Chapter 28: Dropping the Act

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(O.D.D.- I should've said this before, but it you readers haven't caught up with the アンサツ  キョウシツ(Assassination Classroom) manga online, then you really should because all of the following chapters will contain SPOILERS.  Just warning you guys.......but you can ignore my blabbering if you want to. ~(<_< ~; ))

The main building recently had another small festival.

This one involved the students making plays by themselves to perform in front of the rest of the students.

Class E decided to do Momotaro..........a very dark version of Momotaro.

Anyways, the rest of the students lost their appetite since Class E was performing in the lunch period.

Suffice to say, Class E had fun.


"Arigatou Tsuna-Sensei, Nagisa-kun for helping me out!"

Kaede smiled brightly, sweeping a few beads, which had been used in the festival play, up.

Tsuna was now back on his two feet.

The students were shocked, saying that he healed way faster than the time he received an injury from the island assassination.

The brunet simply told them.....that his 'healing powers' vary from time to time.

What he didn't tell them was that Reborn, who had stronger Sun flames than the brunet, healed Tsuna within a few hours of treatment per day.

And now.....the brunet smiled brightly at the green-haired girl.

"It's no problem at all."

Nagisa nodded in agreement as he grabbed a bucket to pour some of the beads inside, emptying his small dustpan.

Tsuna used a broom to sweep more beads into Nagisa's pan.

Suddenly, Koro-Sensei appeared, grinning brightly.

"My, I was wondering why you three were absent.  Allow me to help."

The yellow octopus grabbed another bucket; careful to put the beads in.

The four continued to work in silence; Tsuna saw for a moment that the two students were debating to attack Koro-Sensei, but they knew weren't enough to take down the octopus alone--they backed down and continued to clean up.

Something's wrong.

Tsuna tensed up.

'My Hyper Intuition is up already?  It's just one danger after another, huh?'

His grip tensed slightly around the broom he was holding.


Tsuna whipped his head around and widened his gaze, opening his mouth in a slight gape.

Nagisa heard the brunet's soft gasp and looked up from his work.

He quickly followed Tsuna's gaze and widened his eyes.

Kaede was smiling.....but it wasn't her usual smile....


Black tentacles....they swung around in the air lazily.

But they weren't Koro-Sensei's.

Those black tentacles....were her's.

Kaede's smile.....was filled with.....deadly bloodlust.

Koro-Sensei jolted when he felt the sudden pressure of the cold bloodlust.

Kaede whipped her tentacles at the octopus before he could react.


The floor beneath Koro-Sensei crumbled; the octopus widened his eyes as he started to fall, recognizing the trap before him.

'A pitfall!?'

Kaede quickly jumped in after Koro-Sensei, taking her hair-ties off, letting her long hair whip around freely; she gave sickening sweet smile.

"I~love you~Ko~ro-Sen~sei~!"

Her eyes--no longer a warm gold--flashed to a blood-red color.

"Now die!"

She sent a fast barrage of attacks with her tentacles at Koro-Sensei's own, keeping the octopus from stopping his fall.

Tsuna and Nagisa stared down the chute with surprise and worry.

'Welp, I would've never expected this....geez, I'm getting continuous headaches here!'

Nagisa was still shocked as he watched the two tentacle-users below fall.

With Koro-Sensei, he watched Kaede with surprise as he frantically tried to find a grip on the walls around him while also trying to dodge Kaede's strikes.

'Nyah!  Sh-She's strong!'

Koro-Sensei quickly glanced behind himself and sweated.

'Urgh, I guessed right--there's a pool of Anti-Sensei material at the bottom of this pit!'

Kaede sent a successful blow to Koro-Sensei's gut.


He managed to stop himself from falling into the pit by quickly snapping his tentacles out to get a grip on the walls; Kaede winded up for a final blow with her tentacles, smirking widely.

'One more hit!'

But then she blinked in surprise as Koro-Sensei quickly used his tentacles to compress a ball of energy.

'What's this light?'

She widened her eyes in realization; Kaede tsked and quickly circled her tentacles around herself.

'The energy beam he used when he fought Itona?  Sh**, I need to defend mysel--!'

But Koro-Sensei pointed the beam to the side.

'What the--?'


Tsuna quickly dragged Nagisa out of the shed.

He saw Koro-Sensei pop out of the ground outside.

"Koro-Sensei, daijoubu?!"

The octopus waved the dust out of his face, coughing slightly.

