Chapter 4: Introductions

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"Hah?!  Aren't you Dame-Tsuna!?"

Sunset orbs flitted to a student at the back, who had brown hair with blonde at the sides; light-green eyes narrowed at the new brunet teacher.

All in all, he looked like a delinquent with his glare and 'high-and-mighty' aura.

Tsuna tipped his fedora down to the side, revealing a single eye.

"Hai.  And you are...?"

"Terasaka Ryoma!" The boy sneered. "Let's hope your Dame brain doesn't forget it!"

Tsuna merely smiled, unoffended by the insult and laughed sheepishly.

"Haha!  Let's hope, Terasaka-kun."

Ryoma looked a bit pissed at being brushed off so easily; Tsuna merely grinned and glanced at the rest of the students.

"Maa, I don't bite--please tell me your names."

Slowly, introductions were made, and Tsuna repeated every name with a smile, waving a hand at the correct owner of the name.

"Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma, Kayano Kaede, Okuda Manami, Kanzaki Yukiko, Tomohito Sugino, Isogai Yuuma, Okajima Taiga, Kimura Masayoshi, Sugaya Sousuke, Maehara Hiroto, Takebayashi Kotaro, Chiba Ryuunosuke, Mimura Kouki, Muramatsu Takuya, Yoshida Taisei, Kataoka Megu, Okano Hinata, Kurahashi Hinano, Nakamura Rio, Hayami Rinka, Hara Sumire, Fuwa Yuzuki, Yada Touka, Hazama Kirara, and Ritsu."

Everyone gaped at Tsuna with shock.

'He memorized all of our names and faces already?'

The brunet grinned before glancing at the.....depressed octopus, who was nursing a lump on his head, in the corner of the room.

"Ano....sumimasen..." (Um....excuse me...)

The octopus perked up and swiveled his head around to look at Tsuna; beady, black eyes observed him closely as comical tears ran down his eyes.

The brunet smiled nervously.

"Can I have your name?  Mine's Sawada Tsunayoshi--ah!"

Tsuna sweated when the octopus burst into tears once more.

"Bwaaaaaaaa!  Y-You're so n-nice!  Unlike certain teachers in this s-school!"

A tick mark appeared on Karasuma's head, causing the octopus to hide behind Tsuna, who laughed nervously.

"Sou deska?" (Really?)

Tsuna watched as the tentacles wiggled in the air, one of them was extended out to Tsuna.

The octopus grinned brightly.

"I am the main teacher of Class E.  You can call me Koro-Sensei, Sawada-kun."

Tsuna smiled and returned the handshake.

"Tsuna's fine, Koro-Sensei."

Koro-Sensei continued to grin.

"Tsuna-kun then~!"

The brunet chuckled before turning to the class; Koro-Sensei waved a tentacle in the air.

"Does anyone have questions for Tsuna-kun?"

Hands immediately shot up into the air.

Tsuna smiled and looked over at a green-haired girl.

"Hai, Kayano-chan?"

The girl's golden eyes sparkled as she dropped her hand.

"Do you like pudding?"

Most of the class nearly face-faulted at the random question; Tsuna merely chuckled.

"Yes.  I have quite the sweet tooth."

Kaede giggled with glee as Tsuna turned his attention to a redhead with gold-brown eyes.

"Hai, Akabane-kun?"

The boy's smile didn't waver as he tilted his head questioningly.

"Neh~why do you wear a fedora?"

Tsuna's hand tensed ever-so-slightly, but it was behind Koro-Sensei's desk at the moment; the yellow octopus was the only one to notice the action.

The brunet's smile became slightly strained.

"Ah...a little bit personal.  Gomen, Akabane-kun."

The redhead's smile faltered for a moment as he studied Tsuna closely before smiling once more.

"Okay~!  Gomen for asking anyways."

Tsuna merely waved a hand in the air.

"Haha, daijobu." (It's fine.)

That short conversation just aroused more questions in the other students' minds.

'He's so...mysterious...'

Koro-Sensei saw how Tsuna was starting to get a bit uncomfortable with answering questions, so, with his permanent grin, he turned to the class and waved his tentacles around.

"Last question now.  We need to start the lesson soon."

There were multiple groans and whines; all of the students dropped their hands--except for one.

Tsuna looked at the bluenet that was seated near the middle of the class.

"Hai, Shiota-kun?"

The bluenet fiddled with his hands for a bit, blushing slightly before looking up at the brunet.

"Eto...I...was just curious of that unique ring you have on your fingers."

The classroom blinked in surprise and finally noticed the unique, two-piece ring on Tsuna's right hand--even Koro-Sensei, Karasuma, and Irina never noticed it before.

The brunet ignored their stares and raised the hand, the chain connecting the two pieces jingled softly; Tsuna smiled.

"This something that I gained...with my dying will."

Everyone's face was filled with confusion; the brunet's voice was filled with a sort of wistfulness.

Suddenly, Tsuna stuck his tongue out and winked.

"I got it from Italy~!"

Everyone face-faulted once more--except Ritsu, who simply giggled.

The giggle brought the class back to question on how their new teacher was accepting the fact that there was an octopus right next to him, and there was an electronic student in the back.


After the little introduction, Tsuna was sent out of the class.

Since he was new, the brunet had to be filled in on everything that was going on in Class E.

Karasuma had told Tsuna everything--from the reason why the moon was destroyed, to the mission to kill Koro-Sensei

The brunet, with a hand under his chin, was currently processing the information, but Tsuna's reaction surprised Karasuma.

'He's taking this all in with such a calm air...'

Tsuna's mind was in a slight jumble, but he managed to get a grounding of the situation; the brunet smiled at the ravenet in front of him after getting things worked out.

"I see....what will I be teaching?"

Once more, Karasuma was shocked, but he shook off his stupor just as quickly; his face turning back to its usual stoic expression.

"Well...the target teaches pretty much all class subjects while I do P.E. and Irina teaches World Languages."

Karasuma hummed thoughtfully before an idea came to him.

"Well...the octopus is pretty bad at teaching how to about you?"

Tsuna blinked in slight surprise before grinning.

"I think I can try that out."

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