into your mouth. And then finally, I'll gag your mouth, and then the punishment shall be complete~"

Karma smiled widely.

"Now, old man, nu~! This is where you show me the spirit of a pro~!"

"Gyaaaaaaaaaah! Gaaaaah....guaaah....ugh.........."

Everyone shivered and Tsuna sweatdropped when Grip's screams died away.

'My goodness....I think Karma-kun and Reborn will get along quite well with each other...'

Nagisa trembled as he continued to hold Koro-Sensei.

" doesn't really seem that Karma-kun has changed much..."

"Nurufu...yes...I fear for the future."


"How.....the...he**.....did I.....get into....this situation...."

Tsuna gazed at himself with shock; the girl population of group looked at him with sparkles in their eyes.

"Oh my gosh, Tsuna-Sensei! You look beautiful!"

Currently....Tsuna....the Vongola Decimo...was orange....dress.

The brunet's eye twitched.

"F*** no. Why am I wearing this?"

The girls pouted.

"Aw~! Don't leave Nagisa-ku--chan alone on this!"

The brunet sighed, running a hand through the...wig he was wearing; the fake hair reached mid back.

Tsuna drifted his eyes over to the said bluenet.

Poor Nagisa was blushing hard while he wore....girl's clothes.

The boys were gaping at Tsuna.

"Oh sh**, Tsuna-Sensei. You look almost as hot as Bitch-Sensei."

The brunet gazed murderously at them.

"To he** with all of you....."

Rinka sighed.

"Come on...we need to find a way to get rid of this guard by the stairs..."


It didn't take too long.

The group ran into a boy named Yuuji.

Nagisa was left to distract the boy.

But in the end, Hinata knocked out a random yakuza man; the guard by the stairs had to help drag the large man, so the staircase was free.

Tsuna....lots of men were staring at 'her'; the 'brunette' simply hung out on the side, calmly sipping from a glass of wine.

Whenever someone got too close, the 'brunette' would knock them out discreetly, with a kind smile on 'her' face during the entire time 'she' was there.


"What was the point of dressing up like this..."

Nagisa grabbed his clothes along with Tsuna.

"Because it would be funny, obviously."

Karma took a picture of the bluenet and Tsuna.

The Decimo immediately shot a deadly glare at Karma as Nagisa panicked.

"Karma-kun! Don't take pictures!"


"D*** it all........"

Tsuna sighed in relief as he tugged at the cuffs of his suit, plopping his fedora back onto his head.

They quickly climbed the stairs.

And his around another corner; there were two guards standing there.

Ryoma seemed to have something in mind and told Masayoshi to bait them over to them; Karma told 'Justice' what to say.

It wasn't long before the guards came.

Quickly, Ryoma and Taisei used stun guns on the two guards.

Tsuna saw a brief glimpse of recognition on Karasuma's face when the Government Agent studied the guards' faces.

Koro-Sensei told them to go through their pockets; the group found real guns.

"Nurufufufu~Chiba-kun, Hayami-chan. You two will hold these guns."

The two teens looked a bit reluctant, but Koro-Sensei continued to speak.

"Karasuma-Sensei has not recovered enough yet to fire a gun. Currently, the ones most capable are you two."

Ryuunosuke was about to protest.

"Even though you say that, this is so sudde--"

"However, I will not allow you two to kill. Using your skills, there should be a number of ways defeat your enemy without harming them too severely."

The two hesitantly took the guns as the group continued on their journey.

<<(The Concert Hall)>>

Tsuna lowered his breathing to 'barely-audible'; everyone was hiding behind the seats.

Footsteps were heard.

"......Fourteen? No...fifteen? The breathing sounds young, it's most likely mid-teens'. I'm surprised that everyone of the non-sick kids could move in here without getting busted."


The newcomer apparent shot one of the lights as the room got slightly dimmer.

"This is a real gun and this room is soundproofed. No one coming to save you before I shoot everyone dead. You guys aren't prepared to kill, right!? Just surrender quietly and go grovel in front of the bo--!"


Tsuna glanced to the side and saw that Rinka had fired; the ginger gritted her teeth.

'Shoot! I was aiming for his gun!'

The brunet glanced over the seat he was hiding behind and blinked.

'This must be...Gastro-san. I believe Grip-san mentioned him.'

Gastro sweated slightly.

'Live....ammo? These brats must've snatched them from the'

The ravenet grinned as he turned all of the lights on.

"What an unexpectedly delicious job~!"

Tsuna quickly ducked back down.

'Hm. Using the back lights to blind our snipers--not a bad tactic.'