"Don't worry, Tsuna-kun.  I'm fine."


The three looked up at the roof of the shed, which was destroyed by Kaede who was gazing at them impassively, standing near the edge.

"You destroyed the wall and escaped that way?  Clever...."

She inclined her head slightly, red eyes glowing softly.

"I just instinctively put up a guard, but then'd never kill your own student."

They heard more footsteps.

"Koro-Sensei!  We heard the explosion!  What--!?"

The other Class E students froze when their eyes landed on Kaede.


"Why....why do you have...tentacles?"

Kaede ignored the group, continuing to gaze straight at Koro-Sensei, giving a chilling smile to the octopus.

"Aw...and I gave it everything I had--my little assassination.  I must be getting soft if it's so easy for you to escape."

Koro-Sensei sweated; his ever-present grin dimmed slightly.

"Kayano-chan......what happened to you?"

She smirked.

"...Heh....sorry, Kayano Kaede isn't my real name."

Kaede tilted her chin up, hardening her gaze further.

"I'm the younger sister of Yukimura Aguri.  Get it yet, murderer?"

Everyone looked at her with surprise and confusion; Kaede ignored them once again.

"It sucks that my plan failed.  I'll have to make a new one."

She reached into her pocket and brought out her phone, pointing it at Koro-Sensei, tugging at the collar of her uniform.

"I'll come to kill you tomorrow, Koro-Sensei.  Don't worry--I'll make sure tell you when and where."

Kaede smirked.

"Now that we've grappled one-on-one, I feel more confident."

Her tentacles snapped out and quickly wrapped around a nearby tree limb.

"As I am now, I can kill you easily."

She swung away from the group.

Kaede was gone.


The students found out Kaede's true identity.

Yukimura Akari--also known as Mase Haruna,  her stage name as a prodigy who could play off any role.

While the students were mulling over the new, sudden events, Tsuna was in the corner, eyes glowing softly.

She's hurt.

She's in pain.

We need to find her.

Tsuna gritted his teeth.

'No sh**, Hyper Intuition.  D***...these painkillers aren't helping.'

He kneaded his forehead with his palm.


Tsuna bit his cheek from yelping out loud as he clutched his head; he glanced up and glared darkly at his attacker, keeping his tone low so the others wouldn't hear him.

"Re.  Born.  What.  The.  F***?"

The said hitman swung his Leon-hammer in his hand, deadpanning the brunet.

"It looked like you had a headache, so I thought I should make it worse."

Tsuna puffed his cheeks out childishly.

"....I'm so gonna kick your a** when we spar."

Reborn smirked.

"Hoho~?  Getting cocky?  I can't wait....but it looks like you have some problems right now, eh?"

Tsuna sighed, straightening his back, looking off to the side.

"Yeah......I know..."

Reborn peered over at Tsuna, tipping his fedora up as he leaned against the closed windows.

The ravenet huffed, tugging his fedora over his eyes.

"You're worrying too much."

Tsuna looked over at Reborn with narrowed eyes.

"I can't help it!  Kaede-chan is one of my students--I don't know if she's safe or injured now!  What if--!?"

Reborn tugged his fedora off and stuffed it onto Tsuna's head.

The brunet raised a hand up and tipped the fedora out of his eyes, looking at Reborn with confusion.

Reborn scoffed, looking at Tsuna with an air of calm.

" should trust your I do to my own."

The brunet took a moment to process the words before feeling a warmth in his chest.

"....Thanks, Reborn."


Kaede--or is it Akari?--sent a text to Koro-Sensei.

*7 P.M. tonight at the grassy field in Kunugigaoka Park.*

The entire group went--Reborn was the only one who went with Tsuna.

(O.D.D.- Heh....we all know that Reborn is enough to make sure Tsuna's safe. – v –;))
(Reborn- D*** straight. (–_–))

The long grass of the park swayed with the wind.

The group could see Kaede a few meters away from them.

She was wearing a black dress that reached past her midthigh.

A maroon scarf covered her neck and most of her sleeveless shoulders.

Kaede perked up and smiled at Koro-Sensei.

"Oh!  You're here~!  Now let's finish this."

She turned to face the group, her green hair billowed in the wind as her tentacles started to appear.

Her red eyes glowed as she slowly walked over to them, giggling softly.

"I'm practically your mother, Koro-Sensei--I named you.  And 'Mama''s here to 'punish' you~!"