Gastro sucked his gun briefly before taking it out, aiming.

"Saa~I feel good today. My gun is delicious~!"


Rinka's hair was clipped slightly; she quickly hid behind her seat.

'No way! He shot through the tiny space between the seats!?'

Gastro smirked as he sucked his pistol ag--


Gastro blinked in confusion as he whipped his head around.

"What? Where's that...coming...from.....?"

His voice died out when he spotted a certain sphere sitting in one of the front row seats.

Gastro deadpanned Koro-Sensei before scowling at the smirks the octopus was sending him; the lanky ravenet started to shoot at the sphere.

"What the he** are you looking at from the front row!?"

"Nurufufufu~it's useless~! This is the true definition of being invincible~! A skilled marksman is being challenged by middle schoolers. Wouldn't a visual handicap of this level be acceptable?"

Gastro huffed.

"Tch....what sort of commands are you planning on giving in that state?"

Koro-Sensei chuckled once more before taking in a deep breath.

"Well then, Kimura-kun, DASH FIVE ROWS TO YOUR LEFT!"

Masayoshi quickly did as he was told.


Gastro whipped his head around in confusion.



Gastro flickered his eyes around and sweated slightly.

'A shuffle! He's trying to confuse me, I know where they're positi--'


(O.D.D.- There are seat numbers given to students in Japan, and that's how Koro-Sensei is addressing them now. ( ^ω^ ))


Tsuna spotted Megu and Hinata holding their phones up.


Koro-Sensei took in a deep breath.


Tsuna stifled laughter when Ryoma did as he was told while glaring in Koro-Sensei's direction.


Koro-Sensei chuckled before lowering his voice slightly.

"Now then, Chiba-kun, it's almost time for your assault. However, before we begin, Hayami-chan, Chiba-kun, I want you to know that there's no need for you two to embrace the pressure alone. If you two miss, we can shuffle the guns instead and come up with a new plan. By your side, you have companions who have the same experienced that you two have. Rest at ease and pull the trigger."

Meanwhile, on the stage, Gastro smirked.

'Heh, with that lecture, I've been able to somewhat pin who 'Chiba-kun' is.' The ravenet lifted his gaze to one of the seats. ''Seat Number Twelve''s breathing is getting a bit erratic for planning something....'

Koro-Sensei's grin widened.

"Now then....let us begin. SEAT NUMBER TWELVE! STAND AND SHOOT!"

Gastro smirked and he aimed quickly and shot.



But.....the 'person' was simply.....a doll.

Gastro widened his eyes with shock.

'A doll!?'

Sousuke sighed as he continued to hold up the doll he made.

'D***, it was hard to put this together without making any noises...'

In Ryuunosuke's pocket, Ritsu, who was on the sniper's phone, whispered quietly.

"Results from the analysis. If you're going to aim for something, it should be 'that point'."

Ryuunosuke smiled slightly, bangs shifting slightly so silver eyes could be briefly seen.

"Okay, Ritsu."


Gastro immediately whipped his head over to Ryuunosuke, but he felt no pain; he wasn't shot.

Slowly, the man began to chuckle.

"Fu....hehehehe! You missed. Now I know where the second gun-wielder i--!"


Gastro was suddenly hit by a bar of lights; he slammed into a support column.


But then...Gastro spotted a head of brown locks.


"Kill him."

Gastro took aim....and fired.


Tsuna blinked.

'Another gun discha--?'

The students widened their eyes.

Tsuna's head snapped back, and he fell limply against the seat behind him.


Rinka quickly shot Gastro's gun out of his hand; Terasaka and Taisei quickly tied the man up with duct tape as the rest rushed over to Tsuna.

Megu felt tears prick her eyes as she reached Tsuna first; she shook him frantically.

"Tsuna-Sensei! Please, please, open your eyes!"

She brushed his bangs back, fearing to see a bullet hole there.

But....there was none.

Actually, there wasn't a single speck of blood on his suit.

There was a sigh and Tsuna opened his eyes, sitting up quickly.

"Whuw! Almosht got meh."

Everyone blinked in confusion at how he talked; they then spotted a lump inside his cheek.

Tsuna then spat something off to the side.

Out came rolling......was the bullet.

The students deadpanned it.

Tsuna laughed and rubbed the back of his head.

"I caught it with my mouth! Pretty cool, huh~?"

Everyone quickly glomped him.

"Waaaaah! Tsuna-Sensei! We thought that you were dead!"

"You son of a b****! You're really something!"

"We're so happy you're safe!"

Karasuma used the seats as a support as he walked over to them.

"Geez, Sawada. You scared me stiff."

Tsuna laughed sheepishly.

<<(Hotel Top Floor)>>

A guard stood in the hallway.

Then he disappeared.

To be a bit more accurate, Karasuma took the poor guard and strangled the man until he was unconscious.

"Fuu~I can finally move my body to a certain extent. I've only recovered about halfway though...."

The students looked at the P.E. teacher nervously.

'Even only at half strength and he's so much stronger than us...'

'Maybe it would've been better for him to break in on his own....'

Ritsu then popped up with a video of the mastermind.

While the group was discussing, Tsuna noticed that Nagisa was checking Ryoma's temperature.

It was soft, but Tsuna could catch what Ryoma said.

"I can't let this sickness take me out and drag you guys down further."

Nagisa looked at the delinquent with worry.


<<(Mastermind's Room)>>

The students silently snuck in.

They all readied their weapons; their current target: the remote for the bomb strapped to the antidote. If the mastermind were to blow it up, then it was over for their sickly classmates.

They were about to attack wh--

"Itchy. Thinking about it makes me itchy. But I wonder...because my wounds are always exposed to the air, it makes my senses sharp..."

They froze.

Tsuna lowered his stance slightly.

'I hoped that the phone made the mastermind's voice different, but I now know for sure...who this person is....'

Suddenly the man threw multiple remotes into the air; he laughed.

"I told you! I originally came prepared to kill a 20 mach monster, so I made spare remotes so it wouldn't get stolen!"

Slowly the man in the seat turned around; Karasuma growled.

"What is the meaning of this....Takaoka!?"

The said man grinned insanely at them; Tsuna tugged his fedora down slightly to cover one eye.

Takaoka licked his lips.

"What naughty come to see your respected instructor, but you come through the back entrance. 'Papa' would have never instructed such children to do that. Guess I have no choice--I'll give you supplementary lessons for your summer vacation, hehehehehe~!"

Takaoka continued to chuckle as he got of his seat, grabbing the case that was holding the antidote.

"Now....shall we go to the roof?"


Takaoka stood a few meters away from them; Karasuma narrowed his gaze.

"...Did you have a change of heart, Takaoka? You hired hitmen with stolen money from the Ministry of Defense and you have violently threatened the students with an unknown virus."

The rounded man simply laughed.

"Hey, hey! I'm extremely upright! This was a plan to save the world. If you had let those three obediently bring me the 'bounty', my assassination plan would've gone smoothly! In my plan, I would have the Kayano-girl go into a bathtub filled with Anti-Sensei matter while putting the 'bounty' inside with her. Koro-Sensei would have to blow up his surroundings to avoid getting hit with the Anti-Sensei matter, but he wouldn't be cruel enough to hurt one of his precious students, no~?"

The students looked at him with disgust.

'He's...the devil....'

Koro-Sensei had a few veins pulsing around his face.

"Do you'll get away...with acting like this?"

Takaoka scoffed before narrowing his gaze at Nagisa; the bluenet gulped.

"You, Shiota Nagisa, I'll never forgive you for tainting my future!"

Tsuna quickly stepped forwards and patted a hand onto Nagisa's head, providing some comfort; Takaoka grinned madly at the sight of the brunet.

"Sawada you know your father is after your head?"

The Decimo looked at the other with a calm air around him.

"Oh. Not really."

Takaoka barked with laughter.

"That man.....he's even willing to pay double the amount of money than Koro-Sensei's bounty!"

Everyone gaped in surprise at that.

Tsuna merely narrowed his gaze.

"Well....I didn't think he would be so desperate."

Takaoka tsked, unhappy that he couldn't shake Tsuna the slightest.

The students quickly defended their teacher and fellow classmates; Takaoka snapped.


Their gazes quickly zeroed in on the remote in Takaoka's hand.

The rounded man smirked.

"Hey, shrimp, come up here. Alone. All the way to the top of this heliport."

Kaede looked at Nagisa with worry.


The bluenet smiled.

"Don't worry. I'll try to talk him down, and I'll try to get him to hand over the antidote without destroying it."

Tsuna tipped his fedora down slightly.

'.....I don't think that man will listen to simple words, Nagisa-kun. He's way beyond that now...'

<<(With Nagisa)>>

Takaoka threw the ladder connected to the heliport to the side.

"Now~no one can get up here."

Nagisa flinched slightly at the sight of the real knife by his feet.

"I didn't come here to fig--"

"Of course! You're using a weak facade! But that won't work this time!"

Takaoka smirked.

"Before we fight....bow down--dogeza-style!"

Nagisa felt a bead of sweat roll down his face; he kneeled obediently.