Koro-Sensei sweated.

"'s far too dangerous for you to use your tentacles any more than you've already have.  If we don't remove them and treat you immediately, then your life could be in danger."

Kayano smiled, swinging her tentacles around gently.

"What are you talking about?  I feel better than ever.  Stop trying to upset me with your stupid bluffs."


She blinked in surprise and looked at her fellow classmates; she found that it was Nagisa that spoke up.

"We all had so much fun together....we even helped each other get past tough times."

Nagisa chewed on his lip slightly.

"Was that all an act?"

Kaede curved her eyes up and smiled coldly.

"Every second of it.  When Takaoka-san was beating the cr** out of you, it was so annoying that I wanted to jump in too.  When those delinquents kidnapped me.....when the God of Death kicked me....I could barely keep myself from killing them."

Her tentacles curled and uncurled as she sighed softly.

"But I put up with it and pretended to be a weak girl.  I mean, if I revealed myself before now, I wouldn't be able to get revenge for my sister."

Yuzuki frowned in confusion.

"Your sister?  Do you mean Yukimura-Sensei?"

Kaede scoffed, jabbing a finger to Koro-Sensei.

"I bet you really regret killing my sister, monster.  She absolutely loved teaching.  She even told me a little bit about the class."

"See!  You can really do it if you tried!"

Kotaro frowned faintly.

"I know what you mean.  I only knew her for two weeks last March....but her passion really shone through."

Sugino jabbed a thumb at Koro-Sensei, furrowing his brow slightly.

"But, come on--think about it.  Would Koro-Sensei really just kill such an awesome teacher?  All year long, he hasn't done anything awful."

Kaede merely looked at the ground silently with dead eyes.

Hinano spoke up.

" least listen to what he has to say for himself, Kaede."

Karma had his hands stuffed into his pockets; he studied Kaede carefully.

"Are you really sure about this?  I just don't see how this......could possibly turn out well for you."

Itona sweated slightly.

"Right now, your body should be hot, but your neck should be cold.  It's an abnormally in the metabolism of everyone with tentacle implants.  Fighting in your condition is not a good idea."

True to Itona's words, beads of sweat were forming rapidly on her forehead as she grimaced at him; the once-tentacle-user continued to speak.

"You'll lose control to the fever and the pain.  Then the tentacles will suck away your life force....and you'll di--"


Flames burst to life along her tentacles.

Kaede's eyes were unfocused and crazed as she glared at them.

"Shut.  Up.  Background characters shouldn't be meddling in the final battle."

They backed up a bit.

Kaede stepped closer to the group; Koro-Sensei stood in front of them.

The green-haired girl giggled.

"'Any weakness or flaw can be a weapon if you polish it right'--you're the one that taught me that, Koro-Sensei."

She smirked.

"If my body gets too hot to bear, I'll just get even hotter and turn into tentacles."

Koro-Sensei frowned with worry.

"No!  Anymore and you will...!"

She sneered.

"I'm in perfect shape."

Swish, crackle, crackle.

Her flaming tentacles drew a ring of fire around her and Koro-Sensei, separating them from the group.

The students called out in alarm.

Kaede panted slightly, a bit woozy from the fever, but her gaze was still set on Koro-Sensei.

"My whole body's getting I won't miss any opportunities to attack!"

"Stop it, Kayano-chan!  This is wrong!"

Nagisa spoke through the wall of fire separating them.

"We all studied together!  If you sacrifice yourself just to kill him, there'll be nothing left of you!"

Kaede merely turned her gaze back to Koro-Sensei, smiling grimly.

"I'm not sacrificing anything, Nagisa.  Just killing this monster.  When I focus on something, I really get into it."

She then darted over to Koro-Sensei, starting the battle.

Tsuna looked at the battle with a stoic expression; Reborn was side-eying the brunet.

".....I know that look, Tsuna.  You can't--"

"I'll be....careful this time."

".......The Vindice?"

Tsuna shadowed his eyes with his bangs.

He then shrugged his suit top off.

"Screw the Vindice--I'm going."

Reborn sighed, reaching out and holding Tsuna's suit top for him.

"....Fine, but I'll stop you the moment I know you're in trouble."

The brunet smiled softly at the ravenet.

"Thanks, Reborn."

Tsuna walked past the students, alarming them slightly.

"Tsuna-Sensei!?  What are y--!?"

The brunet turned back to look at them.