The bluenet did as he was told; Tsuna watched with a furrowed brow. The brunet's Hyper Intuition was starting to give him a major problem.


"I, a lowly student, apologize."

Takaoka clicked his tongue and stomped his boot onto Nagisa's head.

"Is that it!? For a brat like you to talk like that!? For a student to talk to their instructor like that!?"

The bluenet remained calm.

"For a brat like me...for a student like me...I spoke in a conceited manner to my teacher. I apologize. I truly apologize."

Takaoka smiled, satisfied.

"'Papa' is really happy. I will reward you now by handing the antidote to your 'siblings' for now~!"

They sighed in relief, but Tsuna tensed up.

Takaoka tossed the case to the students down below; Yuuma was there--ready to catch i--


Everything moved in slow motion.

Takaoka's thumb moved to the button of his remote; Tsuna darted forwards....

The brunet....hugged the case to his chest, shielding Yuuma fr--


The case exploded.

Tsuna gasped out.

It felt like fire was inserted into his chest.

His fedora landed on the ground.

Some blood hit the ground.

The smell of burning flesh filled the air.

Black spots filled Tsuna's vision, but the brunet managed to stay upright.

" you.....alright?"

The Ikemen widened his eyes with shock.

Tsuna shakily turned his head and smiled; blood dribbled down his chin.

"Oh. You....' Good....go...od...."

The Decimo staggered back and collapsed; Yuuma quickly caught him.




Everyone quickly whipped their gazes to a certain bluenet.

Nagisa lifted his gaze and glared, grabbing the real knife on the ground.

"I'll kill you...."

Takaoka simply grinned.

"That's it~! That's how it should be~!"

"How dare you! I'll kill you!"

Koro-Sensei sweated slightly.

"Please cool his head down..." A stun gun hit the back of Nagisa's head, knocking the bluenet out of his blood-lusting trance. "...Terasaka-kun."

The delinquent panted.

"Don't lose yourself, Nagisa! Just then, you looked at me and Tsuna-Sensei with pity! You should worry more about yourself! I know Tsuna-Sensei is some sort of immortal b******d, and don't underestimate your classmates! We'll figure something out! So focus, bean sprout, on the a**hole in front of you; just knock him out! You wouldn't get anything back if you just killed the son of a b****!"

Koro-Sensei spoke up.

"Terasaka-kun's right, Nagisa-kun. Pick up Terasaka-kun's stun gun. Choose: Takaoka-Sensei's words, or Terasaka-kun's words."

Suddenly Ryoma collapsed; everyone panicked for him, but the delinquent pointed over at Nagisa, smirking weakly.

"Do it, Nagisa....beat his a** just shy of killing him....."

Nagisa gazed at the other before picking the stun gun up, sheathing it in a loop in his pants; the bluenet threw his jacket off to the side.

Takaoka smirked.

"Hoh~? Don't you look so cool."

The rounded man suddenly revealed a few vials.

"Hey~I have these antidotes here. If you kill me, you can have them--although you save much of your 'siblings' with these. Hahahaha!"

Takaoka glared at the students that were trying to climb up.

After a few seconds of silence......Nagisa finally made his move.

But a simple lunge didn't work this time; Takaoka dogged and kicked the bluenet in the stomach.

Many failed attempts of attacks followed after; Nagisa gained a few bruises.

Takaoka grinned as he grabbed the other knife on the ground.

"Hehehe~I think it's about time I use this~!"

Nagisa coughed.

'.....I guess....I could use that. I have two weapons, and my enemy has tasted the fear of death....'

Nagisa suddenly smiled and chuckled softly.

'The requirements are here.'

The class looked at Nagisa with shock.

"He's that last time..."

"No. It's different this time."

Nagisa shut his eyes briefly, holding the knife in his hand tightly before walking over to Takaoka, opening his eyes.

Takaoka's eyes were focused on the knife.

But suddenly....Nagisa dropped it.

But before it completely reached the ground, Nagisa reached his hands up in front of Takaoka's face and--


--Clapped his hands together.

Takaoka went into a temporary state of paralysis.

Nagisa quickly lunged forwards and used the stun gun.

Takaoka fell to his knees, quaking slightly from the force of the blow.

Terasaka smirked.

"Now, Nagisa...go for the 'kill'. A shock to the b*****d's neck should be fine."

Before Takaoka was knocked out......Nagisa...smiled.

'Thank you...Takaoka-Sensei. You have taught me a lot.'



Takaoka....was finally...defeated.


"Hic, Tsuna-Sensei...."

"Don't worry, he's still breathing! And we stopped his bleeding."