They widened their eyes when they saw that the brunet's irises were...not a sunset-orange.....but a cool, sky-blue.

He smiled warmly.

"Calming down our dear student."

He raised a hand up.

Blue flames burst to life on his index finger.

He tapped the wall of flames, creating a small hole for him to step through; the students' jaws dropped.

'WHAT.  THE.  HE**!?'

Tsuna's blue eyes drifted over to Kaede, who was in midair; she was about to strike Koro-Sensei with her flaming tentacles.

His eyes flashed to an electric green.

In a flash, he stood between the two.

A green dome appeared, covering Tsuna and Koro-Sensei before Kaede struck.

Her tentacles didn't even put a scratch on the barrier.

She landed a few meters away, glaring at the barrier with confusion and anger.

Tsuna then looked back at Koro-Sensei, eyes set firm.

"Are you alright?"

Koro-Sensei gaped slightly at the brunet.

"Tsuna-kun, wha--?"

The brunet smiled sheepishly.

"Eheh~no time to explain.  Why don't you try and regenerate while I settle Kaede-chan down a bit, neh?"

His eyes switched to a sunflower-yellow; he was gone in a yellow blur.

Kaede darted her gaze around, sweat pouring from her temples.

She suddenly felt.....calm...

The green-haired girl snapped out of her daze and lashed out at the lifesource she sensed behind herself.

Tsuna landed a few meters away from her, grimacing; his eyes were blue again.

"Maa, Kaede-chan, can't we talk for a bi--?"


Tsuna bent backwards, hands stuffed into his pockets as he limboed a swing of her tentacles.

The brunet sweatdropped at her scathing glare that was sent at him as he straightened his back.

"Err....guess not, eheh?"

The Decimo laughed nervously before ducking under another attack.

His eyes were a sunflower-yellow once more; he sighed.

"Here we go...."

Kaede watched frantically as Tsuna darted all over the place.

'Wh...Wh-What is this?  He's almost as fast as...Koro-Sensei!?'

The brunet was suddenly in front of Kaede.

She flinched reflexively and curled in on herself, waiting for a hit.

Tsuna raised his index finger in front of her face and.....


The brunet poked her nose gently; Kaede blinked owlishly and went a bit cross-eyed.

Tsuna smiled.

"One point for me--!"

The brunet hopped out of the way as Kaede tried to attack him again.

Tsuna chuckled cheerfully.

"Maa, maa, it was only a small boop to the nose!"

Kaede lashed out again.

Outside of the ring of flames, the students sweatdropped slightly.

"....Although it's confusing and amazing that Tsuna-Sensei's using these weird looks like he's kinda ticking Kayano off more..."

Kaede gritted her teeth before turning her attention back to Koro-Sensei, who was trying to tell the students to distract her from her bloodlust somehow.

Tsuna's eyes became a lavender-purple.

His hands were coated with purple flames as he stood in front of Kaede, blocking her off from Koro-Sensei.

She growled lowly, lashing out for the nth time of the night.

"Get....out....of...the...way, d*** it!"

Tsuna kept his gaze calm as he gently redirected and deflected her tentacles with the basic martial arts he learned from Fon, the Storm Arcobaleno.

The brunet sighed softly.

His eyes glowed indigo.

"Hopefully we can settle down with a nice cup of pudding after this, Kaede-cha--"

Kaede's tentacles got through and stabbed him in the gut.

The girl was surprised--terrified for a second--but Tsuna's body turned into a cloud of indigo mist.


Her tentacles nagged at her brain; she harrowed her gaze.

'  Just what are these powers that Tsuna-Sensei has?'

With the pain of the tentacles, she broke through the illusion and charged at the real Tsuna, who was about to approach her and calm her with his blue flames.

Before she could try attacking Tsuna again, Koro-Sensei was there; he was struck in heart area.

Tsuna widened his eyes with worry.


The octopus managed to grin back at the brunet.

"Don't worry, Tsuna-kun!  This is all a part of the plan!"

Koro-Sensei flipped Kaede around, coughing up some blood as the girl stabbed at his heart.

And then....she saw Nagisa standing there.

She growled lowly and squirmed around, trying to get free.

Nagisa's face was calm as he stepped over to Kaede, reaching one of his hands up to her face.

'Che, he's probably going to use that special move!  He'll knock me out!  What should I--mmph!?'

Nagisa's lips were sealed on her own.

Tsuna sweatdropped slightly when Rio and Karma started to take pictures while Irina made a proud chuckle.