Everyone turned to see three certain hitmen; Gastro smirked darkly as he chewed on his pistol.

"Did you really think...that you'd all leave here alive?"

Karasuma quickly stood in front of the students.

"I've recovered for the most part, and these students here are pretty skilled. So why don't we just end this?"

"Hm, okay."

Taisei growled.

"Don't you know when to give up!? We're pissed here too because we don't have the--wait. Wh-What did you say?"

Gastro sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"'Revenge for the boss' wasn't in our contract. And your antidote....well, I'll let Smog explain."

The said poison-user stepped forward and chuckled.

"What I served you guys, is this." He tossed a vial of something into the air before catching it. "It's an improved version of the food bacteria poison. It'll stay active for three hours, but after that, it'll become quickly in active and innocuous." Smog pulled out another vial. "Here's the real chemical. You all would've been dead if I used this."

The students gaped as they continued to speak; Grip sighed.

"Before all of this, we had a discussion. It was apparent that either we become the perpetrators of mass murder of some upstart middle school students, or we go against what we were ordered to do and drop in our ranks as pros."

Gastro smirked.

"All we did....was calmly weigh the scale."

Smog smiled and tossed a bottle of pills to one of the students.

"Give this to your friends--they're nutrients. After that, just put them to sleep."

'He's completely thorough with the aftercare too!?'

A helicopter came through; Karasuma gazed evenly at them.

"I'll decide whether or not to trust you until I see that my students are safe, so I'll have to have you three restrained for now."

Gastro yawned.

"Hmm, sure. But I have a job next week so let our release be within that time period."

Soldiers came in with other helicopters, restraining Takaoka and his subordinates.

Karma grinned when he spotted Grip, pulling his 'tools of torture' out.

"What~you don't want a rematch, old man, nu? I thought you would hate me enough to kill me."

Grip huffed and walked over to the teen, patting his head roughly.

"I can't explain how much I want to kill you, nu. I've never met such a skilled person to hold grudge against, nu. But I'll wait until someone sends a request to kill you, so can become someone more worth targeting, nu."

Karma blushed slightly.

And then the assassinating trio climbed onto one of the helicopters; Gastro set off a few parting shots in too the sky.

"A~nd there you have it, kiddies! If you guys really want us to come and kill you, you need to become someone worth killing!"

A thoughtful expression passed over Gastro's face; he looked over at the unconscious Tsuna.

".....Oi." His voice was unusually serious. "When that Tsunayoshi-kid wakes up....tell him we wouldn't mind helping him out if he gets into a 'tight spot'."

They all blinked in confusion as the helicopter left them.

" feels like we didn't win at all..."

"They are pros..."


The sick students were given the pills.

Hayato and Takeshi quickly rushed over and took Tsuna, patching him up with first aid.

That night, everyone slept like logs.

//(The Next Day)//

Koro-Sensei was placed into a box surrounded by Anti-Sensei matter, followed by many layers of concrete and steel.

Tsuna was still unconscious.

The students watched from a distance, waiting for Koro-Sensei to--


"He detonated!"

"Did we get him!?"

Karasuma shadowed his eyes.

He then looked behind himself and sighed exasperatedly.

"Nurufu~Sensei's unless state has caused trouble for everyone. But, fighting against the enemy and fighting against the virus. Truly, you have all done well~!"

Everyone turned around and widened their eyes with shock, but mostly....happiness.

Nagisa smiled.

"Ohaiyo, Koro-Sensei. You're really not the same with your tentacles."

"Nurufufufufu~yes. And ohaiyo to you too, Mina-san. Now, let us continue our trip after visiting Tsuna-Sensei, no?"

<<(In a Dark Alley at Italy)>>


A ravenet slowly stood up from the brick was he was leaning against.

He sighed as he dusted the front of his suit off, noting that there was some dried blood on his chest area. And a bullet-sized hole.

A green lizard came crawling up his arm and onto his shoulder.

The ravenet blinked his onyx eyes and absentmindedly tugged at a curly sideburn.

"Well then, Leon.........where the he** do you think my fedora is?"

<<(With Class E)>>

"When will Tsuna-Sensei wake up?"

"Nurufu, the doctor said that it would possibly take three days for him to gain consc--"


Everyone quickly looked at the hospital bed that Tsuna was lying on; the doctor passed by and gaped in shock.

" one wakes up that fast after gaining such wounds!"

Sunset-orange eyes fluttered open.

Slowly, a knowing smile spread across his lips.


(O.D.D.- Well~this is my Christmas present to you guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter that took my seven hours! (*^_^*))

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