It was sweet kiss--with some Irina influences.

Kaede's eyes soon became calmer and focused.

A blush covered her entire face, causing her to look like a tomato.

Nagisa then gently lowered her to the ground, breaking the kiss while keeping a straight face.

"Will...that do, Koro-Sensei?"

The octopus nodded as he brought a few supplies out.

"Yes!  Please move a bit--I need to get those tentacles out immediately!"


Kayano's tentacles were successfully removed.

Some students teased Nagisa on his little kiss.

The situation became happy, but Koro-Sensei suddenly coughed up some blood.


The octopus merely waved them off.

"Nurfufu~you need not worry of me.  My heart just needs a bit more time to regenerate."

Tsuna crouched beside Koro-Sensei; his eyes glowed yellow as he placed a hand on the octopus's chest.

Koro-Sensei blinked in surprise as he healed a bit faster than usual.

The brunet then retracted his hand once the wound was healed, smiling brightly.

"All~better now."


Tsuna snapped his hand up and caught a bullet before it could reach Koro-Sensei's head.

Everyone was on edge in a matter of seconds; Reborn already had Leon and his normal pistol out before Tsuna caught the bullet.

They whipped their heads to see.....Shiro...and a strange man dressed completely in black, who help a smoking sniper gun.

Shiro sighed.

"Sharp reactions."

The white-wearing man then turned his gaze to Koro-Sensei.

"You're a frightening monster indeed.  Over just one year, you've repelled innumerable dozens of assassins with ease."

Shiro reached up to the front of his mask, ripping something off.

"However, there are two remaining here."

Tsuna recognized the device that fell from Shiro's grasp--despite the distance.

'A voice modifier?'

Shiro tugged his mask down, revealing his face.

"I am the last one.  You took everything from me, and so you'll receive your just desserts."

The mysterious man...had wavy, hair.  A small device covered his left eye, and his visible eye looked.....dead...and cold.

Shiro(?) smirked and turned away from the group, patting his companion's shoulder.

"Come along, Number Two.  When March comes, let us give him a perfect death for his accursed life."

Looking at 'Number Two', there was a large zipper for the face all the way to the bottom of the jacket.

The two disappeared.

"They're gone..."

"Who cares about that?  Look....Kayano's waking up."

Kaede groaned softly, slowly cracking her eyes open.

This time.....they were a warm gold.

She slowly sat up, looking at all of them.


She looked at her hands glumly.

"....My bloodlust was pure at first.  It was over the years that it became corrupted--I doubted myself, thinking that there might be another side of the story to my sister's death. were too nice..."

Kaede smiled bitterly.

"But my tentacles were too swelled up with bloodlust--I....I couldn't turn back..."

Silence filled the air.....and then Nagisa spoke up.

"Hey, Kayano-chan.  You, know, when you gave me this hairdo, it helped me become less self-conscious of how long my hair was.  You've created the name 'Koro-Sensei', and we've loved it for a year.  It doesn't matter what your goal was--what matters is...that you made everyone in class your closest friend."

The bluenet smiled softly.

"I....won't let you say that those fun times we had with each other....were all just an act."

He bent down slightly in front of her.

"Come on...let's listen to him--all of us, together."

Kaede blinked in surprise.


A tear fell onto her scarf; she sniffled.

"O...Okay.....I....can finally stop a-acting!"

The students all then turned to Koro-Sensei.

A breeze blew by.

"....Koro-Sensei....there's some connection between this assassination, your past, Yukimura-Sensei and us too, but why?"

Another breeze blew by.

"Please tell us.  No matter how bad your past is, as long as it's the truth, we'll accept it."

Yet another breeze.

Koro-Sensei sighed.

"If all possible, I wanted to leave the story of my past for the very end, it seems that I have no choice.  Your trust and the bonds that link us are too precious to me."

He looked at them all.

"On the Southern Island, during the summer vacation, Karasuma-Sensei said this about Irina-Sensei:.......'She's as capable as any other outstanding assassin out there'.  I think those words hit the mark right there."

He sighed softly.

"Class my very first teaching experience.  But that certainly didn't affect my performance.  I managed to teach you every subject without a hitch.....but why is that?"

The students widened their gazes.

"You don't mean...."

Koro-Sensei nodded.


The moon peeked through the clouds.

"Up until two years ago......I...was the master assassin.....known as..... the God of Death."

